Missile slot reworks?

Do we need a missile missile rework?


Damage Properties

Damage can come in a form of:

  • Standard (not explosive)
  • Explosive

Main difference is that there are certain modifiers affecting explosive damage:

  • Target size - Currently there are 4 different ship sizes in the game which are corresponding to ship classes:
  • Interceptors - only take 66% from explosion damage sources (x0.66)
  • Fighters - have nothing special in this regards (x1.0)
  • Frigates - take extra 25% damage (x1.25)
  • Destroyers - take extra 100% damage (x2.0)

Almost all explosion type weapons do an AOE (Area of Effect) splash damage in small radius, and triggered by a proximity, meaning that valley not necessary have to directly hit the target, but will be triggered by coming into a close proximity of the target. Another treat of the Explosion weapons is that they do not have a damage fall-off at maximum range, like most of standard weapons do (most of the standard weapons have optimal and maximum range, “Max=0.7 x Opt”, where damage is greatly falls off beyond optimal range). Explosion weapons usually have slower projectile speed and low fire rate, making them mostly suited versus heavy slow targets or for close range encounters. Weapons like Coil Mortars, Singularity Canon, Halo launcher are all of Explosive types, while Beam Cannon, Gauss, Assault Rail gun are all standard type.

All Missiles and Rockets do explosive type of damage.


While every weapons and modules get stronger and more fancy we did not see a missile slot ammo  rework for a long time. Question is do we need a missile rework or not. Some say yes some say no. Please discuss

I still don’t understand why interceptors take just 66% of original damage. 

Interceptors are class of ship that can dodge missile very easy.


Also I have expirianced that intys can fiŕe doomsday missile from very very close range and they don’t take any damage.


Possible rework perhaps in this way that we can pick missiles that are anti spec. class of ships.


Or so that all can do 100% damage but some with higher speed and turn rate and low damage. Or opposite way. More damage low speed and turn rate.


For me is also funny that smallest ship class can take largest number of missiles. This is illogical.


the missile is op enough…

i am a missile user and face tons of missile coming to me too…

Synopsis of all missile specs!


▲ ◆ ■ : all ship classes


Name                     Attack drone 17
Type                    Drone
Ship type               ▲ ◆ ■ all ship classes
Allowed ranks            14-17
DPS (thermal)            1181 dmg
Damage                  1181 dmg
Rate od fire            60 rounds/min
Projectile speed        2000 m/s
Recharge                15 s
Durability              2268 hull pts
Flight range            10500 m
Flight speed            ? m/s
Maneuvering speed        ? deg/s
Charges in cartridge    2 pts
Cartridge reloading     120 s
Description                Launches a drone with 2268 hull strength that pursues and attacks your current target within a 10500 m  range.


Name                     Doomsday missile 17
Type                     Guided missile (heavy)
Ship type               ▲ ◆ ■ all ship classes
Allowed ranks           13-17
Blast (thermal)         13000 dmg
Recharge                    15 s
Explosion radius         100 m
Flight range             m
Flight speed               621 m/s
Maneuvering speed      20 deg/s
Charges in cartridge      3 pts
Cartridge reloading    120 s
Description              A powerful missile crushing all in its path. Can avoid obstacles in flight.


▲ Interceptors:all


Name                    Small missiles 17
Type                    Homing missile
Ship type                ▲ interceptor
Allowed ranks            13-17
Blast (thermal)            2179 dmg
Recharge                   5 s
Explosion radius          75 m
Flight range            2000 m
Flight speed            1380 m/s
Maneuvering speed         120 deg/s
Charges in cartridge       8 pts
Cartridge reloading      120 s
Description                Small homing missiles dealing medium thermal damage.


Name                     Plasma missiles 17
Type                    Unguided missile
Ship type               ▲ interceptor
Allowed ranks            13-17
Blast (EM)                3995 dmg
Recharge                3 s
Explosion radius        75 m
Flight range            2000 m
Flight speed            1495 m/s
Maneuvering speed       1495 deg/s
Charges in cartridge    10 pts
Cartridge reloading     120 s
Description                Standard missile dealing heavy EM damage; particular effective against shields.


Name                     Piercing missiles 17
Type                    Unguided missile
Ship type               ▲ interceptor
Allowed ranks            13-17
Blast (kinetic)            2906 dmg
Recharge                3 s
Explosion radius        75 m
Flight range            2000 m
Flight speed            2070 m/s
Maneuvering speed       ? deg/s
Charges in cartridge    10 pts
Cartridge reloading     120 s
Description                Unguided missile dealing kinetic damage; particular effective against hull.


▲ Interceptor:recon


Name                     Slowing missiles 17
Type                    Unguided missile
Ship type               ▲ interceptor:recon
Allowed ranks            13-17
Blast (EM)                2421 dmg
Recharge                3 s
Explosion radius        75 m
Flight range            2000 m
Flight speed            1495 m/s
Maneuvering speed       ? deg/s
Charges in cartridge    10 pts
Cartridge reloading     120 s
Description                Reduces enemy ships’ speed in a 500 m explosion radius by 37.5 % for 7.8 s.


Name                     Proximity mine 17
Type                    Pro tools
Ship type               ▲ interceptor:recon
Allowed ranks            13-17
Blast (thermal)            8474 dmg
Recharge                15 s
Explosion radius        100 m
Trigger radius            195 m
Active time                  140 s
Charges in cartridge    8 pts
Cartridge reloading     120 s
Description                Sets up a mine that sticks to the target within trigger range. Only enemy ships receive damage from the mine.


▲ Interceptor:covert ops


Name                     Tactical nuke 17
Type                    Pro tools
Ship type               ▲ interceptor:cov ops
Allowed ranks            13-17
Blast (thermal)            10330 dmg
Explosion radius        1200 m
Charges in cartridge    1 pts
Cartridge reloading     120 s
Description                A small nuclear bomb with high damage in a small radius. Also generates a radio active cloud dealing 3099 dmg/s to ships in a 300 m radius for 10 s; the explosion delay is 7 s.


▲ Interceptor:ecm


Name                     Energy-neutralizing missile 17
Type                    Unguided missile
Ship type               ▲ interceptor:ecm
Allowed ranks            13-17
Blast (EM)                2906 dmg
Recharge                10 s
Explosion radius        75 m
Flight range            200 m
Flight speed            1380 m/s
Maneuvering speed       ? deg/s
Charges in cartridge    10 pts
Cartridge reloading     120 s
Description                Missile explosion generates a field that burns 170 pts of energy for all ships in a 700 m  radius for 15 s.


◆ Fighters:all


Name                     EM missiles 17
Type                    Homing missile
Ship type               ◆ fighter
Allowed ranks            13-17
Blast (EM)              3632 dmg
Recharge                6 s
Explosion radius        100 m
Flight range             m
Flight speed            966 m/s
Maneuvering speed       100 deg/s
Charges in cartridge    6 pts
Cartridge reloading     120 s
Description                Guided medium range missiles with medium electro magnetic (EM) damage.


Name                    Piercing missiles 17
Type                    Homing missile
Ship type               ◆ fighter
Allowed ranks            13-17
Blast (kinetic)            3632 dmg
Recharge                6 s
Explosion radius        100 m
Flight range            9240 m
Flight speed            1461 m/s
Maneuvering speed       50 deg/s
Charges in cartridge    6 pts
Cartridge reloading     120 s
Description                Guided medium range missiles with medium kinetic damage.


Name                    Standard missiles 17
Type                    Homing missile
Ship type                ◆ fighter
Allowed ranks            13-17
Blast (thermal)            3632 dmg
Recharge                   6 s
Explosion radius         100 m
Flight range            9240 m
Flight speed            1461 m/s
Maneuvering speed         50 deg/s
Charges in cartridge       6 pts
Cartridge reloading     120 s
Description                Guided medium-range missiles with medium thermal damage.


◆ Fighter:gunship


Name                     Firestorm 17
Type                    Unguided missile (volley)
Ship type               ◆ fighter:gunship
Allowed ranks            13-17
Blast (thermal)            11200 dmg
Recharge                14 s
Explosion radius        200 m
Flight range            2400 m
Flight speed            2640 m/s
Maneuvering speed       ? deg/s
Charges in cartridge    3 pts
Cartridge reloading     120 s
Description                Launches a volley of 5 unguided missiles.

Hint: Some fighter like the Empire premium rank 9 gunship Desert Eagle have a cartridge reload time of only 55s.


◆ Fighter:tackler


Name                     Slowing field missile 17
Type                    Homing missile
Ship type               ◆ fighter:tackler
Allowed ranks            13-17
Blast (EM)                3390 dmg
Recharge                10 s
Explosion radius        75 m
Flight range            9240 m
Flight speed            966 m/s
Maneuvering speed       50 deg/s
Charges in cartridge    5 pts
Cartridge reloading     120 s
Special effect          40% speed reduction
Active time             12 s
Description                Missile explosion reduces movement speed by 40% for all ships in a 700 m radius for 12 s.


◆ Fighter:command


Name                     Ion-beam warhead missiles 17
Type                    Homing missile
Ship type               ◆ fighter:command
Allowed ranks            13-17
Blast (EM)                2179 dmg
Recharge                6 s
Explosion radius        75 m
Flight range            9240 m
Flight speed            966 m/s
Maneuvering speed       50 deg/s
Charges in cartridge    5 pts
Cartridge reloading     120 s
Special effect          enemy weapons and active modules denial
Active time             4 s
Description                Stops the enemy ships in the 150 m explosion radius from using active modulesa and weapons for 4 s.


■ Frigates:All


Name                    Cruise missile  17
Type                    Homing missile
Ship type               ■ frigate
Allowed ranks            13-17
Blast (thermal)            8717 dmg
Recharge                12 s
Explosion radius        200 m
Flight range            11550 m
Flight speed            621 m/s
Maneuvering speed        30 deg/s
Charges in cartridge    4 pts
Cartridge reloading     120 s
Description                Guided long range missile with heavy therman damage.


Name                     Octopus 17
Type                    Homing missile (volley)
Ship type               ■ frigate
Allowed ranks            13-17
Total damage (kinetic)  10169 dmg
Blast (kinetic)            2034 dmg
Recharge                20 s
Explosion radius        100 m
Flight range            3485 m
Flight speed            1461 m/s
Maneuvering speed       35 deg/s
Charges in cartridge    3 pts
Cartridge reloading     120 s
Description                Launches a volley of 5 guided missiles.


Name                     Torpedo 17
Type                    Unguided missile
Ship type               ■ frigate
Allowed ranks            13-17
Blast (EM)                17433 dmg
Recharge                8 s
Explosion radius        400 m
Flight range            7920 m
Flight speed            403 m/s
Maneuvering speed        ? deg/s
Charges in cartridge    3 pts
Cartridge reloading     120 s
Description                Unguided missile dealing heavy EM damage.


Name                     Minelayer 17
Type                    Pro tools:Mine field
Ship type               ■ frigate
Allowed ranks            13-17
Blast (thermal)            4358 dmg (max 8 times per enemy)
Recharge                15 s
Explosion radius        100 m
Radius                  455 m
Active time             50 s
Charges in cartridge    2 pts
Cartridge reloading     120 s
Description                Deploys a mine field with a 455 m sensitivity radius for 50 s. Only enemy ships receive damage, but not more than 8 times.


■ Frigate:Engineer


Name                    Attack drone 17
Type                    Pro tools:Attack drone
Ship type               ■ frigate:engineering
Allowed ranks            13-17
DPS (thermal)            1090 dmg
Damage                  1090 dmg
Rate od fire            60 rounds/min
Projectile speed        2000 m/s
Recharge                15 s
Durability              1800 hull pts
Flight range            10500 m
Flight speed            ? m/s
Maneuvering speed        ? deg/s
Charges in cartridge    2 pts
Cartridge reloading     120 s
Description                Launches a drone with 1800 hull strength that pursues and attacks your current target within a 10500 m  range.


■ Frigate:Guard


Name                    Anomaly generator 17
Type                    Pro tools:Deathray
Ship type               ■ frigate:guard
Allowed ranks            13-17
Blast (EM)              17500 dmg
Recharge                7 s
Explosion radius        280 m
Active range            5000 m
Charges in cartridge    5 pts
Cartridge reloading     120 s
Description                Highlights the target for 1.5 s then the highlighted area explodes. Highlighting is reset if beam changes direction. Active range 5000 m.


Ellydium:Waz’Got (engineer)


Type:                         Scavenger drones (special module)
Ship type:                     ■ frigate:Waz’Got
Name:                          Boomerang drones
Drone:DPS (EM)               355 dmg/s
Drone:damage (EM)              159 dmg
Drone:rate of fire            70 rounds/min
Drone:durability            2165 pts
Drones (max)                   4 pts
Missile:blast (EM)             ? dmg
Missile:blast radius           ? m
Missile:range               5000 m
Missile:velocity            1000 m/s
Drone preparation time        27 s
Module:production limit        2 pts
Recharge                       5 s
Description:                  By picking up ship debris the engineer produces drones attacking the enemy and repairing the ship for 40% of received damage. On activation a drone becomes a missile attacking the target. Upon missile explosion nearby allies are repaire and enemies receive damage.




1 hour ago, GatoGrande said:

For me is also funny that smallest ship class can take largest number of missiles. This is illogical.


lol . yes

the bottom line is that in the real world  the ship size or class wouldn’t affect the laws of physics at all … why the PVP based MMO’s have adopted this stupidity is beyond me  … a missile should do “xxxx” damage  to any class ship … the fighter and interceptor class have the advantage of dodging it  … the frigate class have the advantage of  resisting it  … the destroyer class have the advantage of  withstanding it  … THERE IS YOUR BALANCE !!!… why rewrite the laws of physics to create more server lag calculating not only the resistance and implant values but also the 251 different ship sizes … it just seems a futile stupidity to me … so you get hit by a missile you couldn’t tank or dodge  … DEAL WITH IT !!!

45 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:

more server lag

multiplication by a constant factor does not create server lag. that’s ridiculous.


also, in real physics damaging a larger target will have more matter to work with, so while relatively it might be less damage to the whole, there will be more overall damage, because more force will be absorbed directly by the target, instead of escaping. this is reflected quite well, by resistance and overall hitpoints.


and just in case, explosions do not work in space anyway, as there is no atmosphere, hence, no shockwave.

and if we talk about internal explosions, yet again, a larger craft has more medium, hence, explosives will be more effective against them.


also, most games do it like this, in eve, e.g. explosions are an area (mystical space explosion area) and since a smaller ship occupies a smaller volume in that area, it will get less damage.

1 hour ago, Original_Taz said:

the bottom line is that in the real world  the ship size or class wouldn’t affect the laws of physics at all … why the PVP based MMO’s have adopted this stupidity is beyond me  … a missile should do “xxxx” damage  to any class ship … the fighter and interceptor class have the advantage of dodging it  … the frigate class have the advantage of  resisting it  … the destroyer class have the advantage of  withstanding it  … THERE IS YOUR BALANCE !!!… why rewrite the laws of physics to create more server lag calculating not only the resistance and implant values but also the 251 different ship sizes … it just seems a futile stupidity to me … so you get hit by a missile you couldn’t tank or dodge  … DEAL WITH IT !!!

And again - 2 year old kid behaviour. This game is build around explosive damage scaling premise from the start. Not to mention - in the real world space battles wouldn’t be done in space of few km^3, but rather a little larger, and everything you would see is a blip on your radar screen. And since it’s not a real world, not even real world simulator, let me put my science hat on and explain to you why does it work that way. 

  • all ships have shields. Always. Even when you hear shields down you have at least 1 point of shields in next half a second
  • missile warheads have radial detonation pattern (it’s a sphere - we don’t have explosive formed penetrators modelled or cumulative streams)
  • missiles are detonating with the shield contact
  • shields are roughly spherical
  • as it is vacuum, explosion particles are the main damaging factor (there is no atmosphere to conduct shockwave, all matter comes from the missile)
  • from the above it means that the force the ship is subject to is proportional to the size of the ship (bigger shield - bigger area that will absorb the explosion energy in form of EM radiation and particles)
  • which is EXACTLY what is modelled into this game. (If it is not clear, I can make a picture for you)

Your premise of doing the very same damage to any ship size would be correct for non-explosive ordnance - and it is perfectly modelled here as well.

And I fully agree that calculating intersecting area for each ship would be a nonsense, hence we have only 4 values - 1 for each class.


Which basically makes your post moot. DEAL WITH IT!!!


I do think that missiles need some changes, but I don’t think that changing raw values is the way to do it.

We need a core change in the mechanics rather than simple tweaks. Also more variations in missile slot ammo to chose from would be stellar.

I’d love a missile slot laser or true death ray.


4 hours ago, GatoGrande said:

For me is also funny that smallest ship class can take largest number of missiles. This is illogical.

It’s  actually logical:

Interceptors can carry small missiles (8 - guided, 10 - unguided) while fighters carry medium size missiles (5 or 6) and frigates carry heavy missiles or even clusters of missiles (3 or 4 or 3 clusters with 5 smaller ones). However damage and range varies - small missiles are short ranged, fast reload, low damage weapons (think APKWS size), medium ones have much higher range and bigger warhead (think AMRAAM, R-77) and heavy ones have even bigger range and warhead (think Harpoon, Tomahawk). The only exception is Doomsday - which is very expensive missile in small package with high explosive warhead, but with smallest, small missile class, motor. 

I would actually allow missiles to be fitted class-up - so small missiles for inties, fighters and frigates (with different amount on them), medium - on fighters and frigs (again - frigs would carry more than fighters).

1 minute ago, OwnageMaster said:

I would actually allow missiles to be fitted class-up - so small missiles for inties, fighters and frigates (with different amount on them), medium - on fighters and frigs (again - frigs would carry more than fighters).

Love this.

3 hours ago, Original_Taz said:

… a missile should do “xxxx” damage  to any class ship … the fighter and interceptor class have the advantage of dodging it  … the frigate class have the advantage of  resisting it  … the destroyer class have the advantage of  withstanding it  … THERE IS YOUR BALANCE !!!… 


I have same opinion about this.


56 minutes ago, OwnageMaster said:


It’s  actually logical:

Interceptors can carry small missiles (8 - guided, 10 - unguided) while fighters carry medium size missiles (5 or 6) and frigates carry heavy missiles or even clusters of missiles (3 or 4 or 3 clusters with 5 smaller ones). However damage and range varies - small missiles are short ranged, fast reload, low damage weapons (think APKWS size), medium ones have much higher range and bigger warhead (think AMRAAM, R-77) and heavy ones have even bigger range and warhead (think Harpoon, Tomahawk). The only exception is Doomsday - which is very expensive missile in small package with high explosive warhead, but with smallest, small missile class, motor. 

I would actually allow missiles to be fitted class-up - so small missiles for inties, fighters and frigates (with different amount on them), medium - on fighters and frigs (again - frigs would carry more than fighters).


One question here:


Why is number of doomsday missile same on all ships?? 


What is logical here?  ![o_O](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007.png “o_O”)


Oh wait this is second question  ![:00:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00.png “:00:”)

2 hours ago, SunnySweet said:

One question here:


Why is number of doomsday missile same on all ships?? 

Cause they are alien based products and if you have more than 3 they explode ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)  - dunno. Maybe because there are no separate variants for different classes. 
Also what is logical in the previous post? If you would check what those missiles are - you would know. IRL 7 rounds APWKS launcher is 250mm in diameter and weights 72 kilograms fully loaded - it can be installed in pairs. R-27 (equivalent of medium missile) weights 250kg, AMRAAM  - 150 kg and R-77 ~200 kg each and you can install up to 8 of them on heavier fighters. Heavy missiles like cruise missiles are big and heavy. For example - Kh-22 weights 6 tonnes and Tu-22M3 can carry 3 of them ONLY with reduced range and speed configuration. Doomsday equivalent for me is Kh-31/AS-17 and it can indeed be carried only up to 4 pieces no matter if it’s fighter, fighter bomber or Tu-22M3 heavy bomber due to awkward shape (heck even the characteristics fits - it can turn only slowly, but the hit is devastating and there was a version designed to kill enemy AWACS planes) and Tu-22M3 is 4 times bigger than i.e Su-27. 

Hope it helps ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

8 hours ago, GatoGrande said:

For me is also funny that smallest ship class can take largest number of missiles. This is illogical.


3 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

It’s  actually logical:

Interceptors can carry small missiles (8 - guided, 10 - unguided) while fighters carry medium size missiles (5 or 6) and frigates carry heavy missiles or even clusters of missiles (3 or 4 or 3 clusters with 5 smaller ones).

I would actually allow missiles to be fitted class-up - so small missiles for inties, fighters and frigates (with different amount on them), medium - on fighters and frigs (again - frigs would carry more than fighters).

But shouldn’t it be (if it where logical) this way :

  • Interceptors can carry small missiles (8 - guided, 10 - unguided)
  • Fighters carry medium size missiles ( 8 or 10 ) or can carry small missiles ( 12 - guided, 15 - unguided)
  • Frigates carry heavy missiles ( 8 or 10 or 8 clusters with 5 smaller ones) or carry medium size missiles ( 12 or 15 ) or can carry small missiles ( 16 - guided, 20 - unguided)

… because missiles get bigger but ship also get bigger from interceptor class through fighter class to frigate class!


* A point of critique is that [Attack drone 17] and [Doomsday missile 17] ar equal for all ship classes▲ ◆ ■ , that is 2 attack drones and 3 doomsdays. This should scale with ship size, too: inty 2/3, fighter 3/4, frigate 4/6


* Another point is, that damage per second doable through missiles through the spaceship classe stay relatively equal, despite that the damage taken by frigates and destroyers do handicap them, so for this handicap there should be an advantage in damage from missile

doable from bigger ships.


I will give examples (per second is over 1 entire cassette reload cycle, incl. cartridge reload time):


▲ ◆ ■ : All ship classes

Name                    Doomsday missile 17
Type                    Guided missile (heavy)
Ship type               ▲ ◆ ■ all ship classes

Sum dmg/s:         236 dmg/s      [(13000 dmg * 3)/(3 * 15 s + 120 s) = 39000 dmg/165 s = 236 dmg/s]



▲ Interceptors:all

Name                    Plasma missiles 17
Type                    Unguided missile
Ship type               ▲ interceptor

Sum dmg/s:          266 dmg/s



◆ Fighters:all

Name                    EM missiles 17
Type                    Homing missile
Ship type               ◆ fighter

Sum dmg/s:         140 dmg/s



■ Frigates:All

Name                    Octopus 17
Type                    Homing missile (volley)
Ship type               ■ frigate

Sum dmg/s:         170 dmg/s


Name                    Cruise missile  17
Type                    Homing missile
Ship type               ■ frigate

Sum dmg/s:         208 dmg/s


Name                    Torpedo 17
Type                    Unguided missile
Ship type               ■ frigate

Sum dmg/s:          363 dmg/s




P.S.: A switch of missile type (small,medium) for Fighter’s and (small,medium,big)  Frigates’ missile slots would be real good!

4 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Love this.

Me, too!

But maybe op – so ??

Ok but I would love a clip of 30 small plasma missiles on my frigate. Or just a rapid-fire missile turret for destroyers as a secondary weapon.

59 minutes ago, OwnageMaster said:

Cause they are alien based products and if you have more than 3 they explode ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)  - dunno. Maybe because there are no separate variants for different classes. 
Also what is logical in the previous post? If you would check what those missiles are - you would know. IRL 7 rounds APWKS launcher is 250mm in diameter and weights 72 kilograms fully loaded - it can be installed in pairs. R-27 (equivalent of medium missile) weights 250kg, AMRAAM  - 150 kg and R-77 ~200 kg each and you can install up to 8 of them on heavier fighters. Heavy missiles like cruise missiles are big and heavy. For example - Kh-22 weights 6 tonnes and Tu-22M3 can carry 3 of them ONLY with reduced range and speed configuration. Doomsday equivalent for me is Kh-31/AS-17 and it can indeed be carried only up to 4 pieces no matter if it’s fighter, fighter bomber or Tu-22M3 heavy bomber due to awkward shape (heck even the characteristics fits - it can turn only slowly, but the hit is devastating and there was a version designed to kill enemy AWACS planes) and Tu-22M3 is 4 times bigger than i.e Su-27. 

Hope it helps ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Wikipedia has this:


fighter aircraft:


Up to 6 × Kh-15 missiles on a MKU-6-1 rotary launcher in its bomb bay, plus 4 × Raduga Kh-15 missiles on two underwing pylons for a total of 10 missiles per aircraft. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tupolev_Tu-22M]


strike bomber:


The Su-27 … has up to 10 hardpoints for missiles and other weapons … Its standard missile armament for air-to-air combat is a mixture of R-73 (AA-11 Archer) and R-27 (AA-10 ‘Alamo’) missiles… [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukhoi_Su-27]


5 hours ago, g4borg said:

multiplication by a constant factor does not create server lag. that’s ridiculous.


also, in real physics damaging a larger target will have more matter to work with, so while relatively it might be less damage to the whole, there will be more overall damage, because more force will be absorbed directly by the target, instead of escaping. this is reflected quite well, by resistance and overall hitpoints.


and just in case, explosions do not work in space anyway, as there is no atmosphere, hence, no shockwave.

and if we talk about internal explosions, yet again, a larger craft has more medium, hence, explosives will be more effective against them.


also, most games do it like this, in eve, e.g. explosions are an area (mystical space explosion area) and since a smaller ship occupies a smaller volume in that area, it will get less damage.


in the real world a single missile destroys a fighter plane  … your mind is broken from so much time spent in online games you’ve lost track of reality

1 hour ago, avarshina said:


But shouldn’t it be (if it where logical) this way :

  • Interceptors can carry small missiles (8 - guided, 10 - unguided)
  • Fighters carry medium size missiles ( 8 or 10 ) or can carry small missiles ( 12 - guided, 15 - unguided)
  • Frigates carry heavy missiles ( 8 or 10 or 8 clusters with 5 smaller ones) or carry medium size missiles ( 12 or 15 ) or can carry small missiles ( 16 - guided, 20 - unguided)

… because missiles get bigger but ship also get bigger from interceptor class through fighter class to frigate class!

P.S.: A switch of missile type (small,medium) for Fighter’s and (small,medium,big)  Frigates’ missile slots would be real good!


I kind like this,

but for sure it would be interesting if you could mount different missiles at same time.


lets say on frigate; 8-10 regular frigate missiles, or just 4-5 frigate missile and 8-10 small anti inty missiles at same time

or 12-15 medium size missles with 3-5 sec reload time lol lol lol

we would hear a lot of QQ from inty players…


oh wait I like interceptors more then frigate QQ in advance


In general that would be fair, same amount of missiles for all classes of ships.

Ahh yes and same reload time…


Oh but then what would we do with destroyers? Biggest class and more room for missiles than any other ship class

1 hour ago, Original_Taz said:


in the real world a single missile destroys a fighter plane  … your mind is broken from so much time spent in online games you’ve lost track of reality

It’s not a 100%. Smaller missiles usually are making damage, but their theoretical Pk (Probability of kill) is ~30%. If we are talking about very small missiles vs twin-engine fighters - they usually survive a single hit.  Even one F15 did survive AIM-9 hit in dogfight (fired by accident). However historical data is pretty brutal:

AIM-120 AMRAAM - in Yugoslavia against MiG-29s in poor condition - Pk 38%.

AIM-7M - in Iraq - Pk 27%

AIM-9 launched from F-16 - Iraq - funny story - 36 launches, 0 kills, most misses, not a single confirmed kill 

US Navy F-14s and F-18s fired 21 AIM-7s for one kill (Pk 4,8%), and 38 AIM-9s for two kills (Pk 5,3%). That’s 59 launches for 3 kills. 

Don’t believe me? Google it.