Mismatched matchmaking

So the new patch is in and guess what - in spite of player responses to a poll just this week (or maybe last week if memory fails) the matchmaking system has been revamped - and we are NOT happy about it.


A T4 and a T2 ship should never meet, regardless of player skill differences. This is just basic common sense. Think about it: who do you think will win a fight? The Olympic fencing champion armed with a sword or some random guy off the street armed with an assault rifle? My money’s on the guy with the assault rifle. 

The new system is basically like saying “Well, we have this one soldier who really sucks at being a soldier - all the other soldiers are always outperforming him by far. And we have this 12 year old track athlete who’s a regional champion. Sounds like a fair fight to me” - It’s NOT a fair fight and it just baffles the mind how anyone could think otherwise. 


I really used to love this game - even though I pretty much suck at it (my win ratio’s below 1) - I’ve never complained about leftover modules from CBT, how russians supposedly have an advantage or some other xxxx like that. I just liked playing the game. But this change in the matchmaking system will probably make me switch to a similar game that’s better thought out.

My only regret is the 11 euros I pointlessly gave to the devs who though cross-tier matchmaking was a good idea. 



Like this? Very balanced yes?

Yeah.  I spent $70 on this game during the Steam sale because I honestly and truly thought this game was a breath of fresh air in the F2P area.  Tons of fun and not a lot of money grubbing/P2W crap.


Since then, several features have made me regret that, especially the cost increase to ships, the nerf to rewards, and the wonky balancing.


This, however, is a joke.  Matchmaking improved?  That’s an insult when me and a buddy, in an effort to test how bad  the new matchmaking is, brought 1 T2 ship apiece.


There were several T4’s in the game.

I usualy never complain bluntly about this kind of stuff but this time its has gone beyond ludacris.

T3/T4 have no place among T2 what so ever.

I just when from winning slightly more then loosing arcade to a 1 in 5 win and that single win was because my team had 6 T3 and a T4 doing thier job.


Ive never felt so completely useless in a fight yet in this game.

If i can hardly participate and just cross my fingers that the higher levels do a good job how am i ever to get up in ranks and actually buy new ships and gear? (which ofcourse all of a sudden have become 30% more expensive)


Congradulations you guys just F**KED up a brillant game making it Pay-to-Win

If this doesnt get changed back soon im seriously uninstalling this game and forgetting about it all together.

Congradulations you guys just F**KED up a brillant game making it Pay-to-Win

If this doesnt get changed back soon im seriously uninstalling this game and forgetting about it all together.


Yep, I have the very same feelings ; recent changes in the matchmaking turned this game into an incredible stupid one.

Introducing a new module’s classification without providing proper modules is also an insanity. If you give roles to your ships, please make playing these roles possible.

I used to love this game ; but I don’t think I’ll play again until the next patch.

As far as I can tell from looking at the main chat since the patch has been live, this is a pretty general feeling. I really do hope the devs will take note of player feelings on this topic (something they should have done ever since the question first came up in the polls) and fix it, or they may find their game sharply falling in popularity… 

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/18861-new-player-old-problems/?p=191065](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18861-new-player-old-problems/?p=191065)

What I think, and also -


Error said "Please stay calm, we will fix the issues as soon as possible " (I may be paraphrasing.)


Hope those devs have fast fingers… :stuck_out_tongue:

The matchmaking is seriously bull, my t3mk3 emp missile does naught against a t4 ceptor! dafuq?


(repost from thread that was locked and linked to here)


Does this game not want new players ?


Cause I’m totally fed up with how all we are now just seem to be targets for the Vets.

Bad enough that I can’t get loyalty up fast enough so I can play against ships of my own tier on equal footing (as in having blue gear as well) now I just got killed in my T2 ship by a T4 ship player.


I mean seriously ?


What am I in this game as a new player ? Are the devs attempting to use me as a replacement for the time and effort it would cost them to make proper AI bots that can be farmed again and again ?



Be happy veteran players who have T4 and all subfactions to 12, you are being entertained now by real persons who even get angry at being farmed by you, isnt that so much cooler than farming bots who never get mad about it ?

Incoming mass thread locks as people grab their pitch forks, this xxxx needs to be reverted ASAP because it will literally kill the game.  As a new player I was planning on spending my entire weekend on this game, now I will do something else and not come back.  Everyone I know who had a modicum of interest in the game has lost it with this one patch.  Not to mention how much harder it is to buy ships and grind reputation now, it’s like the developers think newbies should act as bots to be farmed by ‘vets’ who leveled up while it was easy and cheap.  Bullshit.

I have not played yet, but i sense anyone that has achieved higher levels or max T3 is gonna win. All othe tiers are gonna go to xxxx now…


Time to go back to T1? Oh wait, they reduced the rewards for high ranking players for doing that. Not only is the loyalty slow as hell, and the money is low as hell, and even the LOOTING is fucked up, they are making this game into a grind fest. I dont like that. NOBODY likes grinding.

Congradulations you guys just F**KED up a brillant game making it Pay-to-Win

If this doesnt get changed back soon im seriously uninstalling this game and forgetting about it all together.

It’s not pay to win.


How do I know?  Because I’m a Tier 3 capable premium player and even I think the adjusted rewards and ship prices suck xxxx.  This game is far more grindy than it has any right to be currently and doesn’t get any better even when you’re a paying customer.


Cross tier matchmaking needs to go away and the rewards set back to where they were.  How they were prior to this patch were both things that nobody had any complaint about and in fact praised Star Conflict for.  The changes this patch made will serve only to drive people off.

It’s not pay to win.


How do I know?  Because I’m a Tier 3 capable premium player and even I think the adjusted rewards and ship prices suck xxxx.  This game is far more grindy than it has any right to be currently and doesn’t get any better even when you’re a paying customer.


Cross tier matchmaking needs to go away and the rewards set back to where they were.  How they were prior to this patch were both things that nobody had any complaint about and in fact praised the Star Conflict for.  The changes this patch made will serve only to drive people off.


Exactly, you have a valid point. Im a T4 and T3 player with excellent ships. I drop down to T2 cause it was the most stable for income and wins. But thats because it was T2 Vs T2. If they had mix ships, the wins would basically be depended on the pilots that bring in T3 or a T4 ship to win.


Take out the Grind factor, Fix the matchmaking, Fix the loyalty, and make it so I dont Quit when my license runs out. 



Bring back the old system, it was one of the brilliant things about this game!

Pretty much looks like some dev was overconfident in his math, that he have coded proper matchmaking system based on player tiers and ratings, and whatever else. If that so, boy have I news for you!


A lot of things in this game were really anoying to many of players, but this is just deal breaker. Surely it will be fixed, but it already may have some overall damage.

This is a wall to ALL new players, veteran players like me don’t WANT to farm newbs, but if the game FORCES us into a match with newbs what are we supposed to do? I personally like having a challenge. But this is rediculoius, its like having a drag race with a honda civic verses a nissian GTR…who will win? The guy in the motorcycle cause he has more skill? Cause as much sense that I just made is the sense in which they made this game. After my license runs out, Im out of this game. 

Now this is from a player who hasn’t played since patch, at work.

Are bad players with low kdr being out up against higher tier players?

From description, it seems like crappy

Tier 4 players should be going up against good farmin tier 2 players. This seems fair, as tier difference will balance it out a bit.

Can anyone confirm please?

Now this is from a player who hasn’t played since patch, at work.

Are bad players with low kdr being out up against higher tier players?

From description, it seems like crappy

Tier 4 players should be going up against good farmin tier 2 players. This seems fair, as tier difference will balance it out a bit.

Can anyone confirm please?

Then my bf is quite literally fucked, i got a tremendeous kdr (from t3) always flew t2 with him, today we go into t2, am facing a whole enemy team of 3! 4 man! t4! squad against t2 and t1 in my team.


If kdr plays a role, why put me against enemys with mk3 and epic gear in rank 12 machines with my still rather fresh t3 machines i am still trying to equip remotely usefull?

As my other post was locked I thought I’d reiterate here that I’m not happy with these recent changes.



This is all reminding me of how Allods online was handled.

Yes, I can confirm this.


I am a pretty new player, and not even remotely up to the skill level of some of the veterans yet.

My w/l is below 1, and my kills per match are nothing to brag about.


Yet I DO get matched in my T2 ships against T4 pilots using T4 ships.


Anyone believing it only hits the elite T2 pilots who were farming n00bs is falling for a PR spin here.