Mini-Game in Load Screen

Hey everyone;

I have looked in these forums to no avail yet so far regarding this idea that I had.

I know that most of the queue times have been eliminated with the update that merged

all classes and ranks of ships into variuos PvP battles.


But the idea had occured to me, :fed008:

why not have a little mini-game to play when you are waiting for games?

It doesn’t have to be fancy, but maybe something to earn small ammounts of credits for buying things. People

in my corp were thinking that the goal of the mini game is to “decode precursor messages”

I know that most of the queue times have been eliminated with regard to PvP, by update that

merged all classes and ranks of ships into variuos PvP battles, but there still exsists a wait

time for PvE and cutsom matches.


Thank you in advance.

See how many credits you can get by the time queue ends. longer the queue = more credits

I had the same idea, but no motivation to post (better ideas have yet to be implemented). The mini-game I thought of was to shoot space rats off the hangar walls.

I know that most of the queue times have been eliminated with regard to PvP

Only during peak hours.

Yes! Call this game Que-Conflict.

Maybe a button where is signed “Come on Que” and you have to click on it like Cookie clicker, for each click you get 100 Credits… huehuehue.

i think everyone at some point has had this idea when bored in the queue :stuck_out_tongue:


i vote snake 2. youtube has it, why not this

Yes! Call this game Que-Conflict.

Maybe a button where is signed “Come on Que” and you have to click on it like Cookie clicker, for each click you get 100 Credits… huehuehue.

Yes! Have a mini Cookie Clicker game in queue! Don’t even bother limiting credit income from it, because if people try to break the game with it, they’ll just get a match instead! We should call it Que-kie Clicker.


I’ll show myself out.

I play FTL while I wait, or watch movies. Sometimes do house work with a wireless headset…

If you have 6G+ memory you can strait up just play another game. Skyrim, dead island, bioshock…

I love the idea - forwarded to Devs with high prio :slight_smile:

I’ve often had 20-30 minute waits in the queue for T4 PvP, and that’s before giving up.

I’d love this. And MM times are anything BUT fixed. Just fyi. Idk what universe you’re living in, but I wanna come visit.

What if we had a chat queue just for people queuing for a game?  We could chat with other people waiting for a match.

Something like this sounds nice, but we prefere to focus on decreasing the waiting times instead.