Yeah, it’s a rage thread. And if you’re going to bother reading it, you’re either pissed off like I am or you’re just looking to get the gist of what I’m saying before you become all self-righteous and tell me to quit whining. Or you’re a moderator looking to lock it. Well I’m not the only one who shares these sentiments, so lock it at your own peril.
For the past month or so I have been playing Need for Speed World. That game is the most broken and screwed-up MMO racing game in the world. So why am I playing it? Because I know what to expect. I know it’s broken and I know it’s going to stay that way. But it’s free and I know I’m never going to invest money in it. And I don’t have to worry that a new patch will come out in a week that will break the entire game.
The problem with Star Conflict that has finally driven me to go elsewhere for fun is that there doesn’t seem to be any plan of development. We are continually told “this is a Beta”, yet there seems to be no logical progression in development. Tweaks to ships and weapons are sporadic and sloppy. Major gameplay mechanics are overhauled without warning and premium items are modified. Micro-transactions are bolted-on in the most outrageous ways rather than being built-in. More and more features show up demanding Gold Standards while the core gameplay continues to suffer.
You don’t have a game if it ceases to be fun. If the game isn’t fun, players won’t pay money to play it. If it isn’t fun, it doesn’t matter how many gimmicks you stuff into it that demand payment with real money. Players are not going to pay if the product does not meet their expectations.
There have been thousands of user-requests and tips on things they would like to see that they would be willing to pay for. Yet the closest we’ve gotten has been the implementation of temporary custom ship colors that cost real money. You may not be pursuing a “pay-2-win” formula, but being blatantly money-hungry isn’t much better.
Your premium ships already cost GS but players who want to transfer the ‘free’ synergy they earn have to pay GS again to transfer it. Your DLCs are so overpriced I could buy 3 DLCs for Skyrim for the price of 1 of yours. Looting continually bugs players to pay for a measly 20% increase in loot chance. And we are continually shown a statistic at the end of each round that displays our credits and synergy earned with a line directly under it showing us what we could have earned if we’d only bought premium licenses.
Well, I paid $50 for the privilege of being one of the elite. And it wasn’t worth it. I got skunked. But thanks to you I’ve learned my lesson. I won’t ever spend another dime on a free-to-play title again.
“Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”