Message from a Disgruntled Player

Yeah, it’s a rage thread. And if you’re going to bother reading it, you’re either pissed off like I am or you’re just looking to get the gist of what I’m saying before you become all self-righteous and tell me to quit whining. Or you’re a moderator looking to lock it. Well I’m not the only one who shares these sentiments, so lock it at your own peril.


For the past month or so I have been playing Need for Speed World. That game is the most broken and screwed-up MMO racing game in the world. So why am I playing it? Because I know what to expect. I know it’s broken and I know it’s going to stay that way. But it’s free and I know I’m never going to invest money in it. And I don’t have to worry that a new patch will come out in a week that will break the entire game.


The problem with Star Conflict that has finally driven me to go elsewhere for fun is that there doesn’t seem to be any plan of development. We are continually told “this is a Beta”, yet there seems to be no logical progression in development. Tweaks to ships and weapons are sporadic and sloppy. Major gameplay mechanics are overhauled without warning and premium items are modified. Micro-transactions are bolted-on in the most outrageous ways rather than being built-in. More and more features show up demanding Gold Standards while the core gameplay continues to suffer.


You don’t have a game if it ceases to be fun. If the game isn’t fun, players won’t pay money to play it. If it isn’t fun, it doesn’t matter how many gimmicks you stuff into it that demand payment with real money. Players are not going to pay if the product does not meet their expectations.


There have been thousands of user-requests and tips on things they would like to see that they would be willing to pay for. Yet the closest we’ve gotten has been the implementation of temporary custom ship colors that cost real money. You may not be pursuing a “pay-2-win” formula, but being blatantly money-hungry isn’t much better.


Your premium ships already cost GS but players who want to transfer the ‘free’ synergy they earn have to pay GS again to transfer it. Your DLCs are so overpriced I could buy 3 DLCs for Skyrim for the price of 1 of yours. Looting continually bugs players to pay for a measly 20% increase in loot chance. And we are continually shown a statistic at the end of each round that displays our credits and synergy earned with a line directly under it showing us what we could have earned if we’d only bought premium licenses.


Well, I paid $50 for the privilege of being one of the elite. And it wasn’t worth it. I got skunked. But thanks to you I’ve learned my lesson. I won’t ever spend another dime on a free-to-play title again.


“Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”

<Bitter Veteran>

Played this game a lot, and with a lot I mean 80+ hours per week. 

This game used to be great, but they have been stomping it to death further and further ever since 7.9

The problem with Star Conflict that has finally driven me to go elsewhere for fun is that there doesn’t seem to be any plan of development. We are continually told “this is a Beta”, yet there seems to be no logical progression in development. Tweaks to ships and weapons are sporadic and sloppy. Major gameplay mechanics are overhauled without warning and premium items are modified. 


There have been thousands of user-requests and tips on things they would like to see that they would be willing to pay for. Yet the closest we’ve gotten has been the implementation of temporary custom ship colors that cost real money.


Just to point out the obvious:

Just to point out the obvious:

Yes, a developent plan that is getting changed a lot I bet…

Anyway, these devs got some ideas that are good, but they are utterly terrible at implementing anything. As is shown time and time again.


Not to mention some of their ideas are utterly and completly retarted…Let me name them in the next post I’ll begin on now.

 Refinement of existing weapons, adding new weapons;

-They sure did refine the existing weapons - bye bye guns -


Refinement of the synergy system. Direct correlation of synergy with the number of combat slots;

*Refinement of the synergy system. Direct correlation of synergy with the number of combat slots

We plan to make ship progression more engaging and at the same time, more important. In the future, we want to make sure that ship progression does not only improve its performance, but also qualitatively changes it. For example, as the ship’s level of synergy increases, new active and passive slots become available, as well as slots for weapon modifiers, special systems, and missiles.


-This is a terrible idea and should NEVER be implemented!


Ships sold in stores with pre-installed standard modules, weapons and modifiers.

-Where is our ability to buy without those modules since not everyone wants to pay 3-5m for mk1 bullshit


Introducing dreadnoughts into the game.

-Sounds fun, but I bet it will be terribly implemented as anything else


Limiting choice of ships in battle to a single race

-Which idiot thinks this is a good idea?!


A revised system of contracts

-They revised it, and utterly broke it. And it’s still broken to xxxx. Just showing their usual pattern.


Introducing the 5th technological level.

-They introduced it, and the implants are severely OP and the ships are basicly the same as T4 ships beyond that.


We also plan to strengthen the importance of the player’s choice of the race.

-Lol, I don’t see how that could go wrong.


We understand that the ability to communicate with developers and awareness about the progress and direction of further development of the project is very important for our players. Our goal is to reach the most open development process that does not force players to speculate on what the future holds. Remember, we are always open to feedback and suggestions and are willing to listen to and accept not only praise, but also constructive criticism. Who knows, maybe your idea will be the next point in the development of the game?

-They sure showed us how much they listened to us! Likely <5 things that we said actually got fixed because ESB says it’s fine.



I want to quote this for posterity:


“We plan to make ship progression more engaging and at the same time, more important. In the future, we want to make sure that ship progression does not only improve its performance, but also qualitatively changes it. For example, as the ship’s level of synergy increases, new active and passive slots become available, as well as slots for weapon modifiers, special systems, and missiles.”


Charming and attractive.


Over the past two weeks, this new synergy system has utterly failed to “engage” me. In fact, it has made me resent this game.


Feel bitterness or indignation at (a circumstance, action, or person).
take offense


For clarity:


Anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment.
resentment - wrath - anger - exasperation


That sounds pretty accurate to me. We, the players, have been treated unfairly. This goes doubly for those who actually bought Premium ships - they’ve effectively been robbed of 90% of their ship’s value. No indication has been given that the developers acknowledge their change’s un-engaging, resent-fostering nature, nor have they shown any desire to change it. Instead, we are dismissed with “we are monitoring the situation.”


You do that. You monitor your game, and we’ll all monitor Steam for games that are more deserving of our money.

I’m saying its outdated, or not followed… Or both.


Personally, I have no idea what they are trying to do.  What are they trying to accomplish here.  Then maybe I would have something to look forward to.  As it stands right now, the next patch will decide whether I actually keep playing or not.  So maybe its better they hold off on it and (hopefully) get it right.

Oh Oh this is going to be interesting when it becomes fully intergrated

Limiting choice of ships in battle to a single race

As part of the development of Star Conflict universe we will more clearly describe the confrontation of different races in the vast galaxy. One of the measures we take to solve this problem is requiring the players to go into battle on ships of only a single side of conflict. However, the mercenaries are always quick to move from one side of the conflict to another …

If I understand this … I may no longer go into a battle with my 4 slot consisting of 1 Imperial , 1 Jericho command ship, 1 Imperial LRF and of my course Trusty Dusty FED Eagle B ?

Oh Oh this is going to be interesting when it becomes fully intergrated

Limiting choice of ships in battle to a single race

As part of the development of Star Conflict universe we will more clearly describe the confrontation of different races in the vast galaxy. One of the measures we take to solve this problem is requiring the players to go into battle on ships of only a single side of conflict. However, the mercenaries are always quick to move from one side of the conflict to another …

If I understand this … I may no longer go into a battle with my 4 slot consisting of 1 Imperial , 1 Jericho command ship, 1 Imperial LRF and of my course Trusty Dusty FED Eagle B ?

That is their development plan apparently…

Why did I think these devs could do anything right…They are drunk on vodka 99% of the time according to the internet stereotype…Reading their development plan they might just be right.


That development plan is hideous.


I’m still hoping that the devs will pull an EVE and do a 180 on their plans and actually start listening to us.

… will pull an EVE …



As for the dev plan, it’s the same thing i read @ 3 months ago when i joined.

Right now due to synergy progression, i wanted to buy the entire missing tree up to wolf-m and give the ship a spin… but 0.9 made me stop all ship purchasing… i’m not gonna fly a gazillion matches in random ships to get there when i know i could do it in an instant. I’ve put all ship progression on hold.

As I’ve said before, I would revert to the patch prior to them implementing cross-tier battles without a second thought. Yes, without a second thought.


I abandoned the idea of paying for a license as soon as 0.8.0 hit. The unfair treatment of paying users previous purchases that patch told me that they simply don’t care. The reaction to our bitching and complaining to fix things was non-existent. I didn’t even care if they left the ship paths as stupid as they were, or the sector battles as a glorified arcade mode. No realization that they invalidated previous real money purchases were acknowledged or fixed. I kept playing in hopes that they might fix something. Sure, they were unresponsive and not deserving of my money, but the gameplay was still fairly fun(Engineer frigates and Covert Ops interceptors OP!).


After the camera view change, I gave up even playing regularly. The best part of the game was the far back camera’s ability to make up for the viewing issues inherent in first person games. The 3rd person perspective that went way back let me keep track of what was going on, where ships were, and where I should be going. Now if I try and play I get easily disoriented, it’s just not worth it.


I may have said I’m a disgruntled player, and at heart that’s what I think I am. However, I may more accurately be a self-righteous critic. I mean, right before 0.9.0, after at least a month of not playing, I came back to criticize in a 1072 word post. [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20624-suggestions-major-issues-with-the-game/)


I only come back to the forums to complain because the game was once so good. All I want is the game back how it used to be. It used to be lots of fun, the patches have taken a game with an amazing game engine, graphics, and gameplay to an imbalanced broken money grabbing mess.


At heart the problem is that the game got on Steam, pulled in a bunch of money, the developers got optimistic with what they could do, hired a ton of new developers (?), and then everything went bad. At least, that’s as far as I can tell as to what happened.

<Bitter Veteran>

Played this game a lot, and with a lot I mean 80+ hours per week. 

This game used to be great, but they have been stomping it to death further and further ever since 7.9


Let’s face it: the devs aren’t going to listen. I say we bugger off and look for some better games. I think I can say that this game falls into the top 10% of worst games ever created.


a) Can’t wait

b) I talk to many new players in game, helping them around to figure they ways, mostly r3-r5 players, those that never expirienced pre 0.9, most of those fresh players are amazed by this game, they accept it by the way it is, while some older players are to stubborn.

a) Can’t wait

b) I talk to many new players in game, helping them around to figure they ways, mostly r3-r5 players, those that never expirienced pre 0.9, most of those fresh players are amazed by this game, they accept it by the way it is, while some older players are to stubborn.

Because we knew the game when it was in a better state.

Because we knew the game when it was in a better state.

ie 0.7

Because we knew the game when it was in a better state.

And half the people who knew it in a better state were playing the mediocre version…

Because we knew the game when it was in a better state.

This is your personal opinion, and because of it some of those stubborn players HATE the game and want it to the way they want it, i a same time new players LOVE it. 

And half the people who knew it in a better state were playing the mediocre version…

There’s a very fine line between a good game and a bad game.


This game misses it entirely.

ie 0.7

i am pretty sure you have no personal experience of pre 0.8