Medals earned in battle, should give bonus.



Suggestion: medals earned in battle, should give synergy, credits, artifacts and or contracts bonus. It would be a nice way of rewarding players.



Hello, the idea itself is nice. I am just wondering, waht these rewards would look like. For example, some pilots get up to 10-15 medals in one fight - depending on their performance. These pilots already get a lot of efficiency, better rewards/synergy, etc. Wouldn’t that favor them even more? I don’t know…

You do have a good point.


But, shouldn’t the game reward the good players?

(Like, what is happening currently with the Match Maker, where if you are a skilled player, that won several times in a row, you get matched with lower skilled teamplayers and or against increasingly higher rank ships, where you will inevitable lose.)


A concrete example: the “Slayer of Immortals” medal. I think it should give bonus, because, as you know, it means that a player with a lower rank ship manage to kill a player with a ship 3 ranks higher.

This sort of behaviour should be encouraged.


What i mean is, if we favor the good players thru medals, perharps the not so good players will have extra motivation to get those medals too, which may increase the quality of play for other players of the team. (In this case, the example would be the “assistances” medals.)


Maybe it would help to encourage players to go to objectives (example, “beacon capture” medals,…)


And it would also reward players that did a good round, but lost anyway, either because some of the team members were AFK/disconnected,… or the other team was just better.



Well, how about if medal rewards could only be given once per 3 rounds or something of sorts… :\


What do you reckon?

I fully support this, since in a good game you can get more than 20 medals. Even a 1% increase in gain per medal will be awesome.

Suggestion: medals earned in battle, should give synergy, credits, artifacts and or contracts bonus. It would be a nice way of rewarding players.

Actually you do already get synergy for medals earned in PVP.

Then it would be coll to see the impact of them

(to add for example “+100 synergy +1000 credits” in description)

Well, if that is the case, then, as the previous commenter sugested, it would be wise to add the description below the medal, both in the end round screen and in the user profile. That would allow players to choose which ones to dedicate more effort to get, among other things.

This would be nice, but I understand once it is clearly displayed, it must be balanced.

If you need them, I offer my services to assist developers in this task.

(I have a great experience in this field due to my manifold implications on other PVP game balancing - Pm me for more details)

A concrete example: the “Slayer of Immortals” medal. I think it should give bonus, because, as you know, it means that a player with a lower rank ship manage to kill a player with a ship 3 ranks higher.

This sort of behaviour should be encouraged.

For the record, if you fly ships within a few ranks of eachother, e.g. not taking T2 into T4, getting a Slayer of Immortals means you found a bad player.  The match maker gives a boost to bad players by having them fight lower ranked ships.  If you’re in T3, and you see a T4, odds are he’s a bad player.  There are other considerations but often enough it’s true.

The match maker gives a boost to bad players by having them fight lower ranked ships.

That is false.

Matchmaker will match bad player with bad players but you are restricted to your tiers.

The only way to get a T2 vs T4 is to make an unbalanced squad, or to have lower tier ships in your others combat slots.

That is false.

Matchmaker will match bad player with bad players but you are restricted to your tiers.

The only way to get a T2 vs T4 is to make an unbalanced squad, or to have lower tier ships in your others combat slots.

No it’s not, if you meet T4 in a T3 the T4 will typically have a low rating. And lower tier ships in your line-up have no influence on PVP match-making.