Meanwhile in Star Conflict

A little disclaimer before anything:
This video is meant as a joke and shouldn’t be taken as an insult towards the game developers or anyone linked to it,but a little nerf on Thar’Ga would be welcome if you were to ask me…



1.So true

2.It is not Thar’Gas fault that nobody counters it (with spydrones or phase suppressor)

This! xD made my day

This is a work of art

O yeah… This Thar’ga movie is like a homage for those old movies of Terence Hill and Bud Spencer.


Man,I can almost build myself a wall with those upvotes,keep em coming,its the only thing that keeps me alive.

Had to log in to these forums after seeing this on your YT to comment.

Holy xxxx this is comedy gold.


I’m shaking from laughter AAHAHAJAAJAJAXAXAXAXA

You should post this on the russian forum as well! I’m sure they’d have a laugh xD (if you do, please link the thread here also!)

I watched it like 3 times already XD

1 hour ago, Mecronmancer said:


I approve.

Removed spoiler, it was in the way.
I have that damn urge to feature the thread, but I don’t want trouble xD

2 hours ago, OmegaFighter said:

I have that damn urge to feature the thread


+1 Very good - damit!

Well,to be honest,a bit of credit goes to ORCA for helping me to come up with the idea,but the rest of the work has been done by me,that was a blurry night,it was me,him,the skype chat and a bottle of bleach,the next morning I wake up,the video was uploaded and the bottle was empty,I think my mom used it up to wash some white clothes,dunno why she placed it near me…

Ok,new update guys,I recently started to work on another video,“Star Conflict anime opening” should be something…

12 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Ok,new update guys,I recently started to work on another video,“Star Conflict anime opening” should be something…

It had better be the opening to Shingeki no Kyoujin (Attack on Titan), Death Parade, or Kill La Kill. I would accept nothing less.

19 minutes ago, Mecronmancer said:

It had better be the opening to Shingeki no Kyoujin (Attack on Titan), Death Parade, or Kill La Kill. I would accept nothing less.

What about Neon Genesis Evangelion?

1 hour ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

What about Neon Genesis Evangelion?

HORRE SHET havent heard that in a while.

32 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

HORRE SHET havent heard that in a while.

Well now you will,I’ve covered all the Japanese text,yes,I hope I translated that right,now to get a lot of footage cause in the end there is that ultra-fast image sequence so that will give me headaches,but should be fun…

4 hours ago, Mecronmancer said:

It had better be the opening to Shingeki no Kyoujin (Attack on Titan), Death Parade, or Kill La Kill. I would accept nothing less.

classic but you forgot a lot of good ones… like blue exorcist, akame ga kill, black lagoon or one punch man (would fit Thar’Ga perfectly) only to name a few

