Me and terror --> Then we see some ruski orelus dude



[@_terrorblade](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/243375-_terrorblade/)


39 minutes ago, niripas said:



Exactly hahaha  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

Singularity + Energy converter is the only thing i have a mostly positive outcome against Orelus… Invis in, surpressing fire, wait till their combat reboot runs out, activate Energy converter and watch them kill themselves while shooting me… And then i leave invisible, of course.

I still don’t know how orelus players (not all) have that deadly accuracy that even seem to automatically adjust. I’ll start recording footage from now on.

8 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

I still don’t know how orelus players (not all) have that deadly accuracy that even seem to automatically adjust. I’ll start recording footage from now on.



13 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

I still don’t know how orelus players (not all) have that deadly accuracy that even seem to automatically adjust. I’ll start recording footage from now on.


4 hours ago, DeathWasp said:



He plays star conflict too.

listick isn’t the highest ranked osu player who plays star conflict (but he has better aim than me :confused: )



1 hour ago, xKostyan said:

He plays star conflict too.


1 hour ago, Cr0 said:

listick isn’t the highest ranked osu player who plays star conflict (but he has better aim than me :confused: )


Guessing ya’ll jerk off to hentai p0rn aswell lol

6 minutes ago, DeathWasp said:



Guessing ya’ll jerk off to hentai p0rn aswell lol

![:015_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/015_2.png “:015_2:”)

2 hours ago, DeathWasp said:



Guessing ya’ll jerk off to hentai p0rn aswell lol


its not all Japanese music



Sometimes it feels more like this



there ya go, I’ll upload more if needed. I also want devs to take a closer look at players using this weapon and recently spark+ion.



the end is a bonus. really satisfying 

11 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

there ya go, I’ll upload more if needed. I also want devs to take a closer look at players using this weapon and recently spark+ion.



the end is a bonus. really satisfying 

omg, you serious??? you don’t even dodge, you are flying in almost perfectly straight line towards the enemy. You can hit those even with the eyes closed and you suspect this of aim botting???

18 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

omg, you serious??? you don’t even dodge, you are flying in almost perfectly straight line towards the enemy. You can hit those even with the eyes closed and you suspect this of aim botting???

What more dodging could have been done form 0:10-0:20 with disabled afterburner… In my opinion the object screwed him more than the orelus [Energy Leak] is just an unacceptable modifier in it’s entirety…

I leave the question Aimbot/no Aimbot to someone else as I really don’t know enough about it to spot a bot, but the aim on that guy was pretty impressive…

34 minutes ago, Flash0914 said:

What more dodging could have been done form 0:10-0:20 with disabled afterburner… In my opinion the object screwed him more than the orelus [Energy Leak] is just an unacceptable modifier in it’s entirety…

I leave the question Aimbot/no Aimbot to someone else as I really don’t know enough about it to spot a bot, but the aim on that guy was pretty impressive…

For starters - don’t engage a gunship while having zero energy on an agility based ship? endave forced the engagement in the unfavorable situation

2 hours ago, xKostyan said:

For starters - don’t engage a gunship while having zero energy on an agility based ship? endave forced the engagement in the unfavorable situation

As i said… the Object was the real problem in that encounter…

2 hours ago, Flash0914 said:

As i said… the Object was the real problem in that encounter…

No, this is a really wrong mindset.

NY18 is too stronk, no one is arguing about that, but NY18 is a reality of the game, it is a factor that you must account for, it is not an excuse to run in, die rinse and repeat and then blame everything on OP and nothing I could’ve done! 

He had plenty of time to not force the fight, especially with this prominent sound of energy blockage of NY18, which by now, should have forced people to develop a habit reassessing a situation the moment hear it.


We all make unnecessary mistakes in the heat of the battle, some more some less, but understanding the root cause of the mistake without sugarcoating it with “he just uses OP stuff, otherwise I would get him” is how one get better.

and a 2nd one



36 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

and a 2nd one



So basically anybody able to hit a target in a middle of his screen with lasers is automatically a bot user suspect?