Maximum Ship Rank Reminder

Somewhere in the hanger, when new players queue up (lets say for the first 500 pvp games they play), a message pops up saying something along the lines of, “you will be put in the queue for your highest rank ship, so take all your tier (example 4) 4 ships into battle!”


The ammount of t1/2 ships i see in t4 or 5 is alot. I often see people in global chat ask how they can go back to t1 and t2 and have no clue that all you need to do is unnequip the t3/4/5 ships

They’ll never learn, regardless of that message being there. I approve of that message, though.

The fix is so simple. You can’t access the game in either PVP or PVE mode, like in SQ, if you don’t have all of your 3 to 4 slots equipped with a proper ship for each tier.

I mean, it can be done so easily. I am amazed that I can even see them in T5. That’s one of the reasons, I’ve postponed PVP matches recently and focus on Invasion grind only.

Oh yeah. A little more openness about how matchmaking works in game (and not just on the forums) would go a long way.

Nice suggestion.

We could have a field just below you 4 slots showing what Que the current slots would put you in. As you add or subtract ships it constantly shows you

where it is going to try to put you.


e.g (FIGHTING RANK = 8 -12)

Like the old system you just would not have to Que to see where it wanted to put you.


Anyway +1 to you sir.

It already tells you which ranks you are in queue for from the launch screen in the pop up timer. Maybe having this highlighted or bold in some way is all that’s needed.

It already tells you which ranks you are in queue for from the launch screen in the pop up timer. Maybe having this highlighted or bold in some way is all that’s needed.

I have to check later but I could swear that was removed a few patches ago. Mine just says searching and the ticking clock now…hmmm

It already tells you which ranks you are in queue for from the launch screen in the pop up timer. Maybe having this highlighted or bold in some way is all that’s needed.


that was removed a month or so ago