Mauler OP, please nerf.

Hi. I was wondering why there are no Mauler OP topics. So i made 1 and it got deleted in less than 5 minutes. That probably explains why there are no topics regarding the OPness of the Mauler with RT.

So let’s go again. 


Mauler is a bit more stronger than its counterparts, because of it’s bonuses and module slots. But that’s ok, it’s an end tier premium ship, you have to pay for it. 


Mauler + A1MA module (the blueprint no longer exists so people can’t buy it anymore, but the people that already bought it still have it) is not ok. But i don’t mind so much about A1MA. Just the idea of exclusive items bothers me. 


Mauler + Reverse Thruster on the other hand, is as overpowered as it gets. The cooldown is too small, the range is too big, the no skill requirement caused by the fact that the module can’t crash you is stupid.


Conclusion: the simplest thing is to heavily nerf the Reverse Thruster module. On cooldown and range, and most certainly on the impact detection thing. Otherwise, nerf the ship. 


your post was deleted because it was offense, this one is open for discussion so it stays :slight_smile:

Give me a private message pls on where was it offensive if you can. Thank you. 

there are a few of these threads already

but yes i agree, sector conquest is getting dominated by maulers with their insane dps

The problem is not the mauler, or any other LRF. The problem is the RT. The mauler was a glass cannon. Easy to kill, but with uber DPS. Now with RT is a joke, as it is any other LRF. You try to kill them, they are cloaked, you can’t debuff them, they drop mines or use torpedos so you can’t surround them, and when you are close and after dropping mines, they jump away another 5000 meters and keep firing at you. No wonder why T5 is almost all the time archdragons and maulers with RT, mk 5 beams and cloak, all with extended range.


Remove the Reverse thruster, it is broken and wrong, and it defies the mening of the class itself.


PS: I’m a known LRF user, so no, it is not a rant because I don’t play them. It is a rant because I do, and I can see how broken that module is.

Give me a private message pls on where was it offensive if you can. Thank you. 

explanation forwarded and accepted :slight_smile:

but but Mauler isn’t OP.


I would say annoying that’s all. It may cause problems only with good player(like any other ship)

The Mauler is OP (with RT), today in SQ two SYN guys took mauler, i was in a Recon with over 100 Thermal Resistance on the hull and i was 6km away from them, those 2 guys started firing and melted my shield + hull to 15% hull in 1 second, the only things that protected me was Emergency Barrier, Cloak, Microwarp.

And i attacked them, like Syrinx said, they dropped Minefield, jumped back. I stopped one from jumping but i died anyway…

I took my Archdragon and then those guys died. :stuck_out_tongue:

The point is without RT they could do a… You know.

The fact that there will be created modules which speak against all principes of it’s used shipclass is weird, the LRF deals huge damage, empire ones are damn tanky and now they are very flexible. This is just sad.

It’s like you give a CO a module which makes it 10 seconds invulnerable or a disintegrator for Recons (i would like to see this)…

but but Mauler isn’t OP.


You had to be the one saying it.

You had to be the one saying it.

Yeah  :006j:


I never used GPU with RT so it didn’t feel OP to me.

And enemy Maulers aren’t OP just need some time to kill.

The problem is not the mauler, or any other LRF. The problem is the RT. The mauler was a glass cannon. Easy to kill, but with uber DPS. Now with RT is a joke, as it is any other LRF. You try to kill them, they are cloaked, you can’t debuff them, they drop mines or use torpedos so you can’t surround them, and when you are close and after dropping mines, they jump away another 5000 meters and keep firing at you. No wonder why T5 is almost all the time archdragons and maulers with RT, mk 5 beams and cloak, all with extended range.


Remove the Reverse thruster, it is broken and wrong, and it defies the mening of the class itself.


PS: I’m a known LRF user, so no, it is not a rant because I don’t play them. It is a rant because I do, and I can see how broken that module is.

 Which would you rather face, an Inquisitor AE or a Mauler, when flown by a skilled pilot?  I don’t think the R14 implant options are that OP given the Mauler’s bonuses.  Reverse thruster needs reworked and tweaked but I wouldn’t say removed.  The lack of collision damage is understandable since it’s backwards, but it being instantaneous seems out of the ordinary.  It’s the only instant warp in the game.  I’ve never used it in PvP, only PvE and Invasion.  Of course I can’t really play T5 in PvP.


but but Mauler isn’t OP.


I would say annoying that’s all. It may cause problems only with good player(like any other ship)

It’s been OP since it was introduced.  I bought it in January because it was obviously OP!  Of course back then it seemed like an OP PvE miner.  It’s just beautifully OP:  an OP Jericho LRF!


And enemy Maulers aren’t OP just need some time to kill.


Maybe my post title is not very good. In the post tho i was saying that Mauler per say is not OP, just slightly stronger, as it should be as a premium ship. But slightly stronger + Reverse Thruster = OP overall, in the current game. Clearly OP. Too much range, too small cooldown, no collision detection. It’s just not balanced. I don’t ask for it to be removed. I just want it to be at the same level with the other modules. Give it a 90ish seconds cooldown. Or leave it like this, but make it 2500m instead of 5000. And since recons can microwarp into asteroids, make this ability the same. It’s not like that would be a big inconveniece, LRF pilots tend to warp out in the open anyway. 


P.S. Can an admin pls change the title to “Mauler + Reverse Thruster OP, pls nerf”? Ty. 

Maybe my post title is not very good. In the post tho i was saying that Mauler per say is not OP, just slightly stronger, as it should be as a premium ship. But slightly stronger + Reverse Thruster = OP overall, in the current game. Clearly OP. Too much range, too small cooldown, no collision detection. It’s just not balanced. I don’t ask for it to be removed. I just want it to be at the same level with the other modules. Give it a 90ish seconds cooldown. Or leave it like this, but make it 2500m instead of 5000. And since recons can microwarp into asteroids, make this ability the same. It’s not like that would be a big inconveniece, LRF pilots tend to warp out in the open anyway. 


P.S. Can an admin pls change the title to “Mauler + Reverse Thruster OP, pls nerf”? Ty. 

In fact, the Inquisitor AE is more balanced. The Mauler is an All or Nothing ship. You bet all to firepower, but the survivability was very low before the introduction of RT. The problem is now with RT, survivability has rocketed up, and thus, you have a very mobile gun platform with range and GTFO capabilities.


The same applies for the Archdragon or any other LRF with RT. I think I’m the only one playing LRF without RT now. 

Yep there are already posts about RT. But so far, on other LR frigates, it was just annoying. OP but only annoying. Now since there are so many Maulers + RT on the battlefield, i almost can’t play (since i play mostly tacklers and gunships). If it’s an Archdragon it’s not that bad, i can reach it most of the times. Same for the Jerry LRFs. And with some carefull planning i can reach it again and kill it after RT(I killed Tillow with his own gun yesterday :slight_smile: ). Most of the times i have to kamikaze tho, by going too far behind enemy lines to achieve the kill. 


On the other hand, you can’t really kill Maulers. Their huge DPS mostly ensures your death, if you try to follow, no matter the maneuvers you pull, unless you play a CO or maybe another sniper to countersnipe. 


And it’s not as much as a glass cannon as you say. With those 35% to hull and shields, it can take some beating. Specially since you can’t debuff it. 

It’s impossible for me to kill myself with beams… it was my teammate that wanted to kill you but he took me down with mortars!


The problem Syrinx talking is cloaked LRF with RT. Simple LRF + RT isn’t that OP but when you have ship like inqui AE with cloak it’s quite hard to spot with dark paintings + quite a lot surviv + RT when is attacked.

It’s impossible for me to kill myself with beams… it was my teammate that wanted to kill you but he took me down with mortars!

It was my master plan all along!  :007j:

It only proves my point, i needed help from YOUR team to take down your RT cloaked LRF :slight_smile:

Maybe it’s just getting used to the new dynamic of cloak+rt, but I’ve been finding it easy to kill them lately with ECM. Soooo… Nerf ECM, it’s OP! Lol

Maybe it’s just getting used to the new dynamic of cloak+rt, but I’ve been finding it easy to kill them lately with ECM. Soooo… Nerf ECM, it’s OP! Lol

ECM is the counter to everything, and even then, a cloaked LRF with RT is immune to ECMs.


Your argument is invalid.

ECM is the counter to everything, and even then, a cloaked LRF with RT is immune to ECMs.


Your argument is invalid.

Oh… They can’t stay hidden forever… Kinetic missiles and main gun work just as well on a cloaked ship as an uncloaked one. :slight_smile: