Mauler OP, please nerf.

Oh… They can’t stay hidden forever… Kinetic missiles and main gun work just as well on a cloaked ship as an uncloaked one. :slight_smile:

He can out DPS you, and you cannot surround because of mines or torpedoes. If you can kill one that way, he is really bad.

He can out DPS you, and you cannot surround because of mines or torpedoes. If you can kill one that way, he is really bad.

Don’t underestimate this ECM Nub/Fgt. <_<

The rate of fire from their 6 turrets alone is enough to melt most ships if they are mounting Coils.


The bigger problem, I feel, is their unique stat bonuses.


Hull & Shield strength increased by 35%

Critical Chance increased by 25%

LR module cooldown reduced by 20%


So the Mauler (rank 13) is more tanky than the Inquisitor AE (rank 14) and the Arch-Dragon (rank 15). It has a whopping 25% bonus to critical chance which is 10% more than any other frigate (the Dragon gets 15%). If that wasn’t enough, the Mauler has 3 CPU slots (on top of the natural 25% crit chance bonus which acts like 3 additional CPU slots filled with Infared Scanners), giving it more critical potential than any other frigate. Or more range without sacrificing crits, depending on the pilot.


And unless I’m misunderstanding that last bit, they can also fire their Guided Torp 20% more frequently, RT more frequently, and spend 90% of their time cloaked…


So you get Maulers with 6 coil mortars that have (at minimum) 25% bonus to crit chance, with insane refire, that can be maxed out to almost 7K range.


NOW consider that the Mauler has the ability to warp backwards, lay minefields to keep players out of its blind spot, and can make itself untargetable using EM or IR pulsar eliminating the use of modules or special abilities. And if that fails they can just drop a Guided Torp in your face at point blank.


And finally the icing on the cake. This monster is the only T5 ship available for GS. If the community doesn’t think this thing is Pay to Win there is no hope.

The bigger problem, I feel, is their unique stat bonuses.


Hull & Shield strength increased by 35%

Critical Chance increased by 25%

LR module cooldown reduced by 20%


I think it’s Crit Damage bonus 20-25%, not Crit Chance. 


Still OP with RT anyway. NEEEERF hammer it!

Still OP with RT anyway. NEEEERF hammer it!

They should nerf or better, remove, the RT. The mauler was perfect, it was always perfect. It has been around for months, and nobody complained about it. It is the RT + the continuous buffs to the beam cannons which had created the monster we have now. I’m ok with the current beam cannon (as long as they remove A1MA) but the RT is just broken.

Yes we covered that Mauler is ok on it’s own. Not ok with RT. They don’t have to remove RT, it’s a sweet dynamic thing and fun. But it needs some heavy nerfing to be in line with the rest of the game’s modules. I’d be ok with a 50% reduction to range, same cooldown. Or same range, but 100% increased cooldown, and no lower. 


I had a fun game yesterday. 4 LRF (2 Maulers, 2 others), 2 ECM. That was the enemy team combo in capture the beacons. We got simply annihilated. 20/0 something. All the LRFs teleported all around the far sides of the center of the map with vision basically everywhere. ECM’s stuned. Each time i tried to go for a LRF, at least 2 others were shooting at me. I managed to get to 1 but ofc it teleported away. Twice. 


To be honest, their combo was very good given the situation. But that teleporting really bummed my day. Again. 

Just wanted to add as of Aug 19th Mauler buffs are;

Hull strength +35%

Shield strength +35%

Crit Chance +5%

Crit Damage +20%

LRF Modules CD reduced by 20%

You think that is OP?

eBDJBzH.jpg f9w0f2f.jpg

You think that is OP?

eBDJBzH.jpg f9w0f2f.jpg

With 2 deg of spread, at 7000 m you won’t hit anything. The second one is better. I would go for spread reduction and vanadium shells for uber short range firepower.

With 2 deg of spread, at 7000 m you won’t hit anything. The second one is better. I would go for spread reduction and vanadium shells for uber short range firepower.

I’m using only positrons on GPU.




Stop that guys you’re polluting my thread with builds :slight_smile:

Here you’re only supposed to come join me in the lynching mob with torches, a bad attitude and no bubblegum, against our common foe the mighty Reverse Thruster. 

I’m using only positrons on GPU.




That is great. I prefer to hit with lower DPS than have a useless gun with fancy high numbers.


That is why I always use positrons. Lowest dps gun in LRF, but… well, you know :smiley:

Your thread is overrun. Nothing can stop it now but the popo.

Why would you use coils on the mauler? I use laser. Much higher dps without risk of it not firing or hurting yourself.

Your thread is overrun. Nothing can stop it now but the popo.

Why would you use coils on the mauler? I use laser. Much higher dps without risk of it not firing or hurting yourself.

DPS is just a number, damage projection is different for both weapons, and also, the damage types are. Now everyone and his mother is tanking thermal, because most people is using thermal weapons + most damaging missiles / mines are termal.


Today, most ships just melt to kinetic damage, since they don’t even care to fix the kinetic hole.

Just wanted to add as of Aug 19th Mauler buffs are;

Hull strength +35%

Shield strength +35%

Crit Chance +5%

Crit Damage +20%

LRF Modules CD reduced by 20%


Ah, my mistake.


However, that does not change the fact that the Mauler is more tanky than any other LRF in the game, and essentially has 5 CPU slots (one filled with Infared Scanner and another filled with Target Tracking Coprocessor).


Maybe they were hoping to balance its stats by making it super un-attractive?

Since when Mauler can tank more than ADragon?

Since when Mauler can tank more than ADragon?


Right, I forget that Hull tanking is still superior to Shield tanking.


Alright then, on paper, the Mauler is more tanky than any other Sniper Frigate. Happy now?

No: XD Where the Mauler is stronger is in the 3x capacitor slots allowing for 30% damage increase. The guided torp is usually more annoying than disintegrator since they usually stay near asteroids, either that or they have 7k+ beam cannons which let them reverse thruster out of range of everything lol. Archdragon can also get a 5% damage increase or 5% hull and shiled increase due to rank 15 implant. The high EM resist lets me launch EM torp in interceptor’s face without massive damage XD 10626343_318361375002197_738656975556267

so they nerf the rpm of the disintegrator which didn’t need to be nerfed, the em scattering field which didn’t really need to be nerfted but they hardly nerf the RT at all. increase the energy cost to use it? 99% of all RT users use RT when they are sat still???  :fed014:  :01414:  :014j:

I guess the only good news about EM is that you will be able to see the Mauler for a whole 9 seconds given he doesn’t have Empire r13 implant and has made a kill in the time he had EM scatter, and isn’t a sniper that moves. I tend to use my EM scatter more as anti-ecm (no lock, no statis or inhibitor); cancels negative effects that require longer than 1s cooldown and as flares for octopus or cruise type missiles XD Sucks when a recon comes with the ECM though