"Match-Speed" Toggle

I am against changes that are useless to the game. Which is this suggestion in general.

The devs can work on something that is more pressing instead of making changes that do nothing.

Fair enough - but that said, the correction I would make to your post is that they are “useless to [your] game”. They aren’t “useless” to other people’s games.


If they’re useless to your game, then vote for “no change” in the poll. If not, vote for one of the other two options. It’s simple.

I feel like a large swath of this community is just resistant to any change like it was some three years ago. Doesn’t matter if it’s a small change, or something that won’t affect them - it’s a change “so I’m against it!” I don’t understand this.


Well no, I like change! Heck I even +1 Foxes ridiculous suggestions sometimes!


But I honestly can’t see anyone using this for the purpose you put forward, that is to say matching speed in a squad. (and tbh, we would first have to get back 3- and 4-man squads… *wink* *wink* devs)

I wouldn’t use it in squads, but I would use it in PvP while dogfighting in my inty/roto-tackler

Mhm, I think the speedup/speeddown buttons are enough.


There are not really long exploration maps, and if in open space, there is usually no time for formation flight, as you constantly have some npc on you. If they change open space in that regard to be more of a sandbox game, I would see some point in this; but like this, I fear I vote rather no, to this one.


But in any case they could change it to have fixed steps with the single step buttons, so this feature is at least available if coordinated in TS. For that I say why not.

Well no, I like change! Heck I even +1 Foxes ridiculous suggestions sometimes!


But I honestly can’t see anyone using this for the purpose you put forward, that is to say matching speed in a squad. (and tbh, we would first have to get back 3- and 4-man squads… *wink* *wink* devs)

Have you even been reading anything that I’ve written?


To bring up the “3 or 4 man squads” in PVP comment shows that - again - you are only thinking about PVP match-mode.


I have said multiple times already that this would primarily be for OPEN SPACE.


I say again, OPEN SPACE.


If you’re going to turn it down because you don’t think it would be useful in Open Space, then that’s fair. But your argument, and other’s arguments here, have been completely centered around PVP match-mode - which is not the aim of this recommendation.


And, for the record, if this idea goes nowhere or people are uninterested, fine by me. It’s an idea up for the community’s up or down. But to give it an up or a down based on applying it to the wrong scenario does no good for anyone.

Just set your speed to 200 or whatever you choose if you are all dying to fly in formation in OS. Christ, is it seriously that hard to press +/- a few times?

Have you even been reading anything that I’ve written?


To bring up the “3 or 4 man squads” in PVP comment shows that - again - you are only thinking about PVP match-mode.


I have said multiple times already that this would primarily be for OPEN SPACE.


I say again, OPEN SPACE.


If you’re going to turn it down because you don’t think it would be useful in Open Space, then that’s fair. But your argument, and other’s arguments here, have been completely centered around PVP match-mode - which is not the aim of this recommendation.



But I honestly can’t see anyone using this for the purpose you put forward, that is to say matching speed in a squad. (and tbh, we would first have to get back 3- and 4-man squads… *wink* *wink* devs)


…also applies to Invasion.


It is not just applicable in PVP, and I replied in another suggestion of [yours](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30005-daily-missions-for-the-corporation-together/?p=358079)that Open Space has no incentive to squadding, therefore rendering this suggestion near useless in Open Space as well as PVP. Anyways, flying a ship that goes less than 700 m/s in invasion makes no sense (except perhaps recon that has MWD). And I see no use for such a keybind in PVE either. Sorry if my previous comment was based only on PVP, I consider it as the core of Star Conflict, which I hope you understand.

Just set your speed to 200 or whatever you choose if you are all dying to fly in formation in OS. Christ, is it seriously that hard to press +/- a few times?

You continue to miss the point. As I said before, the speed would lock to the target and change with his - so if it was a formation of 10 people, whenever the leader sped up or slowed down, everyone would follow suit (to the limits of their craft). 


… Open Space has no incentive to squadding, therefore rendering this suggestion near useless in Open Space as well as PVP. 

I beg to differ. Our squadron goes out in large groups salvaging sometimes with many ships supporting the few who need the resources. And, as I said earlier, we sometimes run our Monocrystal dailies together at all three stations, meaning we travel long distances together between stations.


Sorry if my previous comment was based only on PVP, I consider it as the core of Star Conflict, which I hope you understand.

I do understand that - especially for veterans who have been doing PVP and nothing-but for years, but there are new and different areas of the game. In future versions of the game, as new content continues to be added - open space might grow to be many more sectors (hypothesizing) - and, if the corporation missions I recommended are ever implemented, then that will be another reason to consider this.


To everyone:

Never look at a “recommendation” strictly in the here and now, but also in the future. And never look at it by itself in a vacuum. Everything in this game depends on everything else - and the game continues to expand and add new features. Think of it in the light of supporting both current and potential-future features.

Oh yes, Open Space has a LOT of potential (thinking Eve-style mass pvp and many different types of interesting and challenging missions), but it has been so long since a rework, that I just think they have abandoned it. I’ll admit that as part of a huge revamp of Open Space, your suggestion could be good. With fleet missions, large-scale pvp, and full integration of sector conquest into Open Space, for example owning a sector means that you can build structures there, and dock and undock from that sector, etc…, more fleet management capabilities will be required.


These have all been suggested in the past, during the hype straight after launch, but were never acted on. I have made multiple suggestions myself for improving Invasion. Most answers were “no” or “not in the near future”, and I just abandoned any hope that Invasion will be more than the half an hour of daily grind for three boring missions to get 6 monos that it currently is.