Massive Dynamic


We are a Jericho only Corporation.

No requirements, other than siding with Jericho.

Have Federation or Empire ships?

No problem. Fly whatever you want.

Contact Jormungand or Thor for admission.


I think its the same logo too.

it is.

Cool, fringe is a good series…


anyway, I will be looking forward to seeing you guys in battle  :012j:

Wilco. :salute:

Why one must be Jericho? I mean, I was Jericho since I started and changed to fed because I prefer the federation bonus, more hull and shield and more money… just asking

Wanted to have an all jericho Corp. is all. Everyone in right now loves the idea, and within 3 hours from the creation, have been shooting up the leader boards. We are doing well and I am certain that we will be the ones leading jericho from our current situation.

Wanted to have an all jericho Corp. is all. Everyone in right now loves the idea, and within 3 hours from the creation, have been shooting up the leader boards. We are doing well and I am certain that we will be the ones leading jericho from our current situation.

I really don’t understand what do you mean by all Jericho, is it a starting racial bonus (that can be changed for 300 gold and doesn’t contribute to anything) or Jerichos Contracts? it doesn’t make any sence in Star Conflict setting to be honest. 

I’ve sent a p.m:)

hi, i joined your ranks yesterday, thank you. 


is there any forum outside this on SC? and if not, why not :slight_smile: i mean all squads/clans/guilds I’ve ever been in had its own forum.

I’m working on corp site for us. Will post it when its done. 

do you have to start as jericho?

I wanna join.

Can I get an invite pls?



Can I get an invite pls?

 I wonder if there is anyone  here, last post here was made on Posted 03 August 2013 - 09:27 AM


I’m a new pilot to the game, I’ve played air rivals and other pilot games, so I know what it takes. Wanting to join a corporation, hope to hear from you.