Old system:
We all know, that we must obtain a blueprint to learn it.
Once we do, we must craft the same item again, even if we once already invested in it, like 50 to 70 Monocrystals and the rest of the resources in Tier V.
This takes very heavy toll from economic perspective of the player and a lot of people don’t stand with this. They either refuse to upgrade to Mark 5, or they abandon the game altogether.
New system:
Once you buy or unlock the blueprint schematic in the Workshop, you cannot craft it immediately, but you must research it first.
Research only requires Monocrystals only and nothing else. It’s a one time option, which unlocks the selected item permanently.
After researching the item, you can craft or manufacture it, but with all necessary requirements listed in the Workshop, but with a catch. Monocrystals are excluded , since they are no longer needed.
Monocrystal requirement or resource type and cost should be replaced by Credits only , but at substantially higher price , than any other.
There should be the Research tab added, left of Manufacture tab.
You cannot manufacture first. It should be disabled, by default.
You must first Research the item, only then you can craft it.
T III - T V credit cost for Mark 5: (should be determined by the developers themselves)
T III Mark 5 item
T IV Mark 5 item
T V Mark 5 item
Summary :
You must research the item, once you get the blueprint, which unlocks access to this item. Manufacture option is disabled.
Research only costs Monocrystals at full price, according to each tier, but only once and there is no research duration for each weapon, module and equipment.
You can only Manufacture the selected item, once it has been researched. Once it was, the Research option is disabled, by default
Resource costs for manufactured/produced items are the same as they are now, only Monocrystals requirements are excluded.
Check below for additional features.