Map with a black hole

I know this is nuts, but i thought a map where a black holes gravity played a role would be cool…whereas players who fly too close, well, you get the idea.

Try popping this in suggestions. It would be a pain in the rear, but with a gentle enough pull it could be awesome.

Well considering the scale of this game is way off already (no astroid belt is that close together, even if we consider “space meters”) Sure why not. 

no astroid belt is that close together

Oh, you’ve seen them all ?


Great idea !!!

then the black hole should have an effect on the lasers (curve them !!!) and on time !!!

Great idea !!!

then the black hole should have an effect on the lasers (curve them !!!) and on time !!!

That’s what I meant by a good gravity effect. Watching a disintegrator shot warp would be pretty cool, and add a nice effect to the game,

Gotta say, if this was added, imagine the trolling with stasis generators and warp gates.


stasis !!!   I’M PULLED !!!   NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo…   

eh did you guys notice like red swirling ball thing that damages you by 500 thermal when you get very close to em

what are they lol

If so, they need to add a “gentle push” medal.

Ram an enemy player who then gets sucked into a black hole.

Lol the fun times. Also the people who will try to ram and miss :wink:

eh did you guys notice like red swirling ball thing that damages you by 500 thermal when you get very close to em

what are they lol


It’s called “Anomaly”. Probably a scientific experiment that went bad. Looks a bit like a corium to me.

What is it that’s making my Interceptor roll and pitch like it’s in the washing machine?  Seriously, It’s bugging the heck out of me…

I can forsee this being added as a graphical black hole which does kinetic damage in the same way the micro-star does thermal damage. bending lasers… no way.

Huh !!!


 If you’re close enough to a black hole to see it visually bending lazers then your going to be dead very soon.

What is it that’s making my Interceptor roll and pitch like it’s in the washing machine?  Seriously, It’s bugging the heck out of me…

Switch to Expert Mode under Settings.  


I had the same problem when lagging a little.  

I think it’d be pretty neat if the black hole had a stronger and stronger pull the closer you got to it.


Until at certain distances, even an interceptor afterburner directly away from it won’t escape.

If so, they need to add a “gentle push” medal.

Ram an enemy player who then gets sucked into a black hole.

Oh this would make it my fav map. :smiley:

It would render camping and turtling useless, bringing a whole new set of tactics.

And imagine its gravitational pull used for acceleration in beacon capture or combat recon…

Or beacons orbiting it on a stable orbit. Everything closer than the beacons would slowly spiral in, everything farther would be pushed away. (this might be a bit far-fetched)