Manually arm nukes

This is a simple suggestion for the Covert Ops class special secondary weapon: Tactical Nuke

I suggest that you be able to manually reduce the timer by holding down the secondary weapon key.

As soon as you hold click to arm it, it will reduce the arm time by one second, up to the point that it will automatically release with a minimum of a 3 second delay.


Nuke is strong enough already.

Never heard “strong” and “nuke” used at the same time. Xp

Go and play Sector Conquest, i’m sure you’ll understand then.

Nukes are fine as they are. Manually arming the nukes would prove to be extremely overpowered, as nukes easily have the potential to kill multiple ships in one blast. The countdown timer is the balance point for them, so that it actually gives people some chance to escape. If you want a faster arming time, take the implant that reduces it by 1 second.

Ah. My two favourite people in one post.

Indeed I could, but one second just isn’t enough. Maybe for a slow guard, but for anything that it’s worthwhile for, one second is nothing.

Ah. My two favourite people in one post.

Indeed I could, but one second just isn’t enough. Maybe for a slow guard, but for anything that it’s worthwhile for, one second is nothing.


Aw shucks, I’m one of your favorites. XD


They are called “Tactical Nukes” for a reason. They must be used carefully and in strategic places to achieve maximum effectiveness. Dropping them in the open when dogfighting with another ceptor is a horrible way to use nukes.

Why would you do that? XD

Well still, any vigilant pilot will hear or see the nuke drop or the timer and stay away until the blast. They are just too noticeable. You don’t strap a giant bright light with a warning sound to a covert ops item and hope it is effective.

Why would you do that? XD

Well still, any vigilant pilot will hear or see the nuke drop or the timer and stay away until the blast. They are just too noticeable. You don’t strap a giant bright light with a warning sound to a covert ops item and hope it is effective.

I’ve used it to effectively deny beacon captures and destroy ships sitting on beacons, along with catching fighters and frigs by surprise.

Extra huge blast radius ftw

Why would you do that? XD

Well still, any vigilant pilot will hear or see the nuke drop or the timer and stay away until the blast. They are just too noticeable. You don’t strap a giant bright light with a warning sound to a covert ops item and hope it is effective.

The nuke buff a few patches ago has made it less worthless and more really, really useful.


Did you know that most non-federation frigates can’t escape from a nuke planted on top of them, even if they’re already at full speed?

Did you know that a few empire fighters can’t, either?

Did you know that no frigate can escape from a nuke planted on top of them if they’re stationary (unless they have warp gate ready)?

Did you know that no ECMs can escape from a nuke planted on top of them while bubbled?

Did you know that the sound is really bloody quiet and hard to locate from 1k away, which is still 500m inside the blast radius?


Nukes used to be the worst missiles you could possibly use on covert ops. It’s much stronger, now, possibly even a bit too much so. If it weren’t for the reloading time, I’d say it was a bit overpowered.


Now, imagine a three second nuke. Your covert ops flying at 500 m/s has to stay in a completely straight line that entire time, still risking getting blown up by your own nuke. Literally no ship could get out of there from a stationary position. Most ships couldn’t get out of there at full speed.

Alrighty. Make it 4 seconds then. Xp

Alrighty. Make it 4 seconds then. Xp


5? :3

6 and I’m losing money, it’s my last offer.

5.5 then. Take it or take it anyways cuz screw balance.

BUFF nukes!? that stuff is freewins already. Ive killed FED ceptors with those. and you think they should be BETTER?

5.5 then. Take it or take it anyways cuz screw balance.

You haven’t seen my suggestion for a craftable nuke, with a shorter timer.

I have and did not condone it.

The crafting requirements have Monos in it and I will never spend monos on a consumable item, unless it is -better- in every aspect to all standard itens. Also the specs on it make it much less useful than even the current nuke.

Tl;dr: didn’t like it, wouldn’t use it.

I have and did not condone it.

The crafting requirements have Monos in it and I will never spend monos on a consumable item. Also the specs on it make it much less useful than even the current nuke.

Tl;dr: didn’t like it, wouldn’t use it.

Well the timer atleast makes sense and validates its use as a multi-class missile. Also the definition of a tactical warhead still applies where it must be placed tactifully to achive the intended effect which is to do damage

Well the timer atleast makes sense and validates its use as a multi-class missile. Also the definition of a tactical warhead still applies where it must be placed tactifully to achive the intended effect which is to do damage

But better use of a “tactical” weapon would not be a set timer, but manual detonation, as I suggested a while ago.