Making useless modifiers less useless.

I suggest to change the parameters of some passive modules, as some of them have a very weak effect. (Note: none of the numbers are fixed, balancing should be added where it is appropriate.)


Asynchronous Shield: 

increases shield regeneraion by a flat value of 150pts/sec. This would allow for a meaningful increase of shield regeneration on most ships without being too strong on (Jericho) destroyers.


Energy recupation system: 

additionally to charging the energy reserves with incoming damage, it could also fire a 1200m range pulsar pulse, dealing damage depending on the maximum capacitor charge. This pulsar would ‘pulse’ every time the shields received 3000 damage points. This effect would have a cooldown of 7 seconds. Every pulse regenerates 700 shield points.


Multipurpose Shield: 

instead of increasing the shield charge by a measly 17%, it could linearly increase shield resists by up to 50pts depending on the remaining shield charge. 100% shields would yield 0 resists, 0% shield would yield 50 resists.


Submatter shield:

additionally to increasing speed, it could also increase strafe speed by 20%.


Tetroxide incector: additionally to increasing the ships acceleration, it could give the user a 30% resistance to slowing effects.


Regenerative coating:

the hull regeneration should increase if the user has been out of combat for 7 seconds by up to 150 pts/sec


Missile pylons:

additionally to reducing missile reload speed, it should also increase the amount of missile slot ammunition by 1. This would enable covert ops interceptors to carry more nukes and it would allow some sort of a different approach to torpedo boat gameplay.


Lightweight hull:

additionally to increasing speed, itcould also increase rotation speed by 15%.


Gun modification (guard cpu thingy):

It should increase weapon damage by 9% per enemy in a 2000m radius. The current buff of 3% is barely noticeable.




Discuss, if you would like to see some of these options implemented or if you’re not interested in them!





Asynchronous Shield:

I think there are better ideas out there for this one (I like the idea of it having an increased shield rate while not in combat with a few extra resistance points (maybe 15 pts) when in combat).

Energy Recuperation System:

I think its fine as is, giving it shield recharge buffs would negate the fact that “Received damage is not reduced.” because it adds shields back. I think 36.5% is fine, if you take 3k damage, that gives you 365 energy, enough to completely charge most interceptor’s unaltered capacitors, and get frigates up to about 1/3 charged. If any changes are made, it should add extra capacitor volume.

Multipurpose shield:

50 pts is too much, that’s a 33.33% reduction to all damage types if the default resists are 0 pts. I think this is fine as is, 17% shield charge rate on something that is specifically to have shields absorb collisions, its a nice side buff, but it isn’t the main reason for using it.

Improved Missile Pylons:

This is a good idea, but it may prove somewhat problematic for nukes (which don’t have a charge reload, only the cartridge reload). It would be more realistic for us to be able to drop nukes in pairs, but I think a lot of people would see problems with this in Sector Conquest (it takes 3 nukes to destroy a module and 2 nukes to destroy a turret, so normally it would take several people, multiple runs, or both in order to destroy parts of dreadnoughts). I like this idea outside of Sector Conquest with nukes, but it would need some serious testing before implementation.

Gun Modification (guard cpu thingy):

I think that’s a good idea, but what is a Gun Modification? Is it one of those things that you had to buy with GS like the Proximity Mortar? I don’t have this and can’t see it anywhere (nor do I have nor can I see Proximity Mortars because they’re limited edition and my broke xxxx didn’t shell out $20 to buy one, I prefer having food).

Improved Missile Pylons:

Perhaps if it increased missile cartridge size by a certain % (perhaps 35%) it could give everything that has 3 missiles or more extra missiles but not nukes. I’m really not sure about this one, I would definitely like to be able to drop two nukes at once, it would make things easier for sure, but from an objective balancing perspective, I think two nukes in sector conquest would be kinda broken.

I like it all.


7 hours ago, PapyMcBites said:

Improved Missile Pylons:

Perhaps if it increased missile cartridge size by a certain % (perhaps 35%) it could give everything that has 3 missiles or more extra missiles but not nukes. I’m really not sure about this one, I would definitely like to be able to drop two nukes at once, it would make things easier for sure, but from an objective balancing perspective, I think two nukes in sector conquest would be kinda broken.

But not this. Go away. I need nukes to be useful again.