Make experimental... experimental

Hello. As many of you know, experimental weapons and modules prove more effective than the other versions of it. But, I don’t think anyone realized the word “Experimental”.  It means it hasn’t been fully tested, and isn’t made available for large scale distribution. With that being said, experimental weapons and modules should have RANDOM EVENT  flaws. Such as (organized):




  1. Power transfer failure- The module takes 50% more energy than it usually does
  2. Bug- Module either A: Doesn’t work at all, or B: is 75% less efficient ( Time it takes to recharge, energy usage, effects, etc.) temporarily
  3. Static Shock- Module causes ship’s engines and other modules to be disabled temporarily
  4. [More to come]




  1. Cooling failure- Weapon takes twice as long to cool down in the event that the weapon overheats
  2. Jam- Weapon cannot fire shots temporarily [LASER WEAPONS] Heat depletion- Laser cannot fire until beam is heated again
  3. Bent Barell- Weapon’s accuracy is decreased by 50% temporarily
  4. [More to come]


Now, of course, this comes with a good side. Experimentals will receive an overall buff, that being damage, effectiveness, etc.


Currently, this only covers Weapons and modules. I know there are passives and mods, but that will be for later.  Thanks.

I cant decide if I like this or not. My kneejerk reaction was to say no. But it would give those experimental weapons some character, and make it more of an interesting choice to use them beyond just a boost in their stats.

No. I want a skill based game, not one based on randomness. Bad enough that we do have luck based acquisition of experimentals in the first place.

What about experimental IMPLANTS ?  Will there ever be any ?


Noticed there is a warning about them unresearched implants may be bad for your health. 

I don’t think I’d equip experimentals if they had flaws. I mean there’s already some weird random bugs affecting the modules right now, we don’t really need to add “feature” bugs too.

I think you are getting hung up on the name “experimental.” I believe the term could actually be interchanged with “next-generation” meaning the modules and weapons have been manufactured based on existing technology, but have been enhanced in certain key areas to make them even more potent.


For example:


Experimental weapons do more damage than similar weapons from their respective tiers and classes, yet share all of the same limitations (rate of fire, critical chance, projectile speed, range, spread, overheating/cooling).


Experimental modules share the same energy usage as Mk. I, Mk. II, and Mk. III modules but have boosted effectiveness, range, or cooldown (when applicable).


Experimental ship modifiers are simply more effective versions than anything else on the market. How would one make these randomly malfunction?


I conclude by stating that while CaptainRick’s idea is an interesting one, I must disagree. I like the experimental equipment system the way it is at present.

Any deviation from the current status of experimentals would make them inferior to Mk.III/premium.

If this is a good idea i can only foresee it being implemented along with crafting with a 6th mark of mods which are produced by it, having their own synergy levels just like the ships. Till maxed out they will be hiccupping, failing etc, but in the end get slightly better stats than experimentals and stop failing. Upgrading can be an addition to crafting. Better and more logical option imo. (balance-wise at least).

If this is a good idea i can only foresee it being implemented along with crafting with a 6th mark of mods which are produced by it, having their own synergy levels just like the ships. Till maxed out they will be hiccupping, failing etc, but in the end get slightly better stats than experimentals and stop failing. Upgrading can be an addition to crafting. Better and more logical option imo. (balance-wise at least).


I am able to comprehend some of what you are saying:


Apply a system of synergy to weapons and modules. As synergy increases, weapons and modules become more reliable and fail less often. Simple.


My question is; If implemented, would the pieces of equipment in question be required to stay on one ship (i.e. Federation’s Rank 8 ship “Wolf”) or could they be shared between similar ships (i.e. Fed’s Rank 8 “Wolf” and Rank 9 “Wolf-M”) or should they be applicable to all ships of a specific class and tier (i.e. Empire’s Rank 7 “Phobos,”  Fed’s Rank 8 “Wolf” and Rank 9 “Wolf-M” (all Tier III Gunships))?


Also, you lost me on the subject of crafting. Please explain.

IRONIZE, they would be able to fit on all ships of the same class(interceptor/fighter/frigate) but the bigger question would be: Do they increase in sell-worth as their synergy goes up? :smiley:

I am able to comprehend some of what you are saying:

Apply a system of synergy to weapons and modules. As synergy increases, weapons and modules become more reliable and fail less often. Simple.

Was referring only to the crafted items (additional details below)(wether they would be active mods, passive, weapons, missiles or weapon mods). The more you use them the better your ‘character’ understands how they work and ‘tweaks them in the hangar while the player is docked and doesn’t fight or logged off’ - players’ characters have to be doing something while inactive! Derping around to improve their ships is an idea. Probably Eve style of skill training, but i wouldn’t go that deep.



Also, you lost me on the subject of crafting. Please explain.

I believe you noticed the ‘precursor junk’ when looting as well. What if we get additional types of that kind of loot which we can choose to either sell or use for creating items? A new mark #. There’s MK1-3, military and experimental. Then we would get… lets say ‘prototype’ stuff for crafted items and ‘modified’ stuff for upgraded items (all MKs). These would need tweaking and (maybe constant) use to improve them to get better up to the point where they have no flaws.


IRONIZE, they would be able to fit on all ships of the same class(interceptor/fighter/frigate) …

Yep, but also having a special gun or mod per ship is an interesting idea (but you’re all gonna yell ‘TEH UNBEARABLE GRAIND!’ again). Imagine improving ROF on a certain ship’s guns, bullet speed bonus or damage on another’s, subtracting from some other stats, depending on use. Basically more specialization that could go hand-in-hand with Kine’s ‘Tier-less Specialization’ idea: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21070-tier-less-specialization/)


… but the bigger question would be: Do they increase in sell-worth as their synergy goes up? :smiley:

That’s why we’re here suggesting. Indeed a viable idea :slight_smile:

Maybe trading would become a partial possibility, but the devs keep it strong as ‘nope, not gonna happen’…

Trading in this game would break it. I can already tell you that.

Imagine a scenario like this:

You invite a friend, he is in for 10 minutes then has 25m credtis and full experimental T1/T2 ships.


That is what would be possible, and what likely would happen if trading was allowed. Which is a system that simply won’t work and will bring unfairness into this game since it is then dependent on friends when you start instead of your own luck & skill.

And please don’t change experimentals or give normal weapons synergy >.< I would start killing people then I think…The grind is bad enough as is, and it would make getting into a tier even harder than it is now.

Trading in this game = inviting bot armies and even normal players having loads of alt accounts to circumvent the one purple loot spot per day limit.

True with trading.


And mod synergy was referring ONLY TO CRAFTED STUFF, NOT ALL < everyone pls read again… and again… and AGAIN!!! ESPECIALLY THE DEVS!

DO NOT make us grind synergy for all items unless it’s crafted stuff and tweaking would have some logic.

Needs some positive aspects to counterbalance all that, otherwise people will just fit full blues and send the purples to the trash. Keep pitching, though, the fact that Experimentals could have random effects in matches is actually good and could bring some nice game changes.


However, it should be a permanent effect throughout the match OR when you pick it up. If it’s on the match, it should show in bright colours in the middle of the screen (like it does on PvE) what effect your modules have, though that would make it confusing for people with full purple gear…