make cockpit view

i’m surprised to not see cockpit view on 2013 for space ship fight

it’s a must have

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It is planned, but the priority for this is very low at the moment becaue the cockpit view would be less efficient in battle.

thanks for this official respond.

i understand the problematic of “less efficient in battle”

it’s the same for warthunder, and i’m sure when it will be planned, a specific mode like “full real battle” with only cockpit view will be created,( even if the switch is possible with other mode)




yea i would be very happy with cockpit view like in wot to switch between views in battle !!

yea i would be very happy with cockpit view like in wot to switch between views in battle !!




i finish the game for the moment,coming back if there will be a cockpit,

hate to see the backside of my own ship like at the pokies of the 80ties

i finish the game for the moment,coming back if there will be a cockpit,

hate to see the backside of my own ship like at the pokies of the 80ties


Agreed, played for the first time today, stopped immediately when I saw the lack of cockpit view.  I’ll be back when it’s in.


In a 6DF shooter 3rd person gives little to no advantage at all unlike a ground-based shooter.  As long as you have situational awareness it’s no problem.  It should be a priority.  Game looks cool otherwise but without cockpit view myself and the rest of my clan won’t be playing.

Same for me. I played for a couple hours, but without cockpit view I’m just not interested. I disagree with it being less efficient as well. There were plenty of times I couldn’t see the ship I was shooting at because my ship was in the way. Make it easy to switch between the two and that’s the most efficient.

I’ll be back if it’s added.

When they make a cockpit view, they could have a mode where your limited to cockpit view, 3rd person really lets you see alot of what you may not be able to if you were sitting in the cockpit. Will it be a virtual cockpit with radar screen on one side, ship info on anothe rscreen? But ofcourse, i wouldnt expect it to be way too much in detail like it were a simulation game like Flight simulator X. They will have to make alot of different custom cockpits for each craft 

I was just about to add a thread for a Cockpit View, but it looks like I’m beating a dead horse.

My only suggestion would be to make each cockpit in ships (with the exception of the “same” ship, like Hercules and Hercules 2) slightly different. That would be really cool!

any comment from the producers about cockpit mode and when they plan to do it ?

Some Jericho ships look as if they don’t even have cockpits.

Some Jericho ships look as if they don’t even have cockpits.

Because they don’t have them, it’s they theme.

I really don’t understand a desire to fight in cockpit in a game such as Start Conflict, you will have at least 3x less field of view, if you are in a Frigate how do you expect to fight back interceptors with a cockpit view? It is not that easy as it is. This is not a space simulator with a goal of immersion, this is an arcade space shooter. In T3anyonee who is going to use cockpit view or even an existent zoom view, gonna be annihilated by any average player using 3d view…

And saying that cockpit view is not necessarily a disadvantage, is just an ignorance.

@xKostyan: By all means, let them fly in cockpit view. Makes it easier for everyone else :slight_smile:


I do agree with your statement though, how anyone can say that limiting their angle of view makes them see more/as much is beyond me.


That’s like saying “I see just as much when I cover one of my eyes!”

don’t need cockpit view. i hate cockpits and always turn them off… i prefer my screen to be clear of all clutter.


what we need is first person view, because the ship obstructs your view a lot of the time.


or at least some method to make our own ship model transparent (like 20% opacity, so it can barely be seen)…


in that sense, it wouldnt reduce your field of view to provide a disadvantage, but you could still see what you’re aiming at…


this becomes especially problematic with frigates like the guard, which are slow to turn, and most often the target is directly in front of you, hidden by the bulk of your ship.


of course, it would require a bit of a rework to the cloak effect for your vessel, or you might not be able to determine if you are cloaked or not at 20% opacity… or might become next to invisible ;o