LRFs are Toxic in Beacon Modes


 yup, when you claok your mauler in the front line and nobody notice you… Then Armaggedon start…

You are NOT entitled to ignore mission objectives and you are NOT entitled to make your team lose because you are less use to them than a bot.

I almost never go after objectives(only for captains) and my W/L ratio is 1.56



 yup, when you claok your mauler in the front line and nobody notice you… Then Armaggedon start…

They allow me to do that… Maulers are easy to spot  :learn:

I almost never go after objectives(only for captains) and my W/L ratio is 1.56

This is not a binary. It is not a case of “everyone should rush the beacon or get banned”. One of the things that differentiates good players from bad is an ability to spot when a beacon is a lost cause and move on.


And yes, it is entirely possible that an LRF could set up somewhere and snipe every ship trying to get to a beacon and thus help the team and that appears to be what the Devs think will happen. However, it is at odds with reality, and you can’t make balance changes based on what you imagine is happening over what is actually happening.


Case in point, the other day I was flying my Guard and I was a popular target for the enemy LRF. I found a sweet spot where I could hide from him and still cap a beacon, as well as give supporting fire to a second beacon. His response to this was to stay perfectly still and wait for me to come out of hiding so he could shoot me again, which I did after we’d capped the beacon and his team had no chance of winning any more. He didn’t relocate, and from what I can tell he didn’t even switch targets - he just decided “I’m going to kill that Guard” and that was that.


So this myth of the amazing LRFs is just that - a myth. In standard play you are far, far more likely to come across the inept ones. Sad fact is, bad LRFs are the norm, and the reason they are bad is the ship doesn’t ever punish bad play.

Well… It’s a sterile discussion. LRF are good the way they are. Desintegrator and torpedo serve different purposes that are good for the game and can be fun to play. Area denial is a wonderfull tool when used right.

It’s not coz the vast majority of lrf pilots are stupid kids that look after big numbers display and don’t know how to play that the lrf as a ship must be changed (well, something coul be done with this 40 sec “unable to lock” IR pulsar thing)… They lose, don’t gain synergy points, nor credits… What else could be done to tell them they’re wrong?

As much as I find it annoying, I won’t report them nor insult them. If they enjoy losing, it’s their problem. I’ll just hope next game will be beter.

Allowing 4 pilots squad to join and don’t have long queue time is the best answer the devs can give to that. Don’t like how the other fly ? Go with some buddies en wreck those crappy n00bs. If you go solo you know you’ll be with PUG and there is a high risk that they’ll be bad. For me it’s much more a matchmaking issue than a game design one. Once you’re allowed to chose who you fly with, the PUG issue became irrelevant. Currently, the bad matchmaking system doesn’t alow you to go on squad due to long queue time…

They allow me to do that… Maulers are easy to spot  :learn:

Correct. My point is : it’s far more deadly than those stupid spawn camper that don’t know how to fly…

Nope. What this translates to is “take part or gtfo.”

And let’s be clear; you are NOT entitled to play however you want. What if I decided to bring a Recon and fly around the edge of the map all game because I liked the view? By your logic I can’t be reported or punished because I’m playing the way I want to.

We don’t have a problem with LRFs who fly like gunships, or who stay up front and support, or who guard the Captain, etc. But you are NOT entitled to play however you want. You are NOT entitled to sit in spawn all game. You are NOT entitled to ignore mission objectives and you are NOT entitled to make your team lose because you are less use to them than a bot.

Now you’re just pulling straws to prove your point. You know full well what i meant

Everyone IS entitled to play LRF either from distance or up close… you do not get to decide how.

One is allowed to play gunship from 5km with Ion or close range with Bubbles… Same with LRF: one can play from a distance sniping with disintegrator or close/mid range with coils/positron


Just because you don’t like sniping with disintegrator or can’t snipe with it doesn’t mean its bad and everyone should be forced to stop using it 

You still sound like this- “The way i play is the best. everyone should be forced to play that way”


You are NOT entitled to sit in spawn all game. 

says who? sniping from spawn doesn’t violate any rules. Read the rules again


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/8916-game-server-code-of-conduct/)


And tell that to snipers like darkdragon… they can bring victory to the team without moving far from spawn

anyone ever noticed that you can place mines right after you stop a warp? any enemy going through that will arrive to a face full of mines.


But EM torps are so much more fun!


Anyway… would reducing the max distance of the sniper modules help in any way? At least the bad snipers are forced to come a little closer.

But EM torps are so much more fun!


Anyway… would reducing the max distance of the sniper modules help in any way? At least the bad snipers are forced to come a little closer.

Again… bad pilots will still use it anyway and just die more

and good pilots will get nerfed ship that main weapon can get more range than “F” module



oh I forgot! BUFF GUNSHIPS!!!






And let’s be clear; you are NOT entitled to play however you want. What if I decided to bring a Recon and fly around the edge of the map all game because I liked the view? By your logic I can’t be reported or punished because I’m playing the way I want to.


Now this would be against the rules (not taking part in the battle without actually leaving ( 6.8. Avoiding combat without leaving the battlefield. )).

Being a Ace on the other hand… yeah, don’t police how people play. Let’s wait until they remove the separate Q for wings, and fly with only those who you want to fly with.

Again… bad pilots will still use it anyway and just die more

and good pilots will get nerfed ship that main weapon can get more range than “F” module


Bad pilots will abandon LRFs when they die too much. I haven’t flown Imperial LRFs in ages after I unlocked my Styx so I can’t comment about them, but IMO JLRFs aren’t going to be affected that much by the nerf. 

Bad pilots will abandon LRFs when they die too much. I haven’t flown Imperial LRFs in ages after I unlocked my Styx so I can’t comment about them, but IMO JLRFs aren’t going to be affected that much by the nerf. 

by doing that you make LRFs stronger… with short range disintegrator they will have safe zone(impossible to counter snipe) and they will be 8km behind main battle anyway



If they nerf LRFs…




The rage is strong in this thread. While I agree that dumb players will be dumb and gravitate to whatever puts them least at risk to blowing up, this right here proves this thread is just some Elitist QQ’ing.

And let’s be clear; you are NOT entitled to play however you want.

Do what Tillo does and just carry harder or suck it up, he does a good job of it.

I rest my case.


BTW… GeneInari, either your sig doesn’t make any sense at all, or I need to brush up on my mother tongue.

Do what Tillo does and just carry harder or suck it up, he does a good job of it.

Put simply, no.This is a class-based TEAM game. I don’t expect my allies to be pro players, but I expect them to at least make a token effort. Why should I or anyone else have to play 8 v 12 so four losers can get free synergy and credits for sitting in spawn all game not doing anything?

Put simply, no.This is a class-based TEAM game. I don’t expect my allies to be pro players, but I expect them to at least make a token effort. Why should I or anyone else have to play 8 v 12 so four losers can get free synergy and credits for sitting in spawn all game not doing anything?

If you play for synergy then it maybe problem for you… 


Team based game won’t work well with randoms… If you want good TEAMWORK play in SecCon or make custom Corp vs Corp


I play for fun and in most games don’t care about team. Just pew pew pew bcs I like it.

sometimes when I have game streak with teams that just suck I take a break and sometime ago made Topic about pilots in T5.


I remember I had capt recon game…

My capt 800ish SR

Enemy capt 1700SR AUT guy in 4man squad

Lucky me that AUT decided to farm my team and didn’t see my DEagle  :lol:

So MM screw you and pilots are average and if we change one class they will use some other ships that do nothing, like longrange guard or engie w/o heals.




BTW… GeneInari, either your sig doesn’t make any sense at all, or I need to brush up on my mother tongue.

It’s just my username in kanji just Inari and then the syllables ‘ji’ and ‘in’ for Gene.


Put simply, no.This is a class-based TEAM game.

If you play for synergy then it maybe problem for you… 

Team based game won’t work well with randoms… If you want good TEAMWORK play in SecCon or make custom Corp vs Corp 

I play for fun and in most games don’t care about team. Just pew pew pew bcs I like it.

Tillo said what I was going to, yeah playing with randumbs blows. You’re better off just expecting nothing, they’re not getting worked up over. And hey if you expect nothing out of them, you get pleasantly surprised when one with half a brain comes along!

And really, you play enough, you’re gonna have bad games no matter what. Sometimes you just have to be like “Well this team is beyond saving.” and change from going for the win to just whatever suits you that isn’t getting the W, which is presumably kills or contract goals.



I had a feeling you’d like that.

Every Ship can be toxic between bad hands.


We always come back on the same subject in reality.


Today, it’s LRF.

Tomorrow it could be ECM.

Hate LRF? Kill the LRF!

Hate the ECM? Kill the ECM!

Hate LRF? Kill the LRF!

Hate the ECM? Kill the ECM!

Hate JP? Kill JP!