LRFs are Toxic in Beacon Modes

They really are 9 out of 10 times when I see 3 or more LRFs my team generally ends up losing the battle.  This is because people decide its great to just camp spawn and do f*** all the entire game.  Its gotten so bad I just spawn myself a Guided Torp and kill them myself with the AOE damage then whisper them to get into a different ship or its going to happen again.


Believe it or not this has actually won us a few games here and there because if they actually listen and swap into another ship surprise surprise we start holding the beacons we cap.


Let me get to the point; Long Range Frigates should be disabled in Beacon Modes.  Yes there are a few good people out there who actually do well with them but they are far far far outnumbered by all those that just absolutely blow massive C**k with them.


Alternatively LRFs should lose their Disintegrator/Guided Torp and be changed into something else while still retaining their 6 turrets.  Maybe a special effect that boosts sensor strength I dunno that’s what you’re here for so have at it.

This topic has been discussed to death. Inb4 muh skillz QQ.

They really are 9 out of 10 times when I see 3 or more LRFs my team generally ends up losing the battle.  This is because people decide its great to just camp spawn and do f*** all the entire game.  Its gotten so bad I just spawn myself a Guided Torp and kill them myself with the AOE damage then whisper them to get into a different ship or its going to happen again.


Believe it or not this has actually won us a few games here and there because if they actually listen and swap into another ship surprise surprise we start holding the beacons we cap.


Let me get to the point; Long Range Frigates should be disabled in Beacon Modes.  Yes there are a few good people out there who actually do well with them but they are far far far outnumbered by all those that just absolutely blow massive C**k with them.


Alternatively LRFs should lose their Disintegrator/Guided Torp and be changed into something else while still retaining their 6 turrets.  Maybe a special effect that boosts sensor strength I dunno that’s what you’re here for so have at it.


  Well nice intentions BUT not sure you want to keep that as a regular routine.   What you have done may not be appreciated and sending a message to someone taking ownership that you intentionally attempting to lower their health as well as telling them what ship they can or can not use is definitely out of line, 




Please note rule 6.5



IV. Behaviour of the players in combat


_ 6. During the game, the following is prohibited: _

6.1. Use of any software and / or hardware automation that allows for gameplay without the intervention of the player.

6.2. Use of any software and / or hardware automation to significantly simplify gameplay.

6.3. Use of any software and / or hardware automation, allowing you to assign more than a single command to one key. Whereby two similar commands, following one after the other, are considered different commands.

6.4. Use of vulnerabilities and / or errors of the game mechanics to get an unfair advantage.

6.5. Intentional infliction of damage to allied team members.

6.6. Denial to deal damage to the enemy.

6.7. Giving up location of allied ships to the enemy.

6.8. Avoiding combat without leaving the battlefield.

6.9. Refusal to fight against members of the corporation.

6.10. Any help to the opposing team.




unfortunately this is part of the game we just have to accept… people are going to play what ever ship they choose. 

I’ve had this discussion before… you should read a little further down your list.


6.6. Denial to deal damage to the enemy.

How many LRFs are actually a threat? One in five? One in ten? A big part of why so many are so useless is they spend all game shooting rocks and empty sky. They don’t deal damage to the enemy, and if they do it was probably by accident, not design.


6.8. Avoiding combat without leaving the battlefield.
The bulk of LRF pilots never leave spawn. Several of them are too stupid to find a proper position, and so once you move out of their tiny little field of fire they are no longer taking part in the match. If you are sat in spawn when the bulk of the action is 9-10km away (or more - I’ve seen LRFs sat sniping at ships beyond disintegrator range before now), you are avoiding combat.

6.10. Any help to the opposing team.


So tell me, would you say that any of the following could be considered helping the opposing team?

  1. Staying in spawn all match.
  2. Refusing to capture objectives.
  3. Refusing to support team members.

Most LRF pilots are rule breakers by definition.



So, leave an LRF alone and he breaks three rules. Murder him with friendly fire and you’ve only broken one. Clearly, this class has to go.

LRFs are best ships out there!


Problem is that there are tons of n00bs and tierrushers that have no idea how to play and tbh there is no diff if pilot like that is in LRF or some other ship… He will sit and do nothing or be farmed by enemy team without getting in 2km radius from beacon… so I prefer them in LRF if luck they will kill something.



*as LRF pilot*

In almost all games I’m 1st on eff pts board after battle, I deal in average 20-30% of team dmg… so like I said before n00b will be n00b nomatter what he use, atleast as LRF they don’t give points to enemy team

This is a false argument that I am tired of seeing.


Three LRFs sat in spawn doing nothing are useless. Dead weight. Never going to do jack xxxx.


If those same three pilots took ANY other class they are of use to the team. All they need do is to draw fire long enough for someone to capture a beacon, or convince an enemy interceptor to back off because he doesn’t like 3-1 odds, or just get targeted long enough for a more skilled player to mop up some key targets and he’s been of use to the team.


But let’s go one better. Let’s say these guys bring an Engineer or Command with half decent buffs. Now they’re a huge asset to the team! They can hide behind a rock 3-4km away from a beacon and they will help the team without ever having to open fire.


The simple truth of the matter is that the LRF is a badly designed class that doesn’t fit at all with the overall ethos of the game. It is the only class in the game that encourages negative behaviour as part of its core design.

but… but… LRFs have best dmg in game and 2 LRFs can block entire enemy team behind rocks while theirs team cap beacons or do something else!


Please don’t say that we need more changes, nerfs etc bcs n00bs have no idea how to use stuff they get like weapons/ships

Someone write an LRF guide quick! It’s the only weapon we have against stupid LRF play.

Someone write an LRF guide quick! It’s the only weapon we have against stupid LRF play.

Except most LRFs will never read it…

Devs need to remove the F-module and up the speed and the LRF will be fine. As a minelayer capable of 2-shotting Inties with plasma cannons it’s a great ship, but nobody flies that way.

-Have a good aim skill

-Choose one:

A-Kill stuff with disintegrator

B-Kill stuff with 6x turrets

-stay back - 3-4km behind main battle

I just spawn myself a Guided Torp and kill them myself with the AOE damage then whisper them to get into a different ship or its going to happen again.


Not only is that stupid but also against rules. Keep doing that and you’ll get banned for sure. Who are you to decide what ship someone should play?

You could increase your win chance by actually trying to win instead of indulging in such negative behaviour.



Except most LRFs will never read it…

Devs need to remove the F-module and up the speed and the LRF will be fine. As a minelayer capable of 2-shotting Inties with plasma cannons it’s a great ship, but nobody flies that way.

I’ve heard this way too much and frankly i think this statement roughly translates to “The way i play is the best. everyone should be forced to play that way”

The disintegrator is more devastating than main guns for fighters and intys if used right

If someone is bad with disintegrator what makes you so sure that they’ll do good with main weapons?


Playing LRF the way you wrote is definitely a good idea but being forced to do it? nope. If you like to play that way its fine but please try not to force that on others

Ellayt, try spawning in an engie and drop a warp gate on them.



Except most LRFs will never read it…

Devs need to remove the F-module and up the speed and the LRF will be fine. As a minelayer capable of 2-shotting Inties with plasma cannons it’s a great ship, but nobody flies that way.


Alas… I like the way LRFs are presently. I’ll be sad if a game mechanics rework is necessary to fix chronic player incompetence. 


Not only is that stupid but also against rules. Keep doing that and you’ll get banned for sure. Who are you to decide what ship someone should play?

You could increase your win chance by actually trying to win instead of indulging in such negative behaviour.

I’ve heard this way too much and frankly i think this statement roughly translates to “The way i play is the best. everyone should be forced to play that way”

The disintegrator is more devastating than main guns for fighters and intys if used right

If someone is bad with disintegrator what makes you so sure that they’ll do good with main weapons?

Playing LRF the way you wrote is definitely a good idea but being forced to do it? nope. If you like to play that way its fine but please try not to force that on others

im horrible with distinigrator,cant hit shít 6000m away and i come last,but when i use main weapons i usually have one of the highest eff.points. In the forums you will see a few posts of me ranting about how LRF cant do anything with distinigrator,that may be true,but theres always a use. Even if the LRF doesnt shoot it still does something. I like to call the meat shield set-up:multipurpose shield adpater,shield booster,nanocomposite coating,hull repair kit. This setup works for all friagte, you dont have to shoot,just wade into a 12v12 battle and laugh as the little interceptors tickle you will RF blaster and your regen is still faster than 5 people shooting at you. For guard frigates:shield booster,emergency shield booster,hull repair kit,liquid metal injector

Gotta give the new IR pulsar some love. Fly fast and let everyone lock on you, and disable their tacklers, ecm, recons and projectile weapon users

anyone ever noticed that you can place mines right after you stop a warp? any enemy going through that will arrive to a face full of mines.


Did you try using tachyon charge when using disintegrator? Its easy to hit targets with that, interceptors included

LRF are great ships… Just stay near a beacon, under EM cloaking stuff and nobody will take it.

They deal far more damage at medium range than at long… And they’re way more fun that way. Blame the player, not the ship.

OT : you can’t force a player to play the way you want… they have their free will and have fun the way they want. If flying in circle in the middle of the enemy while being killed amaze them, you can think they’re stupid, you can give them advice, it will make you mad… But at least stay polite and don’t report them for “nothing” it’s just a game.

  • go fight in T3 - T4 - T5… LRF pilots tend to be less a pain in higher tier (and sometimes a lot more deadly, *look at Tillowaty*).
  • go fight in T3 - T4 - T5… LRF pilots tend to be less a pain in higher tier (and sometimes a lot more deadly, *look at Tillowaty*).




Anyway LRFs can’t hit stuff on range 6km+?


Yea right… (I blame US server for that missed shots - first engie)

I’ve had this discussion before… you should read a little further down your list.


6.6. Denial to deal damage to the enemy.

6.8. Avoiding combat without leaving the battlefield.

6.10. Any help to the opposing team.


Nah, they don’t break the rules. Being bad is not breaking rules.

  1. They don’t deny doing damage, they try their hardest. They even hit the Ace Styxes.

  2. They don’t avoid combat. If they don’t have anything to shoot at, they will move out a bit.

  3. See above.


Don’t try to justify your ranting with rules.


Not only is that stupid but also against rules. Keep doing that and you’ll get banned for sure. Who are you to decide what ship someone should play?

You could increase your win chance by actually trying to win instead of indulging in such negative behaviour.

I’ve heard this way too much and frankly i think this statement roughly translates to “The way i play is the best. everyone should be forced to play that way”

The disintegrator is more devastating than main guns for fighters and intys if used right

If someone is bad with disintegrator what makes you so sure that they’ll do good with main weapons?

Playing LRF the way you wrote is definitely a good idea but being forced to do it? nope. If you like to play that way its fine but please try not to force that on others

Nope. What this translates to is “take part or gtfo.”

And let’s be clear; you are NOT entitled to play however you want. What if I decided to bring a Recon and fly around the edge of the map all game because I liked the view? By your logic I can’t be reported or punished because I’m playing the way I want to.

We don’t have a problem with LRFs who fly like gunships, or who stay up front and support, or who guard the Captain, etc. But you are NOT entitled to play however you want. You are NOT entitled to sit in spawn all game. You are NOT entitled to ignore mission objectives and you are NOT entitled to make your team lose because you are less use to them than a bot.