LRF un-nerfs needed

Remember back when JTorps were useful? Me neither. I simply state here that we need the old torps back. Damage, range, and explosion radius all included. I remember back when a T3 torp could fly 12km. Long-range in this game has become more and more short-ranged. This needs a fix.

Please don’t talk about JLRF nerfs or buffs if you don’t know anything about them.

JLRF’s were what got me hooked to the game. I started on Jericho back when you couldn’t switch factions and loved them. I’ve probably had more JTorp experience than most here. That’s probably why I’m the only one that can still effectively use them in any mode. (Aside from detonation) And I used them back when I could use engi mods on them! So that means I was repairing ally’s WHILE killing shiz. Get on my level.

Oh no…

Just because you play it, that doesn’t mean you know a lot about the meta or mechanics. That old history has no correlation to the JLRF we have today. I’m sorry senior citizen but today is not your day.

The nerfs have been done due to massiv complains from players. Currently there are still many people using them and doing well.

The beeps went off my screen…


I find that the LRFs’ special modules, both Jericho and Empire, are quite balanced in the game right now.  They do just enough damage to get kills every now and then, just enough annoyance to the enemy team especially in combat recon where they are very effective, and they are not too OP.

Same. The only complaint I have is that some Empire LRFs are a bit tanky for such huge DPS, but it’s honestly fine as is.

The JLRFS are fine. Only the ECMs and the tackler drones need nerf in T5.

Nope. Jericho LRFs are broken. Remove the radioactive cloud, and make the guided-torpedoes with alpha-damage. If the guided torps makes at least 3-4000 dmg then it would be better. Right now, only Empire snipers useful. Jerichos are paper.

Just make radiation cloud damage higher or allow the missile to speed up/slow down, strafe at the expense of fuel.

Nope. Jericho LRFs are broken. Remove the radioactive cloud, and make the guided-torpedoes with alpha-damage. If the guided torps makes at least 3-4000 dmg then it would be better. Right now, only Empire snipers useful. Jerichos are paper.

Honestly, the radiation cloud is a great disincentive to stay still, which makes it a pretty good anti-sniper weapon. Although I do agree that some reworking would be great. 

Just make radiation cloud damage higher or allow the missile to speed up/slow down, strafe at the expense of fuel.

Radiation cloud may seem weak, but it Ya add up the damage it’s pretty powerful. But I would much rather have all that additional damage funneled in to one big blast. But the cloud does clear out campers. And speeding up/slowing down would be epic, but it would make tachyon charger pointless, unless we could rework it to make it give torps more fuel.

The alpha strike was nerfed because an organised torp squad could kill pretty much everyone in one volley. By weakening the lrf they stop being about self-reliant kills and need support. Elrf is meant to force people into cover, jlrf forces them out of position. Both do that just fine as is.

JLRFs just tickle my ships… unless you count the off chance where someone has Mk4 gear equipped and actually kills me in my tackler.

Sarcams on*


I want my T5 Mauler to fly my hot sausage (torpedo) for 20km, so I can turn it around and stick it up my a**.


Sarcasm off*


It’s fine as it is, but I wouldn’t mind 2,5 km more distance for torps for T4 and T5.


10% more damage buff to snipers is also acceptable.

The alpha strike was nerfed because an organised torp squad could kill pretty much everyone in one volley.


You can still do it with 2-3 empire sniper which shooting at the same ship. The main problem is they nerfed the Jericho LRFs more than the Empire ones. Empire snipers still can deal damage, can hunt down interceptors and fighters if the pilot is really good with it, while Jericho only can agonizing in the back, because they have no good survivability and damage either. Right now they are useless paper maces, what can suicide with their own main weapon. They are useless in T5 as well, only the Mauler what can be useful, and not because of it’s special weapon but the six guns and the tons of CPU and Capacitor slots. So they are not OK. Only the RTs could save the snipers from extinction, but devs overnerfed them as well. So right now only Empire snipers are OK. But Jericho LRFs are not ships anymore, just some Fleet Strength increasers.

Not to mention, torps have 2k less range. And they do less damage, and the take longer to reload. And they’re slow and easy to dodge. And they have an “incoming missile” warning even behind obstacles. Shall I go on?

  The Jericho torpedo can be used effectively in a coordinated\focused attack on a single ship… the blast and radiation cloud provides a “screen” which disrupts the visibility from that ship… they essentially become blind for that few secs or until they move out.     So I am not sure that removing the radiation cloud to replaced by alpha damage would be a good thing.   


Like it been said before… the damage that the radiation cloud provides is an incentive to get out of heck out of it… or pay the ultimate price…  



they do need to unnerf the range restriction for T2 Jericho torpdeo back to at least 10K  ( currently at 8k vice 10 K for T3+ )  I think it should be the same as Snipers  


I believe the SNIPER was also reduced to 10K as well and it should be reverted back to 12K like  T3+ 

The problem isn’t with the power of the JLRF torpedo. The problem is that this ship is designed badly. People think it’s a sniper ship. It’s not. Or, at least, it shouldn’t be; it should be a second line support ship. The raw DPS means you can cause a lot of pain in a straight up fight, and so long as you have someone ahead to draw fire and punish over-extending enemies that’s fine. Minefields allow you to entrench behind a push or cover a retreat, and RT allows you to extract from a bad situation and lay down covering fire for your allies.


All the problems start when people press F.

The JLRF is still pretty excellent at second line stuff. Jason above me says it belongs as support; I say it belongs as assault. It’s more or less possible to force enemies behind cover with the main weapons, and it’s more or less possible to force enemies out of cover with the special. It’s still got the insane dps of any LRF. The only thing it’s missing is the same kind of tank ELRFs have. And maybe a more maneuverable guided torp.

I wouldn’t mind a slight bonus on Strafe Speed on LRFs (the +5% crit chance is nothing compared to the +20% capacitor volume on Guards or the +10% speed on Engineers), hopefully encouraging people to play them as assault frigates, instead of sitting at the spawn point shooting torpedoes. I mean, the Ira Deus with that Strafe and Rotation bonus is in a pretty sweet spot Imho. What if LRFs were designed to have better strafe stats than other frigates to compensate their “low” defensive stats? 


It’s just an idea, I think they’re more or less fine where they’re right now.