LRF Mines

ok so i was playing sec con and i all of a sudden died while being attacked by an inty. i looked at damage dealt. Somehow, i had dealt myself 10000+ damage with my own mines. I mean wth. Ok so the interceptor had flown into my mines and they exploded. that makes sense. But why was an lrf with some shields and full hull dead while an interceptor wasn’t? That’s ridiculous. we both had the same explosion. \


I think that you shouldn’t be able to kill yourself with your own minefield. 


Also, why doesn’t ECM stop an lrf from warping back. 

MAYBE… the inty was shooting at you… and MAYBE, you died then finally on your mines because the inty came close enough to you, that’s why i bubble at LRFs when they drop mines because they get insane Damage by their own mines and i get 0. :smiley:


And MAYBE, this was an experienced Covert Ops using Shield Booster + Adaptives what makes any interceptor tanky as hell, especially in T3+



Also, why doesn’t ECM stop an lrf from warping back. 

It does, but it could be prevented by: EM Scattering Field, R14 Implant, Intelligence


In fact, only the Ion Diffuser can prevent a LRF from jumping, the Stasis doesn’t.

I often have their own mines to kill them in my fighters. It works with recon mines as well, but its harder because they’re always moving.

It kills you because it has a set explosion radius like any explosive, and as you know, if you hit something with yer missile right as its shot it hurts a lot. You’ll have to check the exp radius, but that is the distance you need to stay away from the attacking enemy for yer mines to not kill you.

yes but it’s ridiculous that my mines dealt 10k+ damage to me and killed me but not an inty with only hull. 

yes but it’s ridiculous that my mines dealt 10k+ damage to me and killed me but not an inty with only hull.

Not really. According the game concepts explosions deal more damage to frigates than interceptors. If you wanted a realism perspective it still makes sense. A frigate has large surface area facing the explosion than an interceptor. It would make sense that more debris with a greater chance of hitting a vital system would mean more damage for frigate.

But the inty had like 3000 hull vs my 8000 and 4k shields…


and we both experienced the same explosion. 

Explosions don’t work like that. Force expands outwards equally. An interceptor has less surface area than a frigate.

But the inty had like 3000 hull vs my 8000 and 4k shields…


and we both experienced the same explosion.

Or you know he had a very unknown and rare module, emergency barrier.

Or maybe he was traveling full-speed under the influence of adaptives, but what inties ever do that?

Also, frigates take more damage from explosions than intys do.

frigates take 125% explosion damage, fighters 100% and I think intys 67%


the interceptor may have had armadillo implant as well

Or you know he had a very unknown and rare module, emergency barrier.

What is the magical enchantment you speak of!

So it makes a pilot invincible for 1 second, and turns itself on.

This may be good like that proton wall thingy no one uses, while complaining about ECM spam.



it’s just stupid that my own mines killed me and not an enemy interceptor. i mean they’re made for killing enemies. I think LRFs should have a boosted resistance to mines. 



it’s just stupid that my own mines killed me and not an enemy interceptor. i mean they’re made for killing enemies. I think LRFs should have a boosted resistance to mines.

LRF Mines are fine like this. You died. Deal with it. Get more resistance, use RT or just simply play clever.

I get where you are coming from.


There has to be a cost for something that powerful…

An inty has to be build to exploit this. Also my heal modules need to be active for the get away.

That said recons are nothing but a move survivability module hub…

Mines only do 8k-ish damage, so even with explosion damage you must have had crap resists or something. Emergency barrier probably saved the inti although a high thermal resist empire inti maybe could survive the mines and your ship explosion while using hull repair.

There is also the chance that you were hit by missile, recon mine etc and the 10k listed was just what finished you off.

Mines only do 8k-ish damage, so even with explosion damage you must have had crap resists or something. Emergency barrier probably saved the inti although a high thermal resist empire inti maybe could survive the mines and your ship explosion while using hull repair.

There is also the chance that you were hit by missile, recon mine etc and the 10k listed was just what finished you off.

no the inty was pretty high on hull. 

no the inty was pretty high on hull. 


Well there’s ur problem. The inty is on high hull, you are on low-health.


There are 3 easy solutions for your problem:

  1. More thermal resistance

  2. EB

  3. RT

I am finding there are many reasons to use the thermal resistance passive rather then the kinetic on my 600Mps+ ships.


So many auto hit thermal abilities.

Mines are fine