
So, they reduced the rate at wich you gain Loyalty by(varies with playtime) for me arround 90%.


Yep thats right. so this meens, it will take ppl much, much, much, Much, MUCH, MUCH!!! longer to gain loyalty and unlock items.


In general i think this was a good update.


But this change will meen that a new player will be rank 12 with ewry faction before he gains rank 12 with anny sub faction thru loyalty… 


What is the thinking behind this? annyone ?

I agree, this was quite uncalled for, and maybe too much reduced

Actually, think of it like this. With all the beacon capture and varied kill/point/module specific missions, it might actually force players to play better.

Just my thoughts on it, until I see loyalty rewards and can gauge the progression compared to main faction, I will not know for sure.

i do see your point, but ppl were doing those contracts before the change, to get the reward. so it will not change ppls play style in anny way.

they will do what is needed for the contract, and then 6 days later when that contract your speeking off is back, they will do it again :slight_smile:

Todays patch made contracts the only way to get sub faction rep. This has made it a lot slower to level, the idea obv bein to add more lifetime to the game



this has left a huge issue in general and esp for players who like to grind but cant play every day (read: has job etc), the CD’s are far to long on contracts now when u consider theres huge periods where u gain ZERO subfaction loyalty. this will most likely lead to players doin their ‘dailies’ then loggin off as they no longer gain rep




  • Add a lot more contracts
  • Reduce the CD’s on contracts so we can repeat more often
  • Further increase rep gained per contract
  • Add a new way of gettin subfaction rep
  • let us hav more than 3 contracts active at once

Loyalty doesn’t seem improved by liscences anymore, either.


So uh, if I could cancel mine, I would. I’m getting about 10x more rep than I need.

Todays patch made contracts the only way to get sub faction rep. This has made it a lot slower to level, the idea obv bein to add more lifetime to the game



this has left a huge issue in general and esp for players who like to grind but cant play every day (read: has job etc), the CD’s are far to long on contracts now when u consider theres huge periods where u gain ZERO subfaction loyalty. this will most likely lead to players doin their ‘dailies’ then loggin off as they no longer gain rep




  • Add a lot more contracts
  • Reduce the CD’s on contracts so we can repeat more often
  • Further increase rep gained per contract
  • Add a new way of gettin subfaction rep
  • let us hav more than 3 contracts active at once


I see to problems with this change.

  1. Loses a lot of resaon to play when contracts are not up. I even said to my crop I may or may not be on later when my contracts are back up. Farming money for the gear that is going to take a long, long time to get now is no fun. I can handle a wait or grind but with some contracts being Hours to Days it is kind “whats the point”. Yes there are more that do not take days than ones that do, but there are still ones that do.

  2. What reason do I have to try to win? I get the same increase in my loyalty if I win or lose, I should just go for my objectives to get it and not care.

  3. Some require certant missions, like kill a captain or cap point, and there is no way to pick the game time. So it is dum luck if the right one is picked.O and what is to stop some one who has no contracts for a captain mission, they got capture only ones left from going.  “O look I got captain. I should hit backspace and blow my self up to get into the next game I CAN do my contracts in. I got a liscences so not like it is a big mony lost if any.” All they have to do is wait to be attacked then do it if they are afraid of being reported. Will just look like they sucked. Or to fly right at the other team, to “try” to get a kill.


If they were thinking loyalty was going up to fast then there are other fixes than this.

  1. Lower the amount gotten per game and increase contracts.

  2. Make it so only wins and contracts give sub faction loyalty. That way there is a reason to stay in the game and try to win.

Yup made a post bout this over on suggestions




the concept is OK but they need to rework the contract system to b more reg to keep us playin. kinda feel like im doin nothin ATM



My post :



Todays patch made contracts the only way to get sub faction rep. This has made it a lot slower to level, the idea obv bein to add more lifetime to the game



this has left a huge issue in general and esp for players who like to grind but cant play every day (read: has job etc), the CD’s are far to long on contracts now when u consider theres huge periods where u gain ZERO subfaction loyalty. this will most likely lead to players doin their ‘dailies’ then loggin off as they no longer gain rep




  • Add a lot more contracts
  • Reduce the CD’s on contracts so we can repeat more often
  • Further increase rep gained per contract
  • Add a new way of gettin subfaction rep
  • let us hav more than 3 contracts active at once

The other option is to put it back to the old system but massively increase the amount of loyalty need to level (subfactions). increase the daily/weekly contracts to give huge bonuses


that way if ur grindin atleast u would feel like ur gettin somewhere even if it is slow as hell and if u only come on to do contracts u move it up efficiently

The other option is to put it back to the old system but massively increase the amount of loyalty need to level (subfactions). increase the daily/weekly contracts to give huge bonuses


that way if ur grindin atleast u would feel like ur gettin somewhere even if it is slow as hell and if u only come on to do contracts u move it up efficiently

Another proposal : add a new kind of contracts binded to PVE missions. A bit like EVE…

I would have understood lessening the loyalty to fractions of what it was (so that you would still gain at least some by just playing), but total removal definitely has it’s problems (mentioned in different posts above). Unless there is some better contract system coming up, that ensures loyalty gain at same time encouraging to play the objective of the game mode in question.



With these modifications, at some point people have to grind loyalty, instead of anything else. Such players in-game strategy might not be the “most optimal” for the team, e.g. he could totally ignore the actual game mode objectives in order just to get that odd “kill X players with Y” -loyalty points. I would still tie some of the loylaty to winning the game.



So I suggest: give still some loyalty for winning the game, but none for losing?

Another point to note:


Because you can no longer get loyalty just from playing a match, the incentive to use the Hacked Firmware booster (500 gold) is now gone (Reputation was always fast enough as it is anyway, I used them for loyalty boost).


So yeah, this loyalty nerf has all kinds of interesting consequences, and I can’t really think of any positive ones.

Another proposal : add a new kind of contracts binded to PVE missions. A bit like EVE…

I like this

It’s only between t1 and t2.

The contracts already give a lot more rep now. And I think the cooldown time has been shortened too…


Addendum: I checked again. Cooldown is the same, which SUCKS because the rep you get from them is disproportionally small and you need the contract levels to get your hands on new equipment.

At this rate, I’ll be having tier 4 ships even before I unlocked my first mk.3 equipment, and I’m fairly certain it should be the other way around…

It’s only between t1 and t2.

You’re sure ?

That’s what they said.

Todays patch made contracts the only way to get sub faction rep. This has made it a lot slower to level, the idea obv bein to add more lifetime to the game


I disagree with that too. I can’t imagine that being the reason.

If anything, moving the goalposts to a point where it is almost infeasible has quite the opposite effect on me.


Case in point:

Quake III. This game offered NO progression, no change. The only thing that progressed was your own skill.

I have played that game for many years. Why? Because the gameplay was fun and ever challenging and everyone was on equal footing.


Now with loyalty being such a PITA to attain, I can’t fly the ships I want with the gear I want, unless I spend 15 billion years waiting for contract cooldowns or spend ludicrous amounts of gold (well over $110 to fully fit ONE T4 ship. Seriously?), and people that already have rank 12 in everything because loyalty was ok to grind before this patch have an absolutely massive advantage.


Also, If this is some cheap trick to get people to buy gold guns/modules then think again. People are not going to buy gold gear just because it was made it impossible to grind for the blue stuff before the heat death of the universe; It’s only going to make people find something else to do with their time and money.