Loyalty vouchers to Monocrystals exchange interface

I got a following problem for over 5 months now. I am capped at 6 million loyalty vouchers.

Loyalty vouchers are obese, hardest to get, but they are essentially useless for top-end players, since they are no longer relevant, once you upgrade your equipment.


I am suggesting the following:

Loyalty vouchers -> Monocrystal conversion (exchange rate) option, like it is presented with Galactic Standards -> Credits exchange.

It will only be possible to convert it in such manner and not the opposite.



I will always take fully capped, 1000000 (1 million) loyalty vouchers as an example.


My suggested exchange system:


option 1 :


    10000 loyalty voucher/s =     1 Monocrystal

1000000 loyalty voucher/s = 100 Monocrystal/s


A total of all capped 6000000 (6 million) loyalty vouchers = 600 Monocrystals.


option 2 :


    20000 loyalty voucher/s =   1 Monocrystal

1000000 loyalty voucher/s = 50 Monocrystal/s


A total of all capped 6000000 (6 million) loyalty vouchers = 300 Monocrystals.


option 3 :


    25000 loyalty voucher/s =   1 Monocrystal

1000000 loyalty voucher/s = 40 Monocrystal/s


A total of all capped 6000000 (6 million) loyalty vouchers = 240 Monocrystals.


option 4 :


    50000 loyalty voucher/s =   1 Monocrystal

1000000 loyalty voucher/s = 20 Monocrystal/s


A total of all capped 6000000 (6 million) loyalty vouchers = 120 Monocrystals.


option 5 :


  100000 loyalty voucher/s   =   1 Monocrystal

1000000 loyalty voucher/s   = 10 Monocrystal/s


A total of all capped 6000000 (6 million) loyalty vouchers = 60 Monocrystals.



completely optional:


Karma system : (will affect your exchange rate, by checking your current +/- reputation)


I also thought of Karma levels of +/- , which your current reputation is based on.

Only a +/-5 player can have the best benefit of using such option, like an option 1. A +/-1 player will have the lowest possible benefit, like an option 5.

Karma level 0 (neutral) players should not be able to use such feature immediately , until they reach at least a +/-1 reputation, minimum.



I hope that developers will realize the importance of this suggestion.

Because of such non-existent mechanic, I no longer feel the need to participate and play in PvP, PvE, Special Ops and new SQ mode.

I thought of this suggestion for some time now and I have come to believe, that the best conclusion would be the inclusion of such system as soon as possible.



Remember, do not forget to vote!

I value opinions of all the fellow players!






Such a system is not planned.

Such a system is not planned.

Then I have no reason to play anymore.


Then I have no reason to play anymore.


Rage quit? Just asking, not trolling.

Then I have no reason to play anymore.



I told you in private Koromac but I’ll tell you again here: You have completed the game.  You need to adapt and find new ways to have fun, if you can.  If not, find another game.  But stop making suggestions that are only in your own interest.  This about the thousands of other people that are not at your stage.

I told you in private Koromac but I’ll tell you again here: You have completed the game.  You need to adapt and find new ways to have fun, if you can.  If not, find another game.  But stop making suggestions that are only in your own interest.  This about the thousands of other people that are not at your stage.

think his ideas are real fine and not as bad as u might  think. new content and the given suggestions would help many pilots  and not only him.Such system would lower monogrind which does prevent that many pilots stay in game for longer.most f2p pilots loose fun very fast with the current system, they leave game before being rdy to use some $. low pilot numbers sc has are kind of caused by such in my view.

bye Koro

think his ideas are real fine and not as bad as u might  think. new content and the given suggestions would help many pilots  and not only him.Such system would lower monogrind which does prevent that many pilots stay in game for longer.most f2p pilots loose fun very fast with the current system, they leave game before being rdy to use some $. low pilot numbers sc has are kind of caused by such in my view.


Oh don’t get me wrong, some of his other ideas are good.  But this one in particular is not, in my opinion. If you want more monos quickly, you already have the option to buy them with real money via the crates.  I don’t see what more you could want.

Well i dont have anything to say about what and what not that they shud do. but i agrea with Koromac with a lot of things … this game haz ALOT of outdated stuff. even if you bin in my corp and have a small idea about who i am … then you still only know like 3% of me … i know it costs money to everyone who works on this game. and it takes alot to go true the small details … i understand aswell that they dont plan to do somthing about it, but if we realy wanne go that far in designing this game to a diamond. why not make a small group that starts making publicity vor this game + croudfund … then with the amout of cash that we can gather … why not give it to gajin + a fully detaild concept plan about what you wanne change … why am i saying this … its a real world … and i wuddnt work for free aswell!! and mill its a fact that GAJIN is draining as much moey out of your pockets as they can … buy monos with a rate of getting nothing , up to 10 … i spended alot of money buying thows containers … and again i can effort it … but if i wud do it again … HELL NO !! so it wud be nice to keep it in mind that some people have the cash to trow around and others dont !!

nice idea,100monocrystals for 1mil vouchers is reasonable because both crystals and vouchers take lot of time to get.

Rage quit? Just asking, not trolling.

There is no rage quitting.

I listen to the voice of reason and now it is clear.


I will go a bit off-topic, but this needs to be said.

I may not accomplish anything, but may intention is to state my personal opinion on this subject or at least related subject.



It is obvious to a rational man, that there is only one intention. To keep a business blooming, but not at any cost! People must come first, before personal interests. Some companies have begun to understand that.

It must be built on a strong and healthy foundations. Strong foundations in this case means game’s economy. You only need to attract investors by proper methods. The structure itself in general - the content is equally important.

However, it feels like that some of the methods here are pretty much the opposite. Keep a business going, until it hangs by a thread, no matter the cost, while you do nothing, or very little on the other side, to rectify that. Greed and egoism!

Pocket as much money as you can, while trying to give nothing worthwhile in return as an incentive to all players, including top-end players or those, who want only want or need specific features. This is only a short-term system.

I would still play this game, if I would still get acknowledged, that even if my contracts are capped now, I could still use them some other way, but game’s only intention is focus on grind and not about end-game point.

Economy should be the leading cause, which would retain the players, since it would be reasonable and rational. Retaining players means also more total population, because we manage to keep them, before they give up.

Pleased players stay, especially if they like a game, since it is also affordable. Here it is only affordable to very few or those, who have pretty much no issue with spending a large quantities of money on this game.


Instead of incentivising you, players will now spend some money, get bored and then move on. That is their only goal. System is designed, to encourage “usual” playes to invest, unless if they want to farm endlessly for 3 years.

It is not about player retention at all. It is about keeping players long enough, that if they can, they will spend their money as a shortcut, like for the module upgrades for mark 3 and mark 4. I do not object to that, but…

Mark 3, all the same items must be re-purchased or be re-crafted each time. If we would want to have a faster progression system, we would need to rectify that. 0.0.7 or 0.0.8 had this feature already, when we only paid credits afterwards.

You only needed to pay credits for the mark 3, until development team changed and shifted their focus. Item upgrade economy and customization reworks, brought us to where we are now. I would rather not mention the servers.

That system should never be changed in the first place, or at least it would require one-time unlock for each upgrade, not with rank restiction, like it used to be, but with a one time upgrade or a purchase to unlock it.

Same goes with customization system. Now it is the “service”. If you buy a car, you should own it. We had that in customization options. Credits only for a limited time or GS. Same goes for Invasion modules. You can only buy them.

Now, in this customization case, you only rent it. You do not get to buy it, ever! It is quite apparent, if you check the dwindling numbers on the forum, what people think of all of this.

People got bored and they usually no longer actively participate on them. At least, not many. Only a few individuals, whose job it is, to participate on them. I am afraid, to no avail.


While all has not been bad, I admit that in some cases the developers did listen. It just wasn’t enough, if you put together the whole picture.

I do not blame the developers. I blame the publisher and their policy.


Here is a short summary what needs to be done:


Correct economic model (mark 3 upgrade system and especially mark 5 (greatly reduced monocrystal requirements or mark 5 manufactured kits only) and enable pre-existing system in customization options - credits

Better, sufficient and stable servers. This is the most important as well.

REAL, PAID ADVERTISEMENT on famous and well known channels, magazines and game shows (if both conditions above are met first) Also, contact reviewers to update their old review with the most recent one.

Ability to lease Secret Projects and use of the Deconstructor devices.

Ability to fully customize synergy ranks on all Secret Projects.

Introduction of a new PvE, PvP maps, modes and standard and premium ships, etc.

Monocrystals loot drops in PvP and PvE, ranging from 3 monos to 5 for each such spot, which is based on ship’s tier (at least daily, if not in general loot)

Custom Dreadnought Battles, or specific PvE mission, which involves them. (preferably both)

Improval of the current, abusive SQ system (read the feedback on the most common issues)

Reworked Invasion criminal mechanics and more rewarding and diverse loot system with full Karma implementation features.

Shop system (re-purchases of the premium bundles issue and no separate section to pay for special aerography - emblems.



I give this game less than 5% chance of survival. It is still better than 0,0001%, right?




Good day,


I am feeling sad now.


I give this game less than 5% chance of survival. It is still better than 0,0001%, right?

And again I need to remind you that the game is far from being dead. If there was no intention to keep it alive, why do we have regular patches, Devs active on the forum collecting ideas and a bigger patch in September?

And again I need to remind you that the game is far from being dead. If there was no intention to keep it alive, why do we have regular patches, Devs active on the forum collecting ideas and a bigger patch in September?

Looking forward for the stuff.

And again I need to remind you that the game is far from being dead. If there was no intention to keep it alive, why do we have regular patches, Devs active on the forum collecting ideas and a bigger patch in September?

Im willing to guess the OAB won’t be seen in September, I’ll give it til January. That’s my guess, not a deadline.

Im willing to guess the OAB won’t be seen in September, I’ll give it til January. That’s my guess, not a deadline.

What is the OAB?

What is the OAB?

A suggestion for a player craftable bomb used only for T5 ships, called “Osmium Alloy Bomb”.

Suggestion can be found here:

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/27606-suggestion-for-a-unique-craftable-bomb/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27606-suggestion-for-a-unique-craftable-bomb/)

A suggestion for a player craftable bomb used only for T5 ships, called “Osmium Alloy Bomb”.

Suggestion can be found here:

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/27606-suggestion-for-a-unique-craftable-bomb/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27606-suggestion-for-a-unique-craftable-bomb/)

Ah I see. Hope they put that in the game.

Ah I see. Hope they put that in the game.

It seems so with how I balanced it and even gave out an idea of modeling and lighting (it is treated like a tac nuke, hence why I suggested a little warning light)

I think reaching endgame content is a  short path, sooner or later you will find yourself owner of all ships , millions of credits /vouchers etc.  that doesn’t mean you have completed the game , because PVP NEVER DIES , you will always find an worthy opponent until they decide to switch game, so suggesting find another game is never good idea. Every player in game  has a value same as every suggestion about game. You dont like it ? ignore it  , you like it ? support it : simple.


  I have maxed my voucher limits , i got million of free synergy  , credits? god…  Yes they should worth something but exchanging them to another game currency  will cause shorter  path to the goal (what ever you want). Monos harder to get  after galactic standarts but thats the beauty of them, so my opinion is no, but pls keep suggest ideas koro  you have some good ones also, cheers