Loyalty vouchers: increase the maximum limit from 1 million to 10 million

Simple suggestion:



Increase the loyalty vouchers maxed (capped) limit from 1 million per each entire faction’s side to 10 million each.

In short: “Just add another 0 for every faction’s loyalty voucher contract limit!”

Maxed loyalty vouchers contract cap would then go from 6 million to 60 million.

I do not care about Storage Space. It could be capped at 1500 spots.

However, I do care and want this for a long time now.


Screenshot: (current limit)

2r4rhwl.png -II- 1000000 loyalty vouchers


257zq1g.png -II- 10000000 loyalty vouchers






Stay classy Koro

And once you have 10 million of all, you’ll ask for 100 million… 

why put a limit anyway?

why put a limit anyway?

Some developers don’t play this game.

If we don’t have a limit on credits, why on vouchers?

Some developers don’t play this game.

If we don’t have a limit on credits, why on vouchers?

How do you know there is no limit on credits? Maybe you should farm more?

Why would you need more than 1 million vouchers?

Why would you need more than 1 million vouchers?

Because I am capped at 1 million!

10 million would require me months to get there and I wouldn’t complain then, when I would reach such cap.

Because I am capped at 1 million!

10 million would require me months to get there and I wouldn’t complain then, when I would reach such cap.

you would

Because I am capped at 1 million!

10 million would require me months to get there and I wouldn’t complain then, when I would reach such cap.


You always complain

Thanks, we will think about it.

Thanks, we will think about it.

Thank hard and in do the right thing.

Add one 0!

i agree with koromac. 1kk vouchers means a little less than 4 T5 weapons upgrades and a little less than 6 T5 modules. Doesnt seem like a big number you can save. In credits it would be equal to a 54kk limit (6 ships worth 9kk each), something you will run pretty fast when buying ships and jumping from station to station. I dont see the problem of increasing one 0 to the cap, but i do see problems on maintaining the cap…go for the win-win.