Loyalty Vouchers - increase the max amount/cap

I want to suggest to increase the max amount for loyalty vouchers from 1000000 to 1500000 at least, if not more.

Why don’t I spend them?

I do spend them, but there will be time, when I will have nothing to spend them for, because I will soon have everything I need.

I surely hope, that I am wrong and I will get a chance to construct my own Dreadnought!

I am the guy, who likes to collect things, like a Collector. I am sure that some extra amount or size won’t hurt anyone in case, if you want to preserve your loyalty vouchers without spending them. Contracts done after the cap limit shoudn’t count, until you spend them, or they should be given via in game private e-mail for limited time at least, like it’s done, when your cargo capacity is at max.

There is yet another option. Contracts should remain in stand-by mode.

That means that they cannot be fulfilled, if you are already at cap point and the there should be no cooldown, even if you do fulfill them.




I would like to ask the Development Team to consider to increase the amount for loyalty vouchers for those players, who have already bought all DLC’s.

I think that warehouse capacity had the same requirements, if you wanted to max cargo space, to own all DLC’s.

I wish my warehouse would hold more than just 1500 capacity slots though.



Here is the picture of my current situation:




Sincerely, Koromac


reason for edit: post and picture modification

Koromac’s Guide to Voucher Bragging 101

Koromac’s Guide to Voucher Bragging 101


Bragging? I do not think so. Well, maybe a bit, but who knows.

Remember, game is still in Beta stage, so I can suggest whatever I want.

I am sure that some of my ideas are useful.

My god so many vouchers… Give me some of them!

Why not make it unlimit? people play so much anyway  :008j:


Unlike they did it that way for good reasons

I highly doubt they cap vouchers for any good reason. If someone gets to that cap, they’re probably done upgrading everything they need to. I don’t see why they need a cap at all.

If you have all things upgraded to mk4, whats the point of having a storage of useless vouchers. No point at all.

If you have all things upgraded to mk4, whats the point of having a storage of useless vouchers. No point at all.


It matters, because we may get more blueprints soon, plus the Shipyard feature might require them again in case, if you will be able to build your own ship. At least, that’s my speculation.

Nothing is useless. :wink:

I hope that this week we will get something, that will change perspective on vouchers, or at least give us the an option to spend them on some other equipment blueprints.

gimme artifacts pls, t5 so pricey

gimme artifacts pls, t5 so pricey


Well, I am in the same shoes as you. What are you offering, an umbrella?

forwarded to the Devs - thanks for the input

[Koromac](< base_url >/index.php?/user/243485-koromac/)

If you have that much of Loyality spend and you had almost collected and if you have almost every thing you want in the game is great! However, in the future we will add new models which would require loyalty points, so hold on and you’ll eventually spend it


Kind Regards

Star Conflict Team

[Koromac](< base_url >/index.php?/user/243485-koromac/)

If you have that much of Loyality spend and you had almost collected and if you have almost every thing you want in the game is great! However, in the future we will add new models which would require loyalty points, so hold on and you’ll eventually spend it


Kind Regards

Star Conflict Team



Almost is not good enough for me. I got everything. Well, if I count 3 missing extra Secret Project ships and 8 missing T5 Premiums, but that was my decision. It is almost then, but sooner or later, I will have everything.

Almost is not good enough for me. I got everything. Well, if I count 3 missing extra Secret Project ships and 8 missing T5 Premiums, but that was my decision. It is almost then, but sooner or later, I will have everything.


Time to find a new sci-fi game then!


You could sell your account in the mercenary black market for real money and buy a castle in a warm european country.

Time to find a new sci-fi game then!


You could sell your account in the mercenary black market for real money and buy a castle in warm european country.


Maybe I will, when I will grow tired of this game. Once this game becomes a Legend, I can sell my account and live happily ever after.

Maybe I will, when I will grow tired of this game. Once this game becomes a Legend, I can sell my account and live happily ever after.


But by then you could have competition with other people, and then you would have to fight each other lowering the prizes so people would buy you the account.


You can’t let that happen.

But by then you could have competition with other people, and then you would have to fight each other lowering the prizes so people would buy you the account.


You can’t let that happen.


There will be no competition. My account is the only one with such features and I am not a Super-Tester.

I don’t need a thing. I got all I want. Well, except for extra Monocrystals. Those will always be in demand, once Mark V weapons, modules and equipment gets unlocked.

Koromac, are all your ships purple? I mean like all of the ones that have modules on?

Koromac, are all your ships purple? I mean like all of the ones that have modules on?


Yes, there is no mark I, mark II or mark III items in my Armory, well except for A1MA, or if I decide to put regular missiles and ammunition there.

100% with some mark V weapon variations, which I am always using. There is 0 +3% syn equipment, because I maxed everything by myself.

Buying weapons, modules and equipment is only for those, who do not have enough time, have more than enough money and want some extra “3% standard synergy boost”.