Loyalty conversion method, using credits.

Can we get the interface, where we could convert free loyalty vouchers into another type of free loyalty vouchers?


Conversion prices: (slider with conversion options)

Same faction, but different type of vouchers:

Minimum required amount for conversion transfer is 10000 vouchers = 100000 credits

Regular required amount for conversion transfer is 100000 vouchers = 1 million credits

Maximum required amount is 1000000 vouchers = 10 million credits


Another faction, any type or vouchers:

Minimum required amount for conversion transfer is 10000 vouchers = 200000 credits

Regular required amount for conversion transfer is 100000 vouchers = 2 million credits

Maximum required amount for conversion transfer is 1000000 vouchers = 20 million credits



Empire - Legion, Wardens

Federation - Armada, Vanguard

Jericho - Raid, Techs

It should be done with free synergy, not credits. 1 synergy to 10 vouchers.

This seems like more complicating than it is fixing, tbh the voucher system seems to function well and with a bit of UI tweak here and there, it should be just about right. Also i may be wrong about this but it seems the prices of overall voucher upgrades per modules is less then it was with the old one…

5 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

This seems like more complicating than it is fixing, tbh the voucher system seems to function well and with a bit of UI tweak here and there, it should be just about right. Also i may be wrong about this but it seems the prices of overall voucher upgrades per modules is less then it was with the old one…

Last level MK4 is still around the same, and now all the previous levels cost voucher that before did not.

I dont have too many weapons that are not maxed out. I dont want to waste my vouchers for the sake of some screen shots.

Last level on a r14 weapon is 315,000 vouchers. Mk2 to Mk3 is 61,000 on r15 pulse laser.Just from these 2 items I can clearly see it’s significantly more.

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The destro modules cost always more so they are not on par with the others in voucher value.

The old numbers were like weapons  9,000 / 30,000 / 112,500 / 225,000 / 270,000 and modules I / II/ III / IV / V - 6,000 / 20,000 / 75,000 / 150,000 / 180,000.

So if the pulse laser now is like 81k instead of the 270k for the same mk3 upgrade, if you add the mk2 and mk4 costs, it either comes down to the same number or less or (i doubt it) a bit more. But with current missions, i casually get more then i need so i have the feeling of everything being easily upgraded. Before the upgrade i couldnt do much upgrades but after i easily done 5-10 up to mk3 or 4. It’s debatable anyway.

With current missions and research, having no progression is cool! Seriously such a flawed system stop me from upgrading anything!

Okay i counted the upgrades, what was once needed for mk3 upgrade on t5 weapon (270k) is now the total what you spend on mk3 and mk4 together and when adding the mk2 upgrade, the overall number is 300k instead of 270k from before. Keep in mind tho you have 2 missions giving you 45k daily vouchers on each faction which is doubled in premium so best case scenario, it would take you 3 days to fully upgrade a t5 weapon module.

The difficulty remains but the upgrading process is a bit better and more fun to do, interactive so to say, i feel bad tho for people that want everything in under a hour of exercising magic infront of the screen and waiting stuff to happen lol.