Lower Destroyer damage multiplier field back to 750m

Pretty much the title. Not only was this a ninja change to begin with but is completely unnecessary as the 750m field at the least gave the destroyer time to fight off the attack (usually tai’kins). With 1000m a destroyer even close to a beacon is vulnerable to attacks from enemies capping it, passing through.


In PvE the 1km change is even more noticeable, in effect as the Ai have a tendancy to orbit you close to 760m which when facing Turtles or Guard cybers in Ariadne’s Thread most destroyers will get absolutely slaughtered by the stupid amounts of damage these enemies do.


 I think you forgot to mention how desstroyer respawn as fast as regular ships, and how it can 1 shot ko most of the ships smaller than a frigates.


41 minutes ago, TheStig_DSX said:

Think you forgot about the ship size dependency of damage output… 1 shot ko, lol… I don’t think so. ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

Ever timed 1x Photon + Gthardy hit? Pretty much KOs interceptors and fed fighters

Or Destabilised something, that takes like 80% of interceptors HP.

Or well timed Pyro Beam on a Beacon.

Thermal turret shredding inties and fighters in seconds while debuffing them like hell.

The only reason why i dont like the damage radius is because of the effort you put into building a destro, other than that its dead fair to have a situational upper hand, the other problem is ellydium tweaks, it affects every ship role not just destros.

1 hour ago, xKostyan said:

Ever timed 1x Photon + Gthardy hit? Pretty much KOs interceptors and fed fighters

Or Destabilised something, that takes like 80% of interceptors HP.

Or well timed Pyro Beam on a Beacon.

Thermal turret shredding inties and fighters in seconds while debuffing them like hell.

if you can hit ^^


thermal turret can’t hit a skilled tai’kin pilot, the rotation is too slow

13 hours ago, TheDerpNukem said:

Pretty much the title. Not only was this a ninja change to begin with but is completely unnecessary as the 750m field at the least gave the destroyer time to fight off the attack (usually tai’kins). With 1000m a destroyer even close to a beacon is vulnerable to attacks from enemies capping it, passing through.


In PvE the 1km change is even more noticeable, in effect as the Ai have a tendancy to orbit you close to 760m which when facing Turtles or Guard cybers in Ariadne’s Thread most destroyers will get absolutely slaughtered by the stupid amounts of damage these enemies do.

Sorry - can you update me what the prob is, please? I dont fly dessies all too much …

3 hours ago, avarshina said:

Sorry - can you update me what the prob is, please? I dont fly dessies all too much …

The damage multiplier field for destroyers (allowing enemies to do I believe it was 50% extra damage to them) was changed from 750m to 1000m last update without mention in the patch notes.

Fóck destroyers, they’re still op. If you are angry about it, go play Waz’Got.

2 hours ago, AKmatiAK said:

Fóck destroyers, they’re still op. If you are angry about it, go play Waz’Got.

Destroyers are meant to be very big by design:  - they are nerfed, slow, big, huge, lots of hull, lots of shields with buffs on taking damage  …

They are destroyers, supressor class of ships, in this sense one can say they are “op”. But they do not bother me, I don’t get angry and never got rage about them, I deal with them and use my destroyer in open space, so in this sense I like them. They fly differently and are a good experience over all.

The nerf should go back to a 0.5 clicks perimeter (500m) - imho But I also say we need better secondary weapon against them (anti-destro torps, emp torps etc)

4 hours ago, AKmatiAK said:

Fóck destroyers, they’re still op. If you are angry about it, go play Waz’Got.

Only Sirius and Vigilant are arguably ( emphasis on arguably) OP. The rank 11 and 8 destroyers are notably balanced with the only times they seem absurdly powerful is when the player using them actually knows how to fly a destroyer.


1 hour ago, avarshina said:

…imho But I also say we need better secondary weapon against them (anti-destro torps, emp torps etc)…

The devs already tried this with Thar’ga and new years weapons and they were horrifically unbalanced which in turn made destroyers a rare sight until the bonus damage against destroyers was removed.

15 minutes ago, TheDerpNukem said:

The devs already tried this with Thar’ga and new years weapons and they were horrifically unbalanced which in turn made destroyers a rare sight until the bonus damage against destroyers was removed.

Every so and so week a new main weapon model comes up … why not new variants of missile ammo also: EM shaped charges, armour piering darts, shield depleting bogeys, 2 step explosion bazookas, stunning EMP torpedos, energy depleting  rockets (all: small/swift, medium/quick, large/slow )?

I didn’t realize this change until just now and I thank you for posting it. I was very curious as to why all of a sudden turtles in Def Con were taking so much HP and the Demomans actually killed me in the second stage. O.o


I thought they nerfed Destroyers to the ground and threw mine in the trash. xxxx em’.

I agree. x1,5 damage multiplier should work only at 750 m/s


What do you think about the sniper shots? Secondary thermal damage effect will always pass through barriers, making Survival mode even more (ab)used with LRF.

35 minutes ago, Koromac said:

I agree. x1,5 damage multiplier should work only at 750 m/s


What do you think about the sniper shots? Secondary thermal damage effect will always pass through barriers, making Survival mode even more (ab)used with LRF.

Does the 1.5x buff inside the perimeter of 1000m(750m) for incoming damage to destroyers stack with the 2x multiplier on explosion damage to destroyers… (= 

(It is not totally clear how all the buffs etc stack from modules, crew implants weapon specs etc. - are calculated in first and which comes last on top).

Destroyers should be avaible in separate PvP, I hate they.

7 hours ago, avarshina said:

Does the 1.5x buff inside the perimeter of 1000m(750m) for incoming damage to destroyers stack with the 2x multiplier on explosion damage to destroyers… (= 

(It is not totally clear how all the buffs etc stack from modules, crew implants weapon specs etc. - are calculated in first and which comes last on top).

Yes, it stacks!

On 9/2/2017 at 10:54 AM, xKostyan said:

 I think you forgot to mention how desstroyer respawn as fast as regular ships, and how it can 1 shot ko most of the ships smaller than a frigates.

Nope, with the new update. This is a perfect post. I support it.

On 03/09/2017 at 10:02 PM, TheDerpNukem said:

destroyers… notably balanced

I chuckled



the only times they seem absurdly powerful is when the player using them actually knows how to fly a destroyer.

You can make similar case for OP item from the past as well. (scattergun being one of the few exceptions)