Loot is too low

10% chance of gettng loot is WAY too low. You rarely find items and even if you find something its useless to you and there is nothing you can do with it except to sell it to shop because there is no ingame trading between players. It has been common for me to have 8 hours sprees of not getting ANY items at all, after which i get 1 green item that is worthless for my ship or unusable and i end up selling it to shop.


I think loot chance should be incresed or at least we should have more loot chances.

10% chance of gettng loot is WAY too low. You rarely find items and even if you find something its useless to you and there is nothing you can do with it except to sell it to shop because there is no ingame trading between players. It has been common for me to have 8 hours sprees of not getting ANY items at all, after which i get 1 green item that is worthless for my ship or unusable and i end up selling it to shop.


I think loot chance should be incresed or at least we should have more loot chances.

The 10% is a lie. It’s more like 2%.

The 10% is a lie. It’s more like 2%.


Actually, in my experience. Experimentals are .05% chance of being obtained. 

Actually, in my experience. Experimentals are .05% chance of being obtained. 


After > 1200 PVP battles and I’d estimate up to 200 PVE battles I have only 20 experimentals, nine of those for T1.


So my overall experimental rate is not even 0.015%. 

After > 1200 PVP battles and I’d estimate up to 200 PVE battles I have only 20 experimentals, nine of those for T1.


So my overall experimental rate is not even 0.015%. 


And I thought my luck was bad…


The math in the game is not in the players favor. At all. 


Though even the loyalty grind is crazy, in order to get MK3 items…

0.020 for me.


Something like 60-65 exp for 2948 battle

i got 2 today in a single battle!!! (one useless and one half-useful only… >.> )

anyway, 0.017 here (did i do it right? no idea), i think i can count all purples on fingers, 1700+ battles

We need to record how many purples we get. I haven’t got any in the last 4 months

Hey, on top of introducing a patch that alienated half of the playerbase, we also stealth-nerfed your loot drops! How fun is that?

If the devs, mods or admins mention the word ‘fun’ one more time…

Hey, on top of introducing a patch that alienated half of the playerbase, we also stealth-nerfed your loot drops! How fun is that? If the devs, mods or admins mention the word ‘fun’ one more time…


On what evidences or hard data your claims are based on? On your personal feelings? 

Facts or GxxO!

Fact : the bacon is better for health than lettuce.

On what evidences or hard data your claims are based on? On your personal feelings? 

Facts or GxxO!

The rollback poll. It’s effectively 50% either side.


And just a tip: don’t attack people. It makes you look petty.

The rollback poll. It’s effectively 50% either side.


And just a tip: don’t attack people. It makes you look petty.

  • Yes (28 votes [49.12%])[/size]

  • No (29 votes [50.88%])[/size]
    28 vs 29 votes is not even close to be reliable representation

The thread itself had 138 views and only 57 voted

On other side consistant 20-30% increase in population across 24 hours online is an indication

Edit: And how exactly did you come up with a result of ninja nerf to the loot drops? I’de love to see a spreadsheets

Tip: Think befor you post, or have a hard data to back up your claims.

i have been playing today for like 10 hours, i have seen many greens drop, but I LOST ALL ROLLS!, thats ridiculous, its not 10% at all, for me its 0%. Today i havent got a single item because i lose all “10%” rolls.

i have been playing today for like 10 hours, i have seen many greens drop, but I LOST ALL ROLLS!, thats ridiculous, its not 10% at all, for me its 0%. Today i havent got a single item because i lose all “10%” rolls.

I am pretty sure that 10% we have here loot chance is not calculated based on 1/10 and not 10/100, it is more of 100/1000 or even 1000/10000. Unfortunately we do not have a code for RNG.

I am pretty sure that 10% we have here loot chance is not calculated based on 1/10 and not 10/100, it is more of 100/1000 or even 1000/10000. Unfortunately we do not have a code for RNG.

Best stay away from math. :wink:

Best stay away from math. :wink:


I liked the old loot system of barely finding things, at least I got to keep what I found instead of watch it all break in front of me.

There are a few items I’ve tried GS on and I think I got maybe 1 or 2 out of 10+ items.


Quite serious. What you said made no sense since all statements were mathematically equal.

You seem to be imagining that a chance of 1/10 guarantees one success every ten tries whereas a chance of 1000/10000 allows for a longer series of failures but that’s not it works.


Best stay away from math. :wink:




in terms of probability 1/10 = 10/100 = 100/1000 = 1000/10000

you can increse the numbers as much as you want but its still equal to 10%.


for example, what is bigger 1/10 of a cake or 10/100 of a cake? (this is a question of a type “which is heavier, 1kg of stone or 1kg of feathers”)