Loot handling

It would be nice if the game gave you the choice if you want to sell credit loot or keep them in your armory/warehouse instead of auto selling. Then you could bring out the loot you need and eject it to the other person

Yea… Pretty much it. Not really a trading system where you could abuse. Good for bounties and such. Maybe it could work for Artie loots or voucher loots… Or raw resources… If we start doing anything else besides credits it might lead up to abuse…



Lik dis if you cry evertim…


Wha u mean by sigh?

I actualy don’t see a problem with having seperate warehouse tab for the lootable trash, that you have to sell yourself, with Sell All button, Sell Selected button and Load to Selected Ship button.

This works in Open World already.


The loot in PvP is for your own only.

There is no trading system, so its easier to autosell instead of having you to sell everything on your own - dont you think so?

There is no trading system, so its easier to autosell instead of having you to sell everything on your own - dont you think so?


There is a trading system. Problem is, it’s very awkward. You need to go into open space, gather money-items and exchange them for loyalty or artifacts, or other way around. That’s the only way at the moment, but it’s a trading system nevertheless.


So no, auto sell is not a great option. It could be replaced by just one button click, that won’t add hassle to anyone, but would add options for many.



This works in Open World already.


What forum part we are in, friend? You think OP is saying that about PVP? Drugs are bad, mkay?

And no, it does not work in Open World for grey loot or artifacts or loyalty, only for raw materials THAT DON’T STACK and yo ucan’t load them BACK into the ship, and that could be a currency for exchange.

that won’t add hassle to anyone,

Would be a hassle to me and of little value to anyone. I strongly doubt it’s worth the dev time to implement anything like it but if they do it should be a switch in options so I don’t have to bother with it. It’s already super annoying that I have to manually craft the raw materials instead of having them get crafted automatically - it’s not like you can do anything else with it.

Drugs are bad, mkay?

Keep it up, that’s a certain way to be taken seriously (and get banned :P).

Keep it up, that’s a certain way to be taken seriously (and get banned :P).


I have bigger problems than being careful not to hurt feeligns of a mod that responds with two mistakes (one being “not having trade in game”, other thinking that FFA says about pvp)


Would be a hassle to me and of little value to anyone.

Seriously pressing ONE button ONCE (with that button beign present at the end of pvp game and Invasion Docking) would be a hassle for you? Really, really preety please, don’t say things like this. You click Exit Battle, yes? How about next to it would be “Exit Battle and Sell All” button.

Also, exchanging credits for artifacts and other way around, made possible by this change seems of no value to anyone?


 It’s already super annoying that I have to manually craft the raw materials instead of having them get crafted automatically - it’s not like you can do anything else with it.

Agree, at the moment having raw materials is pointless. Thing is, if we are going to have more blueprints - and You would be able to craft 2 different things from them, then they will get their merit, if not, well, you can’t really mine computer chip from a rock…so at least it’s more “sorta realistc”

@AlliN: you didnt get me


I said trading is already possible in Open World, althought amount wise limited.


Me personally I go a single round of PvE to gain more credits than “trade” in Open World

@AlliN: you didnt get me

I said trading is already possible in Open World, althought amount wise limited.

There is no trading system, so its easier to autosell instead of having you to sell everything on your own - dont you think so?

I said trading is already possible in Open World, althought amount wise limited.

So no, you didn’t. I said training is possible in Open World, not you.


Another thing:

You’ve said:

This works in Open World already.

No, it doesn’t. You can’t do what OP wants in Open World. You can’t store looted items. So, are there any other interpretations of your words now?


You are not really paying attention to what you read.

AlliN is right and understands what I want while gekaler does not.

What if you want to trade a person a set amount of credits. Without the storage system you would have to find exactly all the loot that equals that set amount while in Invasion. You are stuck there trying to find the loot you need. If you have the storage system you could simply retrieve out of your warehouse/armory what loot you have collected over time instead of trying to find it right that instant in Invasion.

Also putting fuel cells in your armory then bringing them out with you when you undock would certainly be useful. I’d rather be able to use it again and not have to search for it again instead of selling for the great price of 1 credit. -.-

Also currently I am missing 1 Pure Silicon Component and I am willing to trade 2 Metal Blanks for it but I can’t do it. Why? Because I cannot take my 2 Metal Blanks with me when I undock from the station. Or what If I am willing to trade 10000 Credits for 1 Pure Silicon Component? I can’t take Credit loot with me when I undock. It’s not like I can take 10000 Credits out of my Personal Account in Open Space and give it to the business partner.

Also currently I am missing 1 Pure Silicon Component and I am willing to trade 2 Metal Blanks for it but I can’t do it. Why? Because I cannot take my 2 Metal Blanks with me when I undock from the station. Or what If I am willing to trade 10000 Credits for 1 Pure Silicon Component? I can’t take Credit loot with me when I undock. It’s not like I can take 10000 Credits out of my Personal Account in Open Space and give it to the business partner.


I also would really like to see a trade system, or at least be able to bring out loot found previously, as you suggest.  However I think this system would be unfair on those that are not in a corp, and can therefore not find trading partners that they can trust.


It may also be exploited by people offering to do a trade in English chat, but not upholding their part of the bargain (thus profiting from the unwary).

  However I think this system would be unfair on those that are not in a corp, and can therefore not find trading partners that they can trust.


It may also be exploited by people offering to do a trade in English chat, but not upholding their part of the bargain (thus profiting from the unwary).


I’m biased because I’m in a corp, but really how many people aren’t in one that play this game for any decent amount of time? It would benefit the majority mucn more than hurt the minority. I agree that there’s the chance it’ll be exploited, but even if they’re not in a corp the chance they get scammed isn’t likely. It’s a squad based game, if this enforces the fact that people need to group up I’d almost see the possibility of getting ripped off as a good thing.

It may also be exploited by people offering to do a trade in English chat, but not upholding their part of the bargain (thus profiting from the unwary).


Omega and JavaJunkie are already running bounty board. Getting bounty on your head for being dishonest trader is actualy the feature you would expect from open world mode. That’s the cool stuff right there - by making trade possible we add insane level of social interaction, and if Space Sims in open world need something, it’s interaction.


Corps dealing in chasing dishonest traders, mercenaries hired for protection, sneaky stealthed trade busters (people would trade in safe sectors to mitigate, that’s why I think pilots docked in different bases should not be restricted by station protection, while guard patrols should be much stronger).


Posibilities are endless.

Omega and JavaJunkie are already running bounty board. Getting bounty on your head for being dishonest trader is actualy the feature you would expect from open world mode. That’s the cool stuff right there - by making trade possible we add insane level of social interaction, and if Space Sims in open world need something, it’s interaction.


Corps dealing in chasing dishonest traders, mercenaries hired for protection, sneaky stealthed trade busters (people would trade in safe sectors to mitigate, that’s why I think pilots docked in different bases should not be restricted by station protection, while guard patrols should be much stronger).


Posibilities are endless.


I completely agree!  But that represents a lot of work for a f2p game, so I would restrict what I want to a minimum:


  1.   The first logical structural addition in my opinion is a trading system, to make Invasion more alive, as well as adding an element of social interaction, like you say.


  1.   The second step I would ask for is for the devs to incorporate Sec Con into open world, to add more of an element of fighting between the factions.  For the moment we are mercenaries, but we have nothing to fight for, except personal gain of credit and loot.  I want to be able to fight to defend the Jericho Motherland!


This is not asking for much I think, and who knows? maybe they are already working on it! (although atm my impression is they are first focussing on integrating PVE to Invasion…)

In TERA, awhile ago, they had the Vanarch system. This was could be done by voting for the guild or PvP. It basically let the leader of the guild that owned an area, set tax rates and decide whether an area had open PvP or not. I’m not sure what else a corp could affect in open world besides Station Protection, but giving them some power over the area they control instead of it just being 120k credits, for instance, would be nice. 

Also PvP in rank 1 zones would be funny

I could imagine a mobster scene in my head. Two space gangs are distrustful of each other but they need resources the other has. Gang A has a small pile of alien moncrystals while Gang B has access to raw resource. Gang A asks for 20 vanadium ore in exchange for 4 monocrystals. Gang B asks for 2 monoCs and then give 10 vanadium ore. This continues until the increments of value are so small until if someone decides to turn it won’t matter. So they trust each other with small values.

“You best honor your word”, Gang A says, “Cuz I brought back up.” Gang A leader has 3 squad mates surrounding Gang B. Gang A also has an LRF just 11000 meters off in the distance.

“Don’t worry mate. You can trust ME,” Gang B leader says. Meanwhile there is an invisible tackler waiting behind each Gang A member.

Trigger Finger

Also besides being risky trading in Invasion, it can also mean security because you can do something about it if someone decides to betray their word. Beside you can look at karma level to get a better idea if they are trustworthy.

Edit: I ment in non station protected areas.

The problem with trading is that there will always be people abusing the system. I know many games that are infested of bots that farm ressources to then exchange it.

If this is implemented, then they will implement commercials stations too, and we will get people farming stuff to sell more and more of those items.

The problem with trading is that there will always be people abusing the system. I know many games that are infested of bots that farm ressources to then exchange it.


In SC you can buy a currency that you can exchange for energy credits or yo ucan use it to upgrade ship synergy without playing, can’t get more “abusive” than that.

Bots in low rank zones would be inefective because of low return and low number of buyers - while in High Threat sectors they would be killed by aliens, pirates and other players. People would actualy farm the farm bots.


As it is, you can buy anything with money anyways, what prevents you from paying up some players to grind loot for you, let say agreed 10m worth of loot, and just bring it to your home base where you just pick it up and dock?


It can be abused for $ perfectly fine AT THE MOMENT, but as the game stands, it’s own mechanics prevent that from being effective, and all we have to do is keep it that way.