Long-time player looking for a Corporation for "Attacked Sectors"

Greetings comrades,


I’ve been playing Star Conflict since the initial Beta release in March 2013 but I’ve never joined any corporation before as I didn’t see any reason to do so back then.

Now, with the inclusion of the open-world “Attacked Sectors” mode, I realized that flying in a group would be beneficial.


I am looking for a corp mainly for the Incursion mode but I’m sure I would also enjoy doing PvP and PvE alike.

Among my ships are T1 - T5 Gunships, Interceptors and Frigates of the Empire faction and T4 Frigates of Jericho.


As for the formalities, here is my obligatory stats page:




If you need any more information I’d be happy to provide.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!


See you in the 'verse,



Can you tell us your timezone?

Primary language? 

Ability to use teamspeak or any other voice comms?


These will greatly tell other corporations about your willingness to work as team mate and how often you can in game. In incursion mode, you will be having to multitask greatly so working together is key. 


The only thing that concerns me is your win loss ratio. Its pretty low. And your average kills/assists are not that high. What ships do you primarily use? Have you never squaded up until this point or only went solo all this time? (Woah)

Can you tell us your timezone?

Primary language? 

Ability to use teamspeak or any other voice comms?


These will greatly tell other corporations about your willingness to work as team mate and how often you can in game. In incursion mode, you will be having to multitask greatly so working together is key. 


The only thing that concerns me is your win loss ratio. Its pretty low. And your average kills/assists are not that high. What ships do you primarily use? Have you never squaded up until this point or only went solo all this time? (Woah)


Thank you for your reply.


I live in central Europe (GMT+1).

Primary language is German although I would prefer an international corporation as I usually talk English when playing games.

I do use TeamSpeak and have my own server when playing with friends.


I didn’t play as much PvP as PvE and if I did I was mostly playing with friends. Although, I am curious and interested to play organized PvP.

And as for my progression, I mostly played all by myself. Most of the progression I did in the 1 - 2 weeks of free premium you used to get back in March 2013 where I reached T4 and unlocked most of my ships. Then took a long break until late 2013 where I introduced some friends to the game.

Ah, your gonna need some PVP and teamwork training. Try NASA and WPK. NASA is a U.S corporation and we do everything. WPK is based in Europe, and they have some hard core dedicated guys there. Pick one what suits YOU, and show your willingness to learn and progress. 


“Remember, your in game piloting skill is what matters, not your stats.”

 - Wise old gamer

The only thing that concerns me is your win loss ratio. Its pretty low.

Why, his win ratio is near 50%, i.e. average, in particular for a solo player. I’ve seen quite a few tier rushers with bad stats but his are ok at that. The only thing that might concern you are the lonely 313 capture points. :wink:

@OP: Good luck with your search. :slight_smile:

Ah, your gonna need some PVP and teamwork training. Try NASA and WPK. NASA is a U.S corporation and we do everything. WPK is based in Europe, and they have some hard core dedicated guys there. Pick one what suits YOU, and show your willingness to learn and progress. 


“Remember, your in game piloting skill is what matters, not your stats.”

 - Wise old gamer

He doesn’t meet our requirements.


To Op: If you keep playing and meet our requirements to join, you can freely send your application thought our webpage http://starconflict.co.uk/

NASA is a U.S corporation and we do everything.


That’s not exactly true. A lot of members are NA based. A lot are not. Also, his w/l is, while under 1.0, is close to it, and with only 322 games it’s not that bad. Mine slowly went under 1.1, that is more reason to worry (though playing in T4 with pretty basic ships certainly does not help).

Regardless, he still has alot of learning to do. 


Fly on OP! Fly on!

322 PvP and 181 PvE and already T5 ships, also lots of premiums. Looks like tier rushing to me, and that’s more important that stats.


With 300 games you should still be in T2, T3 maybe, still learning the game and improving as a player.

Hello!  I agree with Residente that you do not have many battles under your belt, however GoD is always on the lookout for new recruits who are willing to fly in groups using voice comms, in PVP or PVE but also in Invasion mode.  If you are interested, please come by our Teamspeak server: illi.clanwarz.com:1168, and message someone in the Star conflict rooms down below to move you and give you the tags (there is almost always someone there in EU evening times).


We are an international corp and have members from all sorts of countries.  Language on TS in English, but many rooms are available should you wish to talk other languages (I myself am French and like to have a chat in French every now and then with another French corp member…).

Yes, try the GoD. They are a good mix of guys and Im friends with a bunch of them. Even X there leader. They will show you the ropes. 

322 PvP and 181 PvE and already T5 ships, also lots of premiums. Looks like tier rushing to me, and that’s more important that stats.


With 300 games you should still be in T2, T3 maybe, still learning the game and improving as a player.

I often wonder about the term “Tier rusher” that is often used by WPK members. WTF is a tier rusher? Someone who is trying to get the highest level ships? SO xxxx what!

When I hear someone call another person a tier rusher I’m like stfu and quit sounding like douche.

I remember all pansies staying in T2 because you couldn’t handle T3.

So it is better to be a Tier rusher than a Tier tard.

 WTF is a tier rusher? Someone who is trying to get the highest level ships? SO xxxx what!


This is a tier rusher



I’m pretty sure you don’t need any help to analize and comprehend what a Tier Rusher is.



I remember all pansies staying in T2 because you couldn’t handle T3.


You need to check your memory. I was in T3 already when I joined NASA, and you didn’t know me before that.

If my application wasn’t deleted, you’ll still have my xxxx Pilot Profile there.


So it is better to be a Tier rusher than a Tier tard.



This is a tier rusher


Over 3000 battles (575 PVP and 2524 PVE) and only rank 15 in a single nation? That’s not a tier rusher, that’s the opposite. That guy is the textbook example of someone really slow at progressing.

Over 3000 battles (575 PVP and 2524 PVE) and only rank 15 in a single nation? That’s not a tier rusher, that’s the opposite. That guy is the textbook example of someone really slow at progressing.


The progression can be slow, but he has less than 600 PvP battles and he is in T5, you shouldn’t count PvE, even if he had 6000 PvE game she still knows nothing about the game, and specially high tiers, yet he is allowed to play there.


My point is very easy to understand, Xane2 can be better or worse (I don’t care) but he has 322 PvP games and a Naga already, and that’s tier rushing, you like it or not. 



And I’m not being a douche by the way Tac, I’m being pretty polite unlike others…

The progression can be slow, but he has less than 600 PvP battles and he is in T5, you shouldn’t count PvE, even if he had 6000 PvE game she still knows nothing about the game, and specially high tiers, yet he is allowed to play there.


If progression is slow they’re not rushing. End of story.

That they may be bad at PVP is another story but there are enough bads in PVP that nobody will ever notice.


My point is very easy to understand, Xane2 can be better or worse (I don’t care) but he has 322 PvP games and a Naga already, and that’s tier rushing, you like it or not.


Nobody disputed it for Xane2, I called him a tier rusher myself and he explained himself that he used the free premium weeks he had to unlock ships. However, as I said, for a tier rusher (i.e. never playing with upgraded ships/mods) I think his stats are completely fine.

I didn’t say anything about his stats nor I called him a bad player, I just said he is a tier rushed and that many corps would look at it before at other stuff. 


Also I was just trying to tell the wizard about the term tier rushing (I took the only pilot profile I had at hand, so it maybe wasn’t the best example), since it seems that he thinks the evil wolfpack invented the term to insult others. 

I couldn’t careless about tier rushers, because that is what this game needs is More population. Grinding now compared to when I started playing is ALOT more of a grind and I won’t put anybody down if I thought they were"Tier Rushers". I would be too.

But no we have a certain group of players need to make everyone that doesn’t meet Their elite standards and are marked with a made up term.

Because having more than 500 games is an elite standard  :lol:

edit: everyone has an opinion, but you don’t need to be that angry at others’

Funnily enough, I could be considered a tier rusher, because at the start I only played with empire engies.  My sole aim in the game was to get the Naga which looks so awesome. I wanted the best ship in the game (as I thought it was at the time). Is that a crime?


Yes, my stats suffered from a horrible start… Yes, my stats are still pretty bad and aren’t moving anywhere now I have done so many battles.  Do I care? Not one bit.


However, I can assure  you that once I had the Naga, I went back to the lower tiers, tried out other ship types, learned the strategies from my corp mates…


Where I have a problem on the other hand is people that get to tier 5, possibly using premium ships, and then stay there, using the extra synergy gains to speed synergize lower tier ships.  The perfect example: bongo6