Long-time player looking for a Corporation for "Attacked Sectors"

Wow, didn’t expect as many replies on my thread.

Thank you for your replies, I appreciate every one of them greatly.


I don’t want to participate in the discussion of the moralities behind “tier-rushing”, but I confess that when I first joined the game I did try to progress as fast as possible. Back then, you received two weeks of free premium membership upon creating an account. So what I ended up doing is use these two weeks as much as time allowed. After the premium days depleted, I was able to count a T4 ship among my arsenal. I primarily did this so I didn’t have to actively farm anymore which allowed me to concentrate on playing the game in any tier I felt comfortable playing.


I agree that I still have a lot to learn. I feel as if I’m still relatively new to the game and that there’s still a lot of potential strategies to practice.

The majority of the time I played solo, as such I didn’t get the opportunity for real organized teamwork which is what I am hoping to get out of joining a corporation.


Again, thanks to everyone for your replies, I really appreciate your advice and offers.


Wish you all a nice week!



I would like for you to look into my own Corp. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you in space!

Good to see that after all these months away from the game that this forum is just as impossibly useless for finding Corps as it was before.

Good to see that after all these months away from the game that this forum is just as impossibly useless for finding Corps as it was before.


Really? He is now corped…

Indeed. Thread can be closed.


Thanks to everyone who replied!

Thread closed per OP request.