Live Crystals - fully integrate them in the game

This game can provide us with any “free to play” options to get any resources. You don’t need to spend any money, if you need something, right?

Well, that used to be true, but not anymore, because since the Live crystal resource was introduced, if you did not do any Broker’s missions, you did not get any benefits.

Players, who completed the Broker’s missions, have them, but they should be added by regular means as well, not only by exclusive means.


You can’t get the Live crystal resource for free - in regular loot for now, but you have to pay for it, with in-game GS currency to get it, if you want it.

This “delay” somewhat contradicts “free to play” preferences in this game. I am aware, that they will be added sooner or later, but still.

Maybe Live Crystals should be coming with the next patch or update, possibly next week, even if the Broker’s research - phase 6 is still not in effect, or fully completed?

This includes the PvP, PvE battles, Co-op and Open Space mode.


Screenshot: (I am referring to items above, marked with 2,5 and 10, also known as Live Crystals)




Keep in mind, I only posted a recommendation.

The choice is yours, as always!






Or just remove the bundle…

Or just wait, since Monos, Berry, Neod went trough same cycle…

You can get them for free with broker mission for the moment. So it’s still a free2play.

And they said that once the event end, they’ll add a proper way to get live crystal. 


So there’s no need to request it. 

2 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

You can get them for free with broker mission for the moment. So it’s still a free2play.

What mission? All I see for alien crystals is the containers in the shop. Xp

19 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

What mission? All I see for alien crystals is the containers in the shop. Xp

C’est marqué partout que les missions sont temporairement désactivé. Donc bon. 

22 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

C’est marqué partout que les missions sont temporairement désactivé. Donc bon. 

I know. That’s why I’m saying “what missions”. XD

If the only option is pay, then the game is no longer 100% free.

Wait, I answered in french ? What the hell ? I don’t even have accents on my keyboard  ![:007j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007j.png “:007j:”)


Anyway f2p doesn’t mean 100%free. We have stickers, premiums and stuff. 

They will be fully integrated, but when the time comes. Fort now we have 6th stage planned on October 6 and missions for live crystals will be back.

5 minutes ago, CinnamonFake said:

They will be fully integrated, but when the time comes. Fort now we have 6th stage planned on October 6 and missions for live crystals will be back.

Very good to hear. Are we getting any new resource, for example, Rank 14 Destroyers?