Limit the amount of Frigates on a team.

LOL, Agreed.


But Honestly something about limiting the number of each ship type wouldn’t be a bad idea for them to implement.


Arcade Match 6 people.  2- Interceptors, 2- Fighters, and 2- Frigates on the field at one time for each team.

Arcade Match 8 People.  3 Interceptors, 3 Fighters, and 2 Frigates on the filed at one Time for each team.


I have seen matches that were 2/3 Disentegrator Frigates.  You couldnt even Dog Fight without heavy cover, since the Snipers were so Thick.  Could not take a beacon since they had each one covered from about 3 different angles.  Was a total BS match persoanlly, But about 2 days later they changed the Max numbers of players in a match and it did get better.  So there ya go.


Me I keep telling Corpmates to stop playing the Empire Frigates and try someing with some skill.  Figure they going to nerf the Empire Frigates soon enough anyways.  At least make it so they can hit their own team, like the Jerichos.  And slow the Projectile speed down a lot more.  THey should not be able to snipe a slower Fighter or interceptor while hes in a dog fight.  I’ve seen it done, not to me thankfully.  But let one open up on my Frigate and Im dead soon, unless I find cover REALLY fast.

Agreed . Playeres/matches should be limited in the number of sertain type of ship can be used. ANd friendly fire should be ON. :slight_smile:

Dislike this idea. It is not worth to institute restrictions on the number of spacecraft of the class. Everyone likes a style of his play, taking away that option to choose his favorite ship,  would discourage him to play and will more disconnects during the game. Frigate does not represent of such a threat. Just that people will start to think how eliminate them, starting with team play. There is no problem with the approach enemies from behind their fighters and sabotage enemies ships.

Just let the nubs camp with their sniper frigates and contribute nothing to actually winning the game.


If you are any decent at all then the enemy snipers are just wasted players doing nothing at all.

Just let the nubs camp with their sniper frigates and contribute nothing to actually winning the game.


If you are any decent at all then the enemy snipers are just wasted players doing nothing at all.

People are not likely to want to keep losing and you will find a common language. Give time to others to understand the game. People are afraid to fly other than heavy vehicles snipers because they lack experience. A better idea would be to maps, in which the heavy vehicles would not have a clear shot than reduce the maximum number of frigates in the team.

People are not likely to want to keep losing and you will find a common language. Give time to others to understand the game. People are afraid to fly other than heavy vehicles snipers because they lack experience. A better idea would be to maps, in which the heavy vehicles would not have a clear shot than reduce the maximum number of frigates in the team.


Or maybe a real balance ?


Players keeps playing sniping frigates and jehrico torpedoes, at T2 and more, because they are thinking that is usefull and efficient, and this is obviously not the case.


They just came in T2 handling this idea from T1 who is still not balanced because snipers and bombers rules.


The idea of “frigate are more easy to play” is rediculous : actually figthers are more easy to play. But they are the worst pick in T1, so you will keep seeing interceptors and frigates.

Or maybe a real balance ?


Players keeps playing sniping frigates and jehrico torpedoes, at T2 and more, because they are thinking that is usefull and efficient, and this is obviously not the case.


They just came in T2 handling this idea from T1 who is still not balanced because snipers and bombers rules.


The idea of “frigate are more easy to play” is rediculous : actually figthers are more easy to play. But they are the worst pick in T1, so you will keep seeing interceptors and frigates.

I know that. But why because of other inexperienced players, we would add restrictions in the team? In T1 rather nothing is ruled by the principles of torpedoes and snipers. As I said, more experienced players will not have a problem with the destruction of the frigates, and people will get the “head” piloting this ship, finally understanding that their team loses.

I don’t know where to post balance feedback, and this thread is the closest I could find. I was having a lot of fun until I started getting into matches with a good chunk of the enemy team just locking down 2 nodes with lots of snipers and missile ships. It wasn’t fun. I don’t understand why ships have 1 or 2 hit kill weapons that you can’t even approach. Even with the fast interceptor, if you get spotted by one person trying to close the gap, you just have multiple sniper aims point to you like the Eye of Sauron and obliterate you, and even if you DO close the gap, then a missile wipes you out while only doing some friendly damage becase they have so much more health than you. Maybe it’s not a problem in higher tiers, but in T1, there seems to be no counter well placed frigates.

I do not get it … You really do not know how to maneuver in such a way that you do not get the “Eye of Sauron”? I have great fun flying for a while under the frigates, quietly, emerging and destroying the frigate.

I do not get it … You really do not know how to maneuver in such a way that you do not get the “Eye of Sauron”? I have great fun flying for a while under the frigates, quietly, emerging and destroying the frigate.


Lol I wanna see you kill any competant Frigate with an Interceptor, not gonna happen. Ever. Never…

 I’m no expert and I haven’t played as much as most but from what I’ve gleaned, It seems like interceptors have the highest speed and lowest damage and health, fighters have modest to good damage and health with ok speed, and frigates have high damage high health and slow movement. In most games the character or class that dose the most damage has the lowest health and the one with the highest health has the lowest damage output. 

 I like it when games break out of the same old mold, it’s refreshing. It has to be well balanced tho. Intys have a boost to capture speed and crit chance standard. Is that enough to balance out the power and strength frigates have? You can kite them, you have access to modules that disable/stun, you can cloak. There are ways to fight, but are there any real frigate killers? Like a counter to them or an ability? 

 All in all its beta and they are testing, this is all data they will used to balance and eventually fix the game. I’m still having lots of fun, but seriously is there an anti frigate?

An Interceptor can’t take down a Frigate currently.  


A Frigate can’t stop an Interceptor winning the game, though. 

Everything depends on the weapon and organizations opposing team. Assuming that I am in the Empire and use fighter with plasma, frigate Jericho pose no threat me and I destroy them within 10-15 seconds. If it goes unnoticed to the frigate and will fly on around her, attacking, there is no chance that it will hit us. Although inceptor not doing too much damage to the frigate, but let’s be honest, inceptor is virtually impossible to destroy when uses his speed wisely and with caution.

Personally, I think the reason frigates seem OP to some players is a lack of co-ordination, and whilst I appreciate how hard it is to form a cohesive attack without a good squad, it could be argued that this is the incentive to join a corp and start playing with a team.


I agree with this. 



In almost any game, there is always a favored class. In this case, it’s the frigate. 


It’s fun to play. you can do a lot of damage. take a lot of damage. I feel they are really quite balanced. They have obvious weaknesses, and really can’t do much when a fast ship gets up close. The problem is, it’s not always possible to get up close (kill zones and proper defensive formations) and the skill cap for playing the frigate is too low for how good it is. 



Currently i’m not seeing a lot of incentive for organized play. arcade matches go so fast, it doesn’t matter much. I’d rather see improvements to matchmaking, and possibly individual rankings and/or tiers to show progression of skill, and give an idea of how you rank against other players. 


The leaderboards are ok, but a tiered system is better. if there are a large number of players, someone ranked 4000 might be roughly equivalent to someone ranked 4500. you can’t really see this with a straight leaderboard. not to mention you might be below the top X% to even show up on the leaderboard. 


The game types are very straight forward, and anyone who’s played PvP in almost any other RPG will be familiar with these types of PvP modes.


  1. The game isn’t ‘true’ competitive. (You can buy power) so balance isn’t as important. Simply put, you can’t find a good place to put the balance line because the premium options will either be too OP, or not worth the cash because the cost isn’t worth the increase in stats. In a game like League of Legends, it’s much easier to balance. because you can calculate a given champions DPS over a time frame. Everyone has access to the same things, and player skill determines how you get those things. Here, we can buy power. therefore it’s impossible to balance at a competitive level. 


  1. While there is a pre-match lobby, you can’t have a squad with more than 2 people without paying. Obviously, the more people you play with in a squad, the better experience you’ll have. you’ll learn each others weaknesses, you can look out for eachother, etc. there’s more incentive for team play when you’re playing with people you know and trust. There’s less incentive for organized play because you can’t access it for free. even guilds require someone to pay. Not everyone wants to join a clan/guild. but most people would like to be able to play with their friends. There’s a whole other thread about this, but this is the #1 thing that should change about the game. we need to be able to play with a full squad for free, or via a permanent unlock. not this BS where we have to pay ~10 USD/month. especially because of point 1.


  1. ‘Risk/Reward’ could be adjusted for the lighter, faster ships. Frigates are generally safe. and on certain maps, the reward for playing (lots of kills, gratification because of kills/assists or winning) these ships in w/e style is much larger than the risk involved. Compared to an interceptor, the risk is much higher. you’re easier to kill. you do less damage, and the skill cap for playing this ship is higher. Therefore it’s higher risk with a lesser reward. this isn’t appealing to some people. so shifting the risk/reward for the lighter ships is what needs to happen. It’s also not clear for newer players on how to deal with frigates. not to mention that the pay ship for each faction is a frigate at tier 1, your first experience against pay vs. free can be very negative. 


Really, all ships/weapons should have both a pay and credit option (excpetion being exclusive DLC options, Founders options, or seasonal options). Wait times should be added after the purchase of a ship. So we’re not buying it off the shelf, we’re commissioning it to be built. You can help fill the balance gap via the wait as well. smaller, lighter ships take less materials, so they can be built faster. Big ships like frigates require more materials and take longer, but are more powerful. loot at the end of the stage can also be turned into crafting materials to add additional time sinks to incentivize the convenience of the pay purchases vs. working on getting it for free. 





  1. Risk/Reward for frigates is too low compared to say, the interceptor. That is, the reward for playing a frigate is too high vs the risk of playing it at the skill cap of playing the frigate. Especially compared to an interceptor. 


  1. Pay only options for the most powerful ships/weapons of any given tier destroy any ability to truly balance ships. Either the pay options will be OP, thus incentivizing their purchase and making money for the company and alienating part of the playerbase, or they will not be worth the purchase because they are too close in power to free options and we actually have good balance, but there’s no incentive to spend money on a good game.


All ships and weapons need to be purchasable with credits, and all ships/weapons need to have a pay option. To incentivize pay purchases, wait times should be implemented after a purchase before you can use the item. (IE: you comission the ship to be built, vs buying it off the shelf)