Limit numbers of class type

I’m just spitballing off the top of my head here:


We all know that PVP matches can be very lopsided, especially when it’s a 4 vs 4 group and one side is totally outfitted with ECM. It becomes an “ECM-fest” for lack of a better word and makes anything approaching a fair fight nearly impossible.


I think a limit needs to be placed all the number of ALL types of ships that can be used in a match. Say a 25% cap?  In a small PVP group of 4 v 4, you could only have one of ANY ship type in play per team. In a larger group of 12 vs 12 it would be 3 of any type. I have no idea how you would implement it, maybe a ranking preference by slot, with a random player selected in the event of a tie.


Someone poke holes in my idea if you can.

Matchmaking can be tricky and it’s already way too long to enter a match.

In a perfect world were queue is permanently instant for 12 vs 12 battle, I’m all for a limit in ship role.


Currently : no.

People will bring one-two ships to the match to fool that system (because we cant exclude completely person from match he joined). This solving nothing. We need better balance between ship classes and their implants.

I noticed an increase in a really annoying tactic that is good for domination and beacon hunt.  It is the “recon-fest”.  it has been a widely used tactic in sec con and higher tiers, but I have seen it come to t3 now, which is a shame.


Not sure what can be done about this.  People are allowe to fly what they want, and this should remain the case.

I noticed an increase in a really annoying tactic that is good for domination and beacon hunt.  It is the “recon-fest”.  it has been a widely used tactic in sec con and higher tiers, but I have seen it come to t3 now, which is a shame.


Not sure what can be done about this.  People are allowe to fly what they want, and this should remain the case.

 Make a good frigball and defend only two beacons. It is the best counter to recon spam.


In Beacon hunt people use guard frigballs with destructor in tier 4 and tier 5, and it is impossible to win without another frigball in your own, or at least another destructor.

This suggestion has already been discussed before. It will only frustrate players and increase queue times. It might work in big battles but in a 4v4 this would mean that each role is only allowed to be played by one person.

 Make a good frigball and defend only two beacons. It is the best counter to recon spam.


In Beacon hunt people use guard frigballs with destructor in tier 4 and tier 5, and it is impossible to win without another frigball in your own, or at least another destructor.


Downside with this is that only increases the growing problem of frigballs being everywhere. 


Not only are frigballs annoying to fight against, they are incredibly boring to play (for me at least). I would much rather engage in close-range combat with ceptors or fighters than sit 3-4k away in a frigate shooting at anyone who pokes their head out. 


On the note of recon-spam: Tacklers and covops/ecm. Get a tackler to slow the recon and the covops/ecm to help kill it. 


Back on topic: people should be allowed to fly what they want. If you are having trouble with ECM spam, remember that their stuns have a diminishing return. So slap a proton wall on your ships, and after a few stuns, they will have very little effect.

This is a good suggestion. IMO. Mm need not be increased. First come, first serve. If everyone happens to launch into a game with the same 3 ships (like, all each player had is recon, for example) they are exempt. However, by order of load time, the slots would fill, and the taken classes would be greyed out, and is automatically changed to another ship class that is not taken.

MM doesn’t need any changes to implement this. It would make things much more fair.

But to be fair about being fair, I personally don’t mind a team of one ship class. There is a counter to everything.

As stated by Error queue time would increase if those changes would be implemented , which would frustrate players even more, therefore the answer to the suggestion is a  no. Perhaps later Devs would consider it.