Light Cruisers?

It would be cool to see other user piloted ships that are in the destroyer/cruiser/battleship/dreadnought class.

Light cruisers would be a little bit longer than destroyers but have a lot more width to them. Speeds would be a bit slower but hull and shields would be 1.5x better than destroyers, 2x the amount of guns and maybe more modules.

For matchmaking, you could only have a max of two per match, and they could only get unlocked for the pilot in battle once the player base in battle is past 10 players on both sides. (similar to how CVs work in world of warships.)

Would something like this work?

(Off topic, but I’ve never seen a battleship. Only dreadnoughts. Are battleships even in the game?)

-1 Destros are more than enough for game changing classes, no more plox

Destroyers are the pinnacle of heavy stuff in the game, can’t see anything else topping that for the time being without ending in total chaos.

1 hour ago, ORCA1911 said:

Destroyers are the pinnacle of heavy stuff in the game, can’t see anything else topping that for the time being without ending in total chaos.


But, that’s one thing I’d like about light cruisers is that they would just basically be a more tankier version of a destroyer, not a lighter version of a battleship. Destroyers are nice, but having different types of destroyers is always nice to see.

Anyways, just thought I’d share my thoughts.

If they add bigger ship then destroyers, it’ll be like dreads : Not controlled by the player and not in PvP.

But it would be quite fun to add cruisers to the dread battles isn’t it ?



Anyway we can have destroyer that aren’t of the suppressor class. Maybe we’ll have destroyers of the obliterator class, who knows ?

I’d love to see more cruiser-like ships in new PvE missions with a more detailed damage model. So you wouldn’t just shoot turrets and engines of, but whole parts and components. And for examle, destroying the bridge would just turn it into a hulk of metal speeding through space, shooting your way through the armor and getting to the reactor would make it blow up etc… Hell, I’d even love to fly one of those, but definitely not in PvP. Perhaps if there was a PvP mode when every team had a few of those, controlled by AI, and the goal would be to take out the other side’s cruisers down. But I guess there are already Dreadnought battles for that ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 

2 hours ago, FilthHound said:

I’d love to see more cruiser-like ships in new PvE missions with a more detailed damage model. So you wouldn’t just shoot turrets and engines of, but whole parts and components. And for examle, destroying the bridge would just turn it into a hulk of metal speeding through space, shooting your way through the armor and getting to the reactor would make it blow up etc… Hell, I’d even love to fly one of those, but definitely not in PvP. Perhaps if there was a PvP mode when every team had a few of those, controlled by AI, and the goal would be to take out the other side’s cruisers down. But I guess there are already Dreadnought battles for that ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 

The thing I don’t like about cruisers in game right now is that they’re not really cruiser like. They look like big transport ships with a bunch of little turrets attached to it.

A revamp in cruiser design would be nice.

And does this game even have an AI controlled battleship?

No battleships that I’d know of. Only Dreadnoughts, then the PvE Cruiser and then Destroyers. I guess there could be room for a lot of improvements in that regard. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) Perhaps the current Frigates should be reclassified as Corvettes and Stargem could add a new Frigate class - something between the current Frigates and Destroyers. One for each tier of every faction. I’d love to fly an oversized Anaconda, that ship model is just sooo pretty ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

16 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

If they add bigger ship then destroyers, it’ll be like dreads : Not controlled by the player and not in PvP.

But it would be quite fun to add cruisers to the dread battles isn’t it ?

Anyway we can have destroyer that aren’t of the suppressor class. Maybe we’ll have destroyers of the obliterator class, who knows ?


2 hours ago, HBZK100 said:

The thing I don’t like about cruisers in game right now is that they’re not really cruiser like. They look like big transport ships with a bunch of little turrets attached to it.

we could have more variants with less tiny things attached as sayed ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

1 hour ago, FilthHound said:

No battleships that I’d know of. Only Dreadnoughts, then the PvE Cruiser and then Destroyers. I guess there could be room for a lot of improvements in that regard.


Keep in mind that this game is rather arcade than it is simulation so far.

On 15.10.2016 at 7:00 PM, FilthHound said:

I’d love to fly an oversized Anaconda, that ship model is just sooo pretty ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

That school bus has a nice vibe to it. I like it a lot too. Might aswell go ahead and say it is the most successful regular ship design for me.

Also the Crusader seems just about right from the jericho side of view, i have a feeling t3 ships got a bit extra attention than the rest.

I was thinking about that aswell, a light destroyer of sorts that would fill in the role between the two classes.

But, what would be their class role? Mini Suppressor? ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

I imagine they could be piloted the way destoyers are, either like a regular ship or with the ability to turn the broadside towards the enemy and shoot at them. With HP just slightly above current frigates and 6 guns with 4 firing on the broadside, (or 8 and 6) they shouldn’t affect the gameplay as much as the destroyers do.

A for the role. I guess that would depend on the faction. But I guess either some sort of a team-support role or a DPS oriented role to counter destroyers. The second option seems more viable since I feel like there’s currently a sort of a “power gap” between the current frigates and destroyers. And it would feel nice to fill it with a new type of ship. Besides, there can never be enough ships, right?

I’m not sure about a cruiser being available to all of us but I do agree that the cruiser in fs dc could use more attention to detail. Its a box with turrets attached. I recall the first time I played it and it intimidated me until I learned how to strafe and dodge the missiles. Now its just repetitive and would be cool to either create a new pve mission and/or put a little more twist on the already created mission. Lately I haven’t even been playing much pve due to just the same old thing.

As far as a battleship I kind of view the gunship as being that just in the arcade sense of things due to gunship not being quite as fast as other fighters but CAN be with the engine over charge and the spec mod for a short time. And a cruiser ideally would be a bit faster and have more fire power but weaker.