License Tiers

4 License tiers with increasingly better perks for each step up. The 3 names for each tier is to account for your desired naming convention of either ranks, metals, or descriptives.


Cadet/Bronze/Economy License
$5 per month
+50% Credits, Synergy
+1 Loot Search

Pilot/Silver/Standard License
$10 per month
+50% Credits, Synergy, Loyalty, Research
+2 Loot Search
x2 to Daily Monocrystal rewards

Ace/Gold/Premium License
$15 per month
+75% Credits, Synergy, Loyalty, Research
+3 Loot Search
x2 to Daily Monocrystal rewards
Fragments of Beryllium, Neodium, and Xenocrystals replace credit drops found commonly in loot search (10 fragments combine to make 1 ore)

Veteran/Iridium/Luxury License
$20 per month
2x Credits, Synergy, Loyalty, Research
+4 Loot Search, 
x3 to Daily Monocrystal rewards
Fragments of Beryllium, Neodium, Xenocrystals, and Monocrystals replace credit drops found commonly in loot search (10 fragments combine to make 1 ore)
50% Discount on Iridium Lab Extractions (Or alternatively, 2x yield, but same cost)


That’s a rather complex idea to implement but ill put it for review ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

we got this idea already…

The idea seems like a step to expand Premium license, and it’s good in it’s core. But for now we’re not planing to rework Prem licenses system at the moment.