licences and corps

just a thought i dont mind paying for a licence but as a corp ceo i have to pay for my corp every time it grows 10 or more ppl to open more slots plus the cost of my team speak and my clans forum page so far im in it for about $25 a month witch is fine but i than find my self having to pay out alot for licences so that i can have my teams playing in groups of more than 2 at the moment i an spending $40 a month as a corp leader just to keep my players  and my forum and Ts3 server up and running and playing in the game. I think some sort of corp licence should be thought of maybe a free licence for the ceo and 1 free license for a nominated pilot eg. officer every time you upgrade your corp size just a thought

You are the one who decided to run that corporation, how can you complain about having to pay to keep things running lol

You are the one who decided to run that corporation, how can you complain about having to pay to keep things running lol

Not complaining about the running cost but this is the first game i have played that costs to have a team in the game as well as out the game eg pay for license  and pay $5 for every 10 members you have in game as well just so thay can be in your corp i think it could be one or the other that is all what i dont like is dipping into my pocket for two in game fees i accept the cost of runing a clan have been doing it for years now

Well why are you paying them so they can play? They should pay it themselves if they wan’t to do things.

You know there’s something morally wrong with a business model when you see threads like these.

I somehow agree that there should be a corp buff that when the leader or another person in the corp gets, the whole corp cab get at least 15% -> 25% more in-game rewards etc, lasting several days or weeks.


Donno, seems like a fair idea, I’ve seen it in some games being done.

This makes 0 sense. 


A game like this will always be a niche market. The saddest part, is it has nothign to do with the game itself, how it plays, or the people it could attract. it’s the business model. The fact you can buy better ships and weapons will repel some players. The fact you have to pay to play with more than one friend will repel more people. The fact you have to pay to not only start, but maintain, a guild will repel even more people. 


If anything, you’re bringing a sense of community to the game. which is what makes people stay, continue to play, and get their friends to play. The game should be rewarding you for bringing people in and getting them to play together, not making you pay to do them a favor. There are a ton of things about this business model that are very shady and not friendly to the customer. The kinds of things that make people quit after a month or so. 


Big corporations should be given discounts, or at least an alternative way to pay for licences so they can play together. 


Perhaps a different type of currency that you can obtain by playing while tagged as your corporation (Bronze? as opposed to silver/gold). that can be put towards the corporation buying liscences for its members. 


Or better yet, get rid of the terrible squad limit and remove the need to pay for it at all. paying to start a corp is fine, but the BS where you need to continue to pay to make a clan makes absolutely no sense. you want people playing your game. this is what attracts more players. the more players you have, the more invested they will want to become. this will cause them to spend money. not hurdles to access basic content, like clans, playing with your friends, etc. 


Pay options really really really need to be convenience only. Add in wait times for buying ships/weapons. This game is becoming Pay to Win and it’s depressing. with this kind of BS, it might as well be a full blown subscription model. At least then people will have appropriate expectations when they see the game. Right now, ‘free to play.’ is almost a lie. 


it has a lot of potential that will be stiffed by a poor and archaic business model.

You pay to get stuff faster, that is your own problem if you can’t afford the piss cheap subscription (~35€ for 6 months?).

Why would someone pay to get stuff faster in game with progression system. It’s like playing <insert MMORPG> and get max level and items instantly. I dont need it and in fact i dont event want to get stuff faster, but what I do want is to enjoy the game without paying bills. Buying once is totally fine - you buy it, and its done, never think about it again, unfortunatelly this game does not provide that sort of option… IMO the whole problem is so called “F2P” business model as mentioned few post before me. And its actually taken to an extent(greedy) i’v never seen before, thou I haven’t really played much of any F2P games. The reason why I am still bi***ing around and not leaving, is that the game itself is not bad at all. Quite limited content, but what it is, is executed quite good.

Ohh what was the topick again? :blink2:

Ahh yeah… prices… They are silly! :facepalm:

Well it might have come out a bit wrong but there is no feel of “having to progress” like there is in WOT, I actually play this game because it is hell of a fun compared to WOT that is just a huge grind fest as it is barely any fun.

So I really don’t see the need to progress past T2 right now, especially considering how xxxx and dead it is at T3 and higher, so many things wrong there…

On a rare occasion I actually agree with you. It becomes much more fun when you consider the game just like any other action game i.e. Quake 3, where everyone is on equal footing, and only thing that seperate one from another is skill. Unfortunatelly then there come people with blue, green and purple stuff(wich you’v been complaing for awhile). And in the end who is better is decided by some weird mix of skill and amount spent grinding/paying actually money. And again went into total offtopick.

You pay to get stuff faster, that is your own problem if you can’t afford the piss cheap subscription (~35€ for 6 months?).


That’s not the point. if the game wanted a subscription model, it should be advertized as such. it’s advertized as F2P. when basic features, like being able to make a squad greater than 2, and play with your friends, are limited and you have to pay a subscription to do so…it’s not meeting expectations. 


Features/business models like this dont’ work in this market. you’re not being clear with your customers, so that means it will repel a lot of potential players. 

That’s not the point. if the game wanted a subscription model, it should be advertized as such. it’s advertized as F2P. when basic features, like being able to make a squad greater than 2, and play with your friends, are limited and you have to pay a subscription to do so…it’s not meeting expectations. 


Features/business models like this dont’ work in this market. you’re not being clear with your customers, so that means it will repel a lot of potential players. 


Works fine for WOT.

That’s not the point. if the game wanted a subscription model, it should be advertized as such. it’s advertized as F2P. when basic features, like being able to make a squad greater than 2, and play with your friends, are limited and you have to pay a subscription to do so…it’s not meeting expectations.

Features/business models like this dont’ work in this market. you’re not being clear with your customers, so that means it will repel a lot of potential players.

It is f2p, not f2do everything. Be happy pve isn’t restricted to paying players, be happy purple/blue/green items aren’t prem only.

Even without prem you can still play with friends, albeit not always on same team or with more than 2(unless another squad member has license) friends.

People think f2p means everything is equal. No. WoT has gold rounds, Vindictus has premium items like pets and resets, I could go on.

Now, seeing 3 man squads as the free cap would make people cry for 4 man squads instead. Etc etc.

It is f2p, not f2do everything. Be happy pve isn’t restricted to paying players, be happy purple/blue/green items aren’t prem only.

Even without prem you can still play with friends, albeit not always on same team or with more than 2(unless another squad member has license) friends.

People think f2p means everything is equal. No. WoT has gold rounds, Vindictus has premium items like pets and resets, I could go on.

Now, seeing 3 man squads as the free cap would make people cry for 4 man squads instead. Etc etc.


and the white knight appears. 


yet the most successful f2p games do not restrict content for a price. all pay options are vanity/convenience only. you can access everything, get all items (excepting vanity skins/color pallets and seasonal items)  without having to pay money. 


if PvE and purple/green items were premium only. i won’t even be here. I’d be playing a different game. 


why should i rely on a total crap-shoot luck of the draw to play with my friends? isn’t that what online gaming is about anyway? the social experience of being able to enjoy a game together? I know! Let’s completely alienate people by not allowing people to play with eachother! best business model EVAR!!!1!one1!


These kinds of things do not work beyond niche markets. I want the game to succeed. it’s a lot of fun. however that will not happen at this rate. 


WoT: I don’t play this. I started, then left because of a terrible business model. 


Vindictus: Character resets as a pay option is understandable. Pets are vanity only. 


As far as squad size, this should either be a permanent unlock or a completely free option. Imagine if League of Legends or DoTA made you pay to queue up with more than one friend. it would not make sense. why does it make sense here? 

and the white knight appears.

yet the most successful f2p games do not restrict content for a price. all pay options are vanity/convenience only. you can access everything, get all items (excepting vanity skins/color pallets and seasonal items) without having to pay money.

if PvE and purple/green items were premium only. i won’t even be here. I’d be playing a different game.

why should i rely on a total crap-shoot luck of the draw to play with my friends? isn’t that what online gaming is about anyway? the social experience of being able to enjoy a game together? I know! Let’s completely alienate people by not allowing people to play with eachother! best business model EVAR!!!1!one1!

These kinds of things do not work beyond niche markets. I want the game to succeed. it’s a lot of fun. however that will not happen at this rate.

WoT: I don’t play this. I started, then left because of a terrible business model.

Vindictus: Character resets as a pay option is understandable. Pets are vanity only.

As far as squad size, this should either be a permanent unlock or a completely free option. Imagine if League of Legends or DoTA made you pay to queue up with more than one friend. it would not make sense. why does it make sense here?

All valid points. And truth be told I agree with all of them. It would be nice for the devs to realize what works in the industry and what doesn’t, but I am happy the above restrictions in my list aren’t a reality.

All valid points. And truth be told I agree with all of them. It would be nice for the devs to realize what works in the industry and what doesn’t, but I am happy the above restrictions in my list aren’t a reality.


You’re not everyone. and we all have different limitations. it’s like auto-translation functions for some games. people who work 3rd shift will not be able to play at prime time for their language. In order to complete group content, they have to break both a learning curve and a language barrier. taht’s why things like that are needed. so we can socialize and interact with people from around the world. 


This game has a lot of potential. it’s fun to play. it has room to be very competitive. I’d love to see this be part of the MLG tournaments. but it never will be, because of the business model. it can’t be competitive because of the pay options for power. gaming brings out our competitive n ature, so it needs to cater and help bridge differences between skill and just paying