


  1. Be friendly, honest and communicate.
  2. Voice Comms (Mumble) required.
  3. Ask for advice or help whenever needed.
  4. Provide advice or help whenever possible and requested.
  5. Try to squad with squadron members whenever possible.
  6. Higher ranking players make an effort to squad with lower ranks for a little while every day to help their progress.
  7. Support squadron in dreadnought battles whenever available and requested.


  • Win / Loss ratio over 1.0, kills 2.0+ per battle, assists 4.0+ per battle (or otherwise recommended by squadron member).
  • Rank 7+ (Exceptions for capable pilots)
  • 100+ PVP matches completed (or otherwise recommended by squadron member).
  • Applicants must complete test flights with an officer prior to boarding.
  • Use of mumble required…
  • Pilots must be active daily, with no restriction to tiers, modes or roles, and should notify leadership with expected absence.
  • Pilots will be suspended following extended periods of inactivity, but may request to rejoin at any time after becoming active again.

Think your skills can contribute to Citadel Space?

Request a Test Flight Today!

Good Luck to your Corp :00999:

Hello and welcome!


What timezone are you? Also most corps including the Russian ones use Teamspeak, not mumble. So for intercorp relations, and for spec ops and stuff, it’s probably useful to have TS.

Thank you for the welcome, but it’s about 3 years late. There was a gap of about two years interim, but we’re back. We are not timezone specific - just English speaking.


That covered, we are aware of Conflict corporations using TeamSpeak as we have used it with them in the past (plus the TeamSpeak link at the top of this site is pretty obvious). If we want to talk to other corps for diplomatic reasons, we can always jump on their TS. Doesn’t mean we have to tie ourselves down with the same standard.


The reason we use Mumble is for latency reasons and scalability, use of external applications, Android/iOS, and web use, and we are not a strictly Conflict organization so we have other games to consider.



Thank you for the welcome, but it’s about 3 years late.


Well I have never met your corp before and I’ve been playing for two and a bit years :slight_smile:



That covered, we are aware of Conflict corporations using TeamSpeak as we have used it with them in the past (plus the TeamSpeak link at the top of this site is pretty obvious). If we want to talk to other corps for diplomatic reasons, we can always jump on their TS. Doesn’t mean we have to tie ourselves down with the same standard.


The reason we use Mumble is for latency reasons and scalability, use of external applications, Android/iOS, and web use, and we are not a strictly Conflict organization so we have other games to consider.


Fair enough!

Well I have never met your corp before and I’ve been playing for two and a bit years :slight_smile:


Thus the reason for creating this post finally.


Moving on…

I look forward to meeting you in space. :012j:

I look forward to meeting you in space. :012j:


MrTwiddlez :smiley: Back from muting yourself? :stuck_out_tongue:

I look forward to meeting you in space. :012j:

Likewise.  :012j: