level scaling

I have notice that when i get level 4 ship it is HARD near impossible to play any PVE missions because enemy ships came in much larger groups and those ships are VERY much better equipped then my ship.Please devs,make level scaling much smoother.This scaling is way too steep.It is like in fantasy mmo where you with character level 50 get in zone for level 70 toons.Please do something about that.my friends started to avoid game because of that

The PvE at the level is for ships of rank R4-R9, it is a cake walk at R9. Your best bet is to use a Guard Frigate for PvE, the Jericho ones are very good for this.

I have notice that when i get level 4 ship it is HARD near impossible to play any PVE missions because enemy ships came in much larger groups and those ships are VERY much better equipped then my ship.Please devs,make level scaling much smoother.This scaling is way too steep.It is like in fantasy mmo where you with character level 50 get in zone for level 70 toons.Please do something about that.my friends started to avoid game because of that

There are 3 levels of PvE difficulty. Tier 1, tier 3 and tier 5.


Unfortunatelly, that means that rank 4 and 5 are in a bit of a disadvantage in PvE, mostly if they have white stuff and not leveled up.


Engineers are the best PvE ships alongside with guards and long range frigates. The Hydra 1 - 2, the Templar, the Alligator, are all good for PvE, but it will always be good to have a tier 3 ship or so…


If you want to keep doing PvE, I would recommend you fit tier 1 ships meanwhile, and when you reach rank 5 or 6, then you can try PvE again. Or you can just ask in the chat for people with rank 9 ships to help you in PvE.


Since you brought the RPG example, this is like the MMORPG zones being 20-30 level. When you arrive at level 20, it is quite challenging, but when you get to level 28-30, it is a piece of cake.


Tier 1 difficulty here is damn easy, because it is meant for learning. Tier 3 difficulty is more of a challenge. Tier 5 difficulty is a guaranteed wipe if you don’t know what you are doing.