Legion of Steel

Legion of steel [LST]


Our web site is http://legionofsteel.forumotion.com/t1-welcome-to-our-forums-recruits


If you Run, you only die Tired.

If you hide, it just takes longer to kill you.

If you fight, you are a worthy opponent.


(last updated 7/19/2014)

Welcome to the game, hope you are successful with your corporation.

I would be interested in joining as I have been out for awhile and I see many different and new developments.

About me , well I don’t run as I am in your face kind of player , I try not to PO anyone of except those who deserve it

I like to learn and enjoy playing as a team. Hope this fits the mesh and hope to hear soon



I would be interested in joining as I have been out for awhile and I see many different and new developments.

About me , well I don’t run as I am in your face kind of player , I try not to PO anyone of except those who deserve it

I like to learn and enjoy playing as a team. Hope this fits the mesh and hope to hear soon



I need your in game name spelled the way it is spelled in game

Correct the spelling and grammar mistakes in the OP. Also add the last time updating thingy.

Happy flying.

I need your in game name spelled the way it is spelled in game


Invite sent



Invite sent

I am proud to let you all know that at this point we are almost out of available slots.

As you all know, people that join are to be under a certain amount of scrutiny from us and or themselves.

Is not at all a secret that no corporation keeps 100% of people that join its ranks, and a contributing factor would be desertion and lack of accommodation as well.

We are still going to accept requests and each request will be offered its fair chance and consideration.

Please be patient into having a reply to your post as well.


Legion of Steel is here to stay and preserve the status of our mighty Jericho.

Join us, fly safe and offer a honorable death to your enemy!

Yay, another Jericho corp!  I hope you guys soon join the epic fight for control of the galaxy against the evil opression of the Empire and the rebellion of the Federation!

Nooooooo… Go Fed! Come to the dark side! We have cookies!

I would be interested to join, i always play far, i never run, or hide, i always help my friends and everyone and on missions too, i’m almost to have t3 ships, my ID ingame its Zarkram.


Invite sent hope to see u on

As for going dark… I am A dark one. but never shall i go against family. Jericho that’s who i am and will always be.

Though i love some of the empire ships.
