'Leech' System [Module]

-‘Leech’ System (Would be available to all engineers rank 5 and up, would be found in OS)

Engineering Module

Cooldown: 60 seconds


Spawns a device on the field with 1500 hull points, this device will siphon shields from one enemy in a 4.5km area to one ally in a 4.5km area at a rate of (100,124,148,165) points per second, the device lasts until a new one is placed or the engineer dies.


This device is visually identical to a recon’s station, with the same size and hitbox


That’s like the Shield Havoc  :^) <---- My face remembering the night I spent on ST server to make sure the Quest was working the night before release Patch and makind Devs down from 666 Kills to 66.

2 hours ago, evo888 said:

-‘Leech’ System (Would be available to all engineers rank 5 and up, would be found in OS)

Engineering Module

Cooldown: 60 seconds


Spawns a device on the field with 1500 hull points, this device will siphon shields from one enemy in a 4.5km area to one ally in a 4.5km area at a rate of (100,124,148,165) points per second, the device lasts until a new one is placed or the engineer dies.


This device is visually identical to a recon’s station, with the same size and hitbox


You are to late, Tai’kin have this just name is different, damn intys ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

Recon is just faster than Engineer… that’s life


26 minutes ago, GatoGrande said:


You are to late, Tai’kin have this just name is different, damn intys ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

I don’t think it’s the same thing, this doesn’t spot, this works with shields, not hulls, and this heals allies, not the xxxx’kin using it