League tokens

Add the League events, tokens, and prizes to the actual game. This will reduce strain on staff and allow for any players who participate to have an opportunity to get the prizes by playing more. Restricting the game is such a way is no fun for anyone unless they are already at the top. Let the little guys play too! ^^


No, it’s manually operated system, there’re no coding there, and it’s made for Leagues exclusively. We have restored th leader board twice already, there’re no “little guys” any more. Just try to participate in matches after next wipe. You will not meet pro teams untill you’re in Elite, only the challangers like you ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) 

2 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

No, it’s manually operated system, there’re no coding there, and it’s made for Leagues exclusively. We have restored th leader board twice already, there’re no “little guys” any more. Just try to participate in matches after next wipe. You will not meet pro teams untill you’re in Elite, only the challangers like you ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) 

Good to know. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

3 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

No, it’s manually operated system…

The hamsters people! The hamsters are real!  ![:p:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/p.png “:p:”)