Launched to Invasion and ended up in weird "solo match" with bizzare ship and invalid set of modules

I launched to Invasion earlier tonight (approx 10:20 UK time) in Empire space.


The launch took much longer that usual, and it displayed a screen implying I was entering a battle (with my team consisting of me alone, vs. an enemy team of about 20 ships; and all of us “disconnected”).


Whn I finally got in, I found myself in a really weird-looking ship, with a spectre module, a Valkyrie module, a heavy guard drone, and a pulsar (yes, that’s two Guard modules, a Tackler module, and a Command module), and armed with a devestator (which I don’t have any of).  And no Special module.


The top of the screen Showed "Allies 0 0 Enemies"as though I was in a game, and a mushed-up “Domination” beacon status tracker.


(See attached screen shot).


There was noone else around.


The station defence turrets were hostile, and killed me before I could properly explore or gate to another sector.



When I died, the display switched to a battle map display, showing that I was in a “game” (“Battle mode: none” and “Objective: none”), solo, with three ships loaded (non of which were actually in my hanger).  See second  third image.


Edited: When I died, the display switched to the second image, which doesn’t show any ship or game mode info.  Pressing Tab switched to the third image, which does.


The game stayed on this display, and wouldn’t let me respawn or quit.  (I had to Alt-F4 out and restart Star Conflict, after which everything worked normally).






Other information:

  1. Description of the problem, what happened.

> As described above


  1. What did you expected to happen.

> To launch into Invasion normally


  1. The conditions during the situation.

> As described above

  1. Further details on the issue.

> n/a


  1. Frequency of occurrence.

> Never seen this before, not happened since.


  1. Logs + [screenshots](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18799-how-to-takepost-screenshots/) or a video (Including a description of the issue, where to and how to reproduce it)

> Attached


  1. If possible, the time when it happend. In this case we will be able to look more closely to the server logs. Also mention your time zone.

> Approx 10:20 UK time


  1. Information on the configuration of your computer (DxDiag)

> attached


  1. The results of this [program](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25324-info-connection-losses-high-ping-and-related-issues/) if the bug report is related to connection issues.

> n/a


  1. If the complaint is related to Sector Conquest, it is necessary to specify the location and time + timezone of the happening.

> n/a



[bug logs](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8984)

[DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8985)



I launched to Invasion earlier tonight (approx 10:20 UK time) in Empire space.


The launch took much longer that usual, and it displayed a screen implying I was entering a battle (with my team consisting of me alone, vs. an enemy team of about 20 ships; and all of us “disconnected”).


Whn I finally got in, I found myself in a really weird-looking ship, with a spectre module, a Valkyrie module, a heavy guard drone, and a pulsar (yes, that’s two Guard modules, a Tackler module, and a Command module), and armed with a devestator (which I don’t have any of).  And no Special module.


The top of the screen Showed "Allies 0 0 Enemies"as though I was in a game, and a mushed-up “Domination” beacon status tracker.


(See attached screen shot).


There was noone else around.


The station defence turrets were hostile, and killed me before I could properly explore or gate to another sector.



When I died, the display switched to a battle map display, showing that I was in a “game” (“Battle mode: none” and “Objective: none”), solo, with three ships loaded (non of which were actually in my hanger).  See second image.


The game stayed on this display, and wouldn’t let me respawn or quit.  (I had to Alt-F4 out and restart Star Conflict, after which everything worked normally).






Other information:

  1. Description of the problem, what happened.

> As described above


  1. What did you expected to happen.

> To launch into Invasion normally


  1. The conditions during the situation.

> As described above


  1. Further details on the issue.

> n/a


  1. Frequency of occurrence.

> Never seen this before, not happened since.


  1. Logs + [screenshots](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18799-how-to-takepost-screenshots/) or a video (Including a description of the issue, where to and how to reproduce it)

> Attached


  1. If possible, the time when it happend. In this case we will be able to look more closely to the server logs. Also mention your time zone.

> Approx 10:20 UK time


  1. Information on the configuration of your computer (DxDiag)

> attached


  1. The results of this [program](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25324-info-connection-losses-high-ping-and-related-issues/) if the bug report is related to connection issues.

> n/a


  1. If the complaint is related to Sector Conquest, it is necessary to specify the location and time + timezone of the happening.

> n/a



Wow… Um…


It looks like a fusion from Dragon Ball Z.

Well, besides being a really cool looking bug, that’s really weird. By the way, that ship is actually in the game – it’s the Razor, a tier 2 federation premium tackler.

script (ui\scripts\windows\playerswnd.lua@0): UI.PlayerSlot_ShipWnd:UpdateState()[ERROR]: unhandled state 0

This line shows up a bunch in the game log.

When I first read your post, before seeing the screenshots, I thought “what ahs that guy smoked?”.  And then I saw the screenshots.


I have no idea what happened there, it is like nothing I have seen before.  The map you were in is definitely the Empire station, but I don’t know why you have what looks like the domination mode counters at the top.


I don’t understand what you said about their being 20 other disconnected ships?  Do you have a printscreen of this?

I want that build for a tackler ;-;

I want that build for a tackler ;-;

I want a pulsar on everything.

i think the game just spat you into one of the devs/testers super secret Uberships

I don’t understand what you said about their being 20 other disconnected ships?  Do you have a printscreen of this?


Sorry, I didn’t think to take a screenshot then.


What I meant is:


Imagine the loading screen you get when entering a Skirmish game, with your team listed on the left and the enemy team on the right (and if anyone has disconnected while the match was loading they will be labelled “disconnected”).


Well, like that, except:

* The loading screen was for Station Guardian 17, not any skirmish map

* I was the only person on my “team”

* The opposing “team” had about 20 ships in it.  (I didn’t count them, but it was a lot more than I’ve ever seen in a real match, even in the old days).

* Everyone was marked as “disconnected” (including myself, I think).



PS: I attached a wrong screenshot earlier.  (It was from the same bug, but didn’t match my description of it).  I’ve added the correct one as well.

I want an orion on EVERYTHING, just like franks red hot sauce. I put that **** on everything.




​Im surprised that the devs haven’t responded yet. It must be too much of a mystery.

Removed by Author 


*Moves to Guardian Station and undocks/docks 9001 times*

What ship were you undocking in and with what main weapons/modules?


*Moves to Guardian Station and undocks/docks 9001 times*

What ship were you undocking in and with what main weapons/modules?


Oh I see what you are doing… You are trying to get a hybrid ship by exploiting glitches aren’t you?

Of course I am. XP

I am a fox aren’t I? X3

Oh, and to op: Did you keep the weird ship after you died?

And the fact that it has Empire engines on a Jericho Razor ship is just fantastic~

It is a bug. 0051375

The most awesome bug ever. Or is it? What do you guys think was/is the best bug in game? 

So…you died from station defence turrets… lol

It is a bug. 0051375

So if it’s a bug what ship is that? I haven’t seen it before.

I launched to Invasion earlier tonight (approx 10:20 UK time) in Empire space.

The launch took much longer that usual, and it displayed a screen implying I was entering a battle (with my team consisting of me alone, vs. an enemy team of about 20 ships; and all of us “disconnected”).

Whn I finally got in, I found myself in a really weird-looking ship, with a spectre module, a Valkyrie module, a heavy guard drone, and a pulsar (yes, that’s two Guard modules, a Tackler module, and a Command module), and armed with a devestator (which I don’t have any of). And no Special module.

The top of the screen Showed "Allies 0 0 Enemies"as though I was in a game, and a mushed-up “Domination” beacon status tracker.

(See attached screen shot).

There was noone else around.

The station defence turrets were hostile, and killed me before I could properly explore or gate to another sector.

When I died, the display switched to a battle map display, showing that I was in a “game” (“Battle mode: none” and “Objective: none”), solo, with three ships loaded (non of which were actually in my hanger). See secondthird image.

Edited: When I died, the display switched to the second image, which doesn’t show any ship or game mode info. Pressing Tab switched to the third image, which does.

The game stayed on this display, and wouldn’t let me respawn or quit. (I had to Alt-F4 out and restart Star Conflict, after which everything worked normally).

Other information:

  1. Description of the problem, what happened.

> As described above

  1. What did you expected to happen.

> To launch into Invasion normally

  1. The conditions during the situation.

> As described above

  1. Further details on the issue.

> n/a

  1. Frequency of occurrence.

> Never seen this before, not happened since.

  1. Logs + [screenshots](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18799-how-to-takepost-screenshots/) or a video (Including a description of the issue, where to and how to reproduce it)

> Attached

  1. If possible, the time when it happend. In this case we will be able to look more closely to the server logs. Also mention your time zone.

> Approx 10:20 UK time

  1. Information on the configuration of your computer (DxDiag)

> attached

  1. The results of this [program](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25324-info-connection-losses-high-ping-and-related-issues/) if the bug report is related to connection issues.

> n/a

  1. If the complaint is related to Sector Conquest, it is necessary to specify the location and time + timezone of the happening.

> n/a

the quality of the screenshots is bad can you post them again? Im curious about that ship

So if it’s a bug what ship is that? I haven’t seen it before.

Jericho “Razer” ship with empire engines.

EDIT: And a hellofa lot more hull and shield strength than the normal one, combined with the fact that its modules and weaponry are from 4 different ship classes and it has no main module.

Oh, and did I mention it has a fricking pulsar? I used to put that *** on everything. XD

Maybe it’s some hybridised dreadnought defence ship ;p 9k energy wth lol. Did the ship turn slow like a frigate or fast like a fighter?