Launched to Invasion and ended up in weird "solo match" with bizzare ship and invalid set of modules

Maybe it’s some hybridised dreadnought defence ship ;p 9k energy wth lol. Did the ship turn slow like a frigate or fast like a fighter?


I want to know its DPS.


*Moves to Guardian Station and undocks/docks 9001 times*

What ship were you undocking in and with what main weapons/modules?

Can’t remember exactly - probably either a recon (Black Bomber or Berserker) or tackler (Tiger II), with mostly survival modules.  (weapons would have been the homing plasma thingy, or singularity).



Oh, and to op: Did you keep the weird ship after you died?



the quality of the screenshots is bad can you post them again? Im curious about that ship

What’s wrong with them?  And how would reposting make a difference?


Maybe it’s some hybridised dreadnought defence ship ;p 9k energy wth lol. Did the ship turn slow like a frigate or fast like a fighter?

Fast, like a (fast and agile) fighter.

I want to fly it so bad…

But I want a Hunter more.

I want to fly it so bad…

But I want a Hunter more.

Lol i want a Defiler than i just activate pulsar and everything dies

Lol i want a Defiler than i just activate pulsar and everything dies


That would be vicious.