Lasers Patch 0.6.0 Feedback

Standard Laser:

Seems to be to strong. Instant hit, long range, no overheating. I would add some overheating.

Energy saving Laser:

Seems balanced, but I need some more testing.

Long Range Laser:

Not tested yet.

Heavy Laser:

Not tested yet.

The spread on the Econ laser seems abit harsh.

Trying standard laser and found they r great and well balanced, they r not affected by the weird"slow barrel" and this is really great lol

In the end they are the only weapons i can use without being disappointed.

Can’t try anything else coz i spent all the money to reequip ships after this patch

Actually there IS overheating for standard lasers, but it needs to be faster I think

Standard lasers are op. Everyone is using them now.

They are not overpowered they simply works the way that should lol

Other weapons are weird with that slow barrel and low firing rate, that’s all :slight_smile:

They are not overpowered they simply works the way that should lol

Other weapons are weird with that slow barrel and low firing rate, that’s all :slight_smile:

Yeah I am thinking slow barrel needs a tiny speed increase, perhaps 5%?

i think at least 25-30% on mid range weapons maybe 5-10% on long range ones :wink:

i think at least 25-30% on mid range weapons maybe 5-10% on long range ones :wink:

Yeah something, because I like the feature and understand why they implemented it but during combat no one wants to wait 30 seconds for their gun to turn to their target…

Frigates with assault lasers are sniping interceptors.

Frigates with assault lasers are sniping interceptors.

-sigh- I almost think a rollback would be better then trying to balance this mess then re-add the stuff one by one in a new version. Or something, ugh.

@ post below ~ I’ve put lasers on ints before.

I saw a few interceptors with lasers yesterday ^^

Frigates with assault lasers are sniping interceptors.

I strongly believe some weapons should only go on certain ships - if you want to play with lasers, fine, fly a frigate - else live with the other weapons available for your ship

-sigh- I almost think a rollback would be better then trying to balance this mess then re-add the stuff one by one in a new version. Or something, ugh.

@ post below ~ I’ve put lasers on ints before.

if only…

if only…

Heh I don’t know how real development teams do it but I keep several backups and copies of my project so if I mess up or make any changes I don’t like I can always return to a better version.

Games like this are much larger though so probably harder to copy.

Heh I don’t know how real development teams do it but I keep several backups and copies of my project so if I mess up or make any changes I don’t like I can always return to a better version.

Games like this are much larger though so probably harder to copy.

Every programmer keeps a back up :slight_smile: But there is not only the english forum, there is also the russian forum and there is also feedback to collect and than it will be judged how to go on.

Every programmer keeps a back up :slight_smile: But there is not only the english forum, there is also the russian forum and there is also feedback to collect and than it will be judged how to go on.

well thanks for supportying us in english forum error :slight_smile: But i really hope that russian guys/childs giving feeds in russian forum are not the same lamers ruining the gameplay lol

Keep up with the good work

Heh I don’t know how real development teams do it but I keep several backups and copies of my project so if I mess up or make any changes I don’t like I can always return to a better version.

Games like this are much larger though so probably harder to copy.

i hope they’re using proper version control like ‘git’ (everything else would actually scare me)

i hope they’re using proper version control like ‘git’ (everything else would actually scare me)

They probably do but I don’t, I just keep a bunch of folders and follow timestamps.

Last year on university I had to learn to use git, but I still prefere to make safe copies on other devices.

Lasers need to be ranged nerf with a bat out of hell.

They shouldent hit anything beyond 4k. Their damage should be increased to compensate. the primary reason for this is because of all the massive amounts of range weapons we dont have a balance mix, we have lots of camping, and we need to balance it to be

Plasma : Fast, close range, moderate damage. low reload.

Laster : Duration, Mid range, Moderate to high damage, No reload, just cooldown. If its projectile, moderate reload.

Raid: Slow, Long range, High damage, High reload.

What i would like to see is a diverse effect for weapons. For example

Rapid fires become “Projectile” based.

All Other beams are “Stream effect” (like assault lasers) If not, they are projectiles (like heavy plasma projectiles)

all hailstorm weapons should be projectile based and have the same pattern ment to blanket an area, with high rate of fire, and low damage


Lasers should be something like this

Laser (normal)

Dmg 200

range 2.8k

duration channeled : 10 second

Laser (Hailstorm)

Dmg: 150

range 3.2k

Projectile (x 7)

Laser (pulse)

Dmg 230

range 2.6k

Projectile (x2)

reload 4 seconds (the same as heavy plasma, but should do slightly less damage) to shields and more to armor

Heavy laser

dmg: 320

range 3k

duration channel : 12s

Assault laster

dmg 360

range 2.2k

duration: 8 seconds.