Large Map Suggestion - The Shattered Planet

What I think is an interesting map idea could be added in the future, maybe in a big update of sorts where the story progresses; introducing a new faction (?) and maps.

For now the map is going to be known as “The Shattered Planet” and as the name suggests, the map features a shattered planet which immediately means this map is BIG. Imagine a battle going on inside a massive gap between a planet destroyed by war with debri floating in between and tunnels inside each side of the planet for ships to fly through (Tunnels wouldn’t be narrow, rather quite big) then lead to a side of the planet which features a ruined cityscape. Battles would require atleast 32 a side to achieve a large scale battle feel.

As expected, the opposing teams would spawn on opposite sides of the planet and move in; eventually meeting at the gap and battling it out until one team gets pushed back far enough that the other team can begin to capture their outposts. Also, players will not be able to fly around the planet as too much floating debri would be in your way and not even the most skilled pilot would manage to get past the barrier!

I’m aware this isn’t a well fleshed out map suggestion, my main objective for this post is to just give the devs a rather neat idea for them to toy about with! I’d appreciate your opinions and added ideas too :slight_smile:

I’m all for big maps, sounds awesome. But when you look at the scale of the ships and compare them to a planet’s size, I think it’s very unlikely a map would include a planet to fly through and around. An asteroid , moon, or a space station seems more realistic in terms of development

I’m all for big maps, sounds awesome. But when you look at the scale of the ships and compare them to a planet’s size, I think it’s very unlikely a map would include a planet to fly through and around. An asteroid , moon, or a space station seems more realistic in terms of development

Yeah though this would be a good idea for clan battles with huge dreadnought ships.

I like the idea of big maps, but the thing i see with them is : They need to be 3D. Sure, you can move up- and dowanwards, but the structures on the map are pretty “flat”, they are all one level and only a little bit is higher or lower, which makes maps a bit uninteresting for advanced tatctics. Enemys are mostly one level, that yhould be changed imo.

I like the idea of big maps, but the thing i see with them is : They need to be 3D. Sure, you can move up- and dowanwards, but the structures on the map are pretty “flat”, they are all one level and only a little bit is higher or lower, which makes maps a bit uninteresting for advanced tatctics. Enemys are mostly one level, that yhould be changed imo.

I think the maps are already 3D, the ruins of buildings are flat but that is their depiction of space colonies I am assuming, so take the Asteroid fields for example ~ that would represent what the innards of a shattered planet would look like except it would be pieces of the planet and not simply asteroids.

There is already three dimensional movement in the game so I don’t really get your post.

Imho the maps feel a bit “Flat”. Sure, youm have your heights and depths, but i would like a map with more “depth”, maybe a vertical space structure ?

Imho the maps feel a bit “Flat”. Sure, youm have your heights and depths, but i would like a map with more “depth”, maybe a vertical space structure ?

Yeah I see what you mean, well if you keep yourself aligned with the planet in view and then maneuver around those space colonies it can get interesting but I agree, we need much more of a variety (which I am sure they are working on, we just have to wait!).