there needs to be some talk about the way your license is set up right now. i can’t tell you how many people have said they wont play the game because of it. its turning into a p2p. is this how the game is set up only in beta? or is this how its going to be on release
let me clarify.
THIS GAME IS AMAZING. but i feel like its going to die fast its already gone down 3k users when i get online. and i play 9 hours a day. ive already put my money in. and i would hate to see it die.
will be no wipes. It is an official information. Noone is forced to pay. If you wish to support devs team then you’ll donate. However, you can play for free without any problems. The game is trully pay2notgrind and here is no pay2win or pay2play mechanics. I know many high ranked free to play players who didn’t paid ever. But sometimes they wishes to thank developers and buying stuff…
How is this p2p? I’m without a licence and still got up from Empire tier 2 to tier 3 in one day, and that is more or less comparable to my Federation rate of progress.
Me thinks you don’t understand what licences do at all.
shouldn’t you be thankful that you can still play without even pay them single nickle? what’s wrong with people these day? why they’re so cheap???
marketed as f2p i already put over 60bucks in. ← not cheap. but when all i hear is my license ran out im not playing that game. and average online is 1000 down from 4k?
Must have missed the part where they put a gun to your head and asked you to pay. Never paid a cent. You chose to do it BY YOURSELF and it is now someone else’s fault? Grow up and take some responsibility for your own actions. That is what people mean by being an adult.
marketed as f2p i already put over 60bucks in. ← not cheap. but when all i hear is my license ran out im not playing that game. and average online is 1000 down from 4k?
You will be able to play even without license. t1-t3 techs are very cheap in repairs. Without license you will gain a lesser income and slower development.
You will be able to play even without license. t1-t3 techs are very cheap in repairs. Without license you will gain a lesser income and slower development.
i understand this. i also know you can’t have more than 2 in a squad. without a license. IM set personally i have like another 2 months left so this isnt affecting me. but alot of people i know.
i understand this. i also know you can’t have more than 2 in a squad. without a license. IM set personally i have like another 2 months left so this isnt affecting me. but alot of people i know.
just one of squad members need a license for 4 ppl squad.
Well since I never put money in and my licence has expired, I must be one of those that you say must be suffering. Oh the agony!! Oh the pain!! Oh the sarcasm!!!
I’m fine thanks for your concern, my upward climb may be slower, but it is still unending and unstoppable. I just hope they don’t open T5 before I finish T4 on all the 3 Empires. Factions I’ll give it a miss, too draggy.
Well since I never put money in and my licence has expired, I must be one of those that you say must be suffering. Oh the agony!! Oh the pain!! Oh the sarcasm!!!
I’m fine thanks for your concern, my upward climb may be slower, but it is still unending and unstoppable. I just hope they don’t open T5 before I finish T4 on all the 3 Empires. Factions I’ll give it a miss, too draggy.
im not compalining about the grind. ill play the game i dont care how much i get. i enjoy the game.
Pfff grinding goes too fast with licenses anyway, atm im lvl 8 @ both empire factions, lvl 9 empire iteselve, level 8 both fed faction, with level 8 federation, and im level 6 in jericho…
And that all in like 4 or 5 day, thats not slow, thats too fast grinding with the license …
Like this im gonna be done within one week >.>
Thats not a grind, thats buying a ticket to the end …
so to play with 4 people you have to pay? see this is what im saying.
Im not sure who lied to you,but u can make a full squad EVEN without license,license at some point is used to support Dev Team,as stated above,it does indeed gives you rep bonuses and stuff,but it doesn’t make the game p2win by ANY means.
There is quite a bit of denial in this thread. However, I think it is pretty obvious that the playercount has decreased significantly after the expiration of the complimentary license. Who knows if it is really because of the license ending, or many players just happened to get bored over that amount of time. A few days ago, at this hour (off-peak), there would be around 2k people online. Now it is 500. Anyway, Gaijin has access to the player login data and its up to them to decide if license is really the issue or not.
Personally, I am not really sure if it is license, I think people might just be realizing how much grind is required for T3/T4, and this likely turns off the average player. Of course hardcore players who accept high grind are okay with this (every game has hardcores that will accept any amount of grind). The license thing only stands out due to this underlying issue of high T3/T4 grind.
Guys, original poster NEVER SAID the game is Pay to Win, he said is Pay to Play. People should read.
Somehow he is right, but have you people played World of Tanks ? Grind is much worse there… and see the success they having.
Guess space combat is a bit less popular thank World War games nowadays. Let’s hope Star Citizen changes that in the future.
Anyways, I’m in T3, never payed, and still enjoying the game (I just play 4-5 battles a day, not a lot)… I can understand that if you play 30 battles a day you get tired of it sooner than others.