Killability?! Why not?

One of the few things i really liked in tne last patch is the survivability shown for each ship…That is a great idea and very helpful in settings modules and stuff on the ship…So i thought…why not doing the same with attacking skills…?That would be really great if you devs will find a way to introduce a new parameter…Killability! Obviously it should put in the count all values about the weapon dps, rate of fire, crit chance, mods etc… but i think it would be great to such a value shown in every ship preview…What do you think guys? If you like the idea…support lol

I’m fairly sure “Killability” would be how easy is is to kill it, so you might want a different name.

I believe the “DPS” figure of a gun already incorporates rate of fire and crit chance. It would be a nice quality-of-life improvement to show the total DPS of a ship in its stats, just multiply gun DPS by the number of turrets.

I’m fairly sure “Killability” would be how easy is is to kill it, so you might want a different name.

I believe the “DPS” figure of a gun already incorporates rate of fire and crit chance. It would be a nice quality-of-life improvement to show the total DPS of a ship in its stats, just multiply gun DPS by the number of turrets.


true but there lot of ship modifiers, passive modules and mods that can increase, rate of fire power, speed, or reducing spread and so on and for sure each of them should increase the kiillability too :wink:

DPS would already factor in modules that affect rate of fire and crit chance. Problem is how would you express the effect of increased projectile speed or reduced spread? It’s totally situational. The Survivability number is a simple calculation of HP x average resist. It doesn’t take in to account whether you have flares, a shield booster, how small your hit box is, how fast you are or any of the other 10 things that affect your actual survivability, and it shouldn’t, because you can’t model it so it’s better not mislead the pilot by trying. Same for “Killability”.

DPS does not contain crit dmg