"Kidnap" Crystal

4 hours ago, mael9740 said:

Ellydium destroyer, max speed 700m/s, have a laser beam of death dealing 1mil dmg per second as main weapon.

Ellydium destroyer will be able to use dissectors from the big alien destroyer, the emitter of a defiler, and can launch torps that can 1 shot anything

1 hour ago, Swifter43021 said:

I already suggested a rework of return crystal :


30 seconds cooldown

On activation, instantly jumps 2k5m forward. All entitied within 200m radius of the landing point are teleported to the activation point.

You then have 20 seconds to reactivate the module, instantly warping you back to where you activated it before.

The cooldown of the module starts after the second activation.



I suggest 5km maximum distance+remove the kidnapping effect

10 hours ago, Elusif said:

You have lots of damage and lots of survivability

lol… yeah… about that… I lasted 10 seconds here



19 hours ago, InfernalSam said:

I suggest 5km maximum distance+remove the kidnapping effect

I think removing only “kidnaping” enemies effect is enough, because helping allies retreat to safe place is very useful + not making distance limit because 5km its not enough for safe retreat.

14 hours ago, specopsbarton said:

I think removing only “kidnaping” enemies effect is enough, because helping allies retreat to safe place is very useful + not making distance limit because 5km its not enough for safe retreat.

the unlimited range is just unfair and broken. Last time, I was about to finish off this Tai’Kin, but it jumped back to its spawn point

On 13/05/2017 at 8:35 PM, InfernalSam said:

I suggest 5km maximum distance+remove the kidnapping effect

Then remove the 1.5 second activation time ; the 2 second blind after warp ; and the ability to destroy the beacon with a single disable.


Outside of stealing ships, return crystal is useless due to these extreme limitations.

the fact that you can place the crystal anywhere on the map and instantly teleport is good enough. There shouldn’t be any “kidnapping” effect. Also, why the F*CK are the bubbles HOMING?! Who the hell came up with this?! You can’t even dodge them! So when there are 30 bubbles, they are ALL going to hit you. And the damage is ridiculous too… Can’t wait for another meta + this fuckery gets nerfed.

14 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

You can’t even dodge them! So when there are 30 bubbles, they are ALL going to hit you

Yesterday when I was engi captain I dodged them somehow by flying as fast as possible forward also I had luck he didnt got kidnap crystal…but the problem was even if I somehow dodged them and taikin was alone from enemy team, my team just couldnt destroy him…FULL TEAM VS ONE SHIP FAILED!!!

8 minutes ago, specopsbarton said:

Yesterday when I was engi captain I dodged them somehow by flying as fast as possible forward also I had luck he didnt got kidnap crystal…but the problem was even if I somehow dodged them and taikin was alone from enemy team, my team just couldnt destroy him…FULL TEAM VS ONE SHIP FAILED!!!

Yep! came across a dojo player the other day in CTB which I think was the only good player on the opposing team yet it took all of us to take him out and took almost the entire match ducking and dodging most gunfire and capping at the same time to finally kill him.


Taikin can maneuver unbelievably well on a good computer with low ping and the beamer with kidnapping thing is just messed up. Sure kidnap them fine whatever but then kill the ship too in a few seconds by yourself is just bs especially if using vigilant.


When they do that to me I just kill everyone else and ignore the taikin which normally gets me a few kills; a few times I destroyed the whole enemy team when someone did that to me. lmao; be careful who you kidnap…

No, return crystal without steal is utterly useless. 

Why pick a special with so many downsides, when you can pick one with none? 


Return crystal and quantum are quite bad in comparison to the default/jump crystal/jump drive specials. 

11 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

No, return crystal without steal is utterly useless. 

And that’s where you’re wrong.

1 hour ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

And that’s where you’re wrong.

Oh ? Argumentation needed here.

Because I spent quite some time using all the different modules.


Return Crystal did not have the steal thingy in beta test ; and it made him far worse then other options. 

In 99% of the situations; jump crystal, jump drive or even the default special will be better.


With Return crystal, there are a LOT of weaknesses :

  • 2 seconds blind after warp. 

  • 1.5 second activation

  • A single desable destroy the beacon

  • No mobility ; you have to spend a lot of time traveling to place your beacon correctly

  • The destroy can be destroy using guns -> You have to place it far from everywhere -> travel even more

  • Beside using it close to one specific key location, it’s easy to loose the track of it’s position

  • The beacon is visible to enemies, even 10km away


In the end, without steal there’s only one real use  : Defend beacons that are far away from anything, in really big maps. 

Which other jump specials can do too, without all these maluses. That’s even more obvious with jump crystal.


WIthout steal, nobody would use return crystal.

I honestly think the kidnapping thingy ma-whatever is pretty cool but its a bit abused. It should be more for protecting your team and getting your cap out fast or warping your ally destroyer in a good spot so he can kill a bunch of them then get him out and junk like that but warping someone into enemy lines and using Beamer and just destroying whoever you warped in seconds is the problem.


Recon is hard as ballz to hit with proper circumstances so it doesn’t need to have super duper mega op gunfire


Recons role: Is not the same as covops, gunship or destroyer yet its just as powerful if not more…

1 hour ago, xXConflictionXx said:

Recons role: Is not the same as covops, gunship or destroyer yet its just as powerful if not more…

Yes, and to describe better Recon role is ONLY to spot enemies, reveal their positions to team and extend view range.

But what we have currently in recon taikin? Mini destroyer (big damage), ECM (kidnaping enemies), Tackler (slowing enemies by crystal sattelite), and ofcourse recon, which speed/manuovers are better than any other ship in game…
Oh I forgot to add rabbit (too much teleporting/jumping)! xD

5 minutes ago, specopsbarton said:

Yes, and to describe better Recon role is ONLY to spot enemies, reveal their positions to team and extend view range.

So, recon are supposed to be useless ?

3 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

So, recon are supposed to be useless ?

They never been.

and talkin is just broken.

4 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

So, recon are supposed to be useless ?



28 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

They never been.

I cant agree with this, because recon is very limited in Star Conflict - for example many ships can have very long view range, can take fast beacons, there is not enough big maps from which “artillery” could benefit from extended view by recon - this makes recon very low efficient.

28 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

and talkin is just broken.


Why you guys keep asking for nerf on the last op ship released?

Apart that it’s useless (it’s an intentional cheap and ridicolous way to monetize), what do you want to achieve?


They understand that this wuold have been profitable, even if it means making them self the laughing stock of internet playing. 'Cause there are people able to defend them even when they are raped hard, it’s called stockolm sindroms. And when those guys are not enough to defend this rape happened to the whole game, they starts with fake accounts to do “damage control”  


Stop arguing about last op ship,  it’s useless. I feel bad for the few devs who really put their efforts in this game, being humiliated with such a shamefull wallet milking behave by the publisher must be really hard to handle.


So, please, stop arguing about last op bs. They will keep doing this: release op $$ stuffs, let people buy them, nerf them, release a new op $$. Rinse and repeat.


So please, as players, don’t get fooled everytime by this milking scheme. Don’t argue anymore.




More rules; don’t do this and don’t do that… *smh*

29 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

More rules; don’t do this and don’t do that… *smh*

The hole you digged after tellin me that you are a mature grown up boy and tralalala wasn’t deep enough?


I have screenshots of your pm, you know…